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找到 關(guān)鍵詞 包含"esphagogram" 1條結(jié)果
  • 食管吞鋇造影及造影后CT平掃在診斷梨狀窩瘺中的價值探討

    摘要:目的:通過食管吞鋇造影及造影后CT平掃檢查提高梨狀窩瘺的診斷率。方法:平臥位左、右、前、后斜位和頭低足高位食管吞鋇后透視觀察有無鋇劑外漏后,行CT平掃檢查。掃描范圍上起口咽部,下至胸骨上窩,層距厚3 mm。掃描后圖像作多層面重建處理。結(jié)果:透視下見到瘺管3例,另3例經(jīng)CT多層面重建隱約見到瘺管,但14例均可見漏出的鋇劑滯留影,可判斷瘺管的存在。結(jié)論:食管吞鋇造影及造影后CT平掃可提高對梨狀窩瘺診斷的敏感性和診斷率。Abstract: Objective: To improve the diagnosis rate of the pyriform sinus fistula by means of esphagogram and CT scan after esphagogram. Methods:To observe whether there is the leakage of barium by Xray check after barium swallowed in the five positions of body, followed by CT scan. The scanning ranges from oropharyngeal to Waterloo on sternum. The thickness is 3mm. The image is dealt with multidimensional reconstruction after the scan. Results:Among fourteen cases, the fistula can be seen in three, and be indistinctly seen after the multidimensional reconstruction of CT scan in the other three ones. All The fourteen cases show the trace of the leakage of barium, which helps to prove the existence of pyriform sinus fistula. Conclusions: Esphagogram and CT scan after esphagogram contribute the sensitivity of the diagnosis of pyriform sinus fistula, and improve the diagnosis rate.

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