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找到 作者 包含"余小燕" 1條結果
  • 膠囊內鏡在小腸疾病診斷的臨床應用

    【摘要】 目的 探討膠囊內鏡對小腸疾病的診斷價值及順應性和安全性?!》椒ā》治?009年4月-2010年3月對35例疑有小腸疾病者行膠囊內鏡檢查的臨床資料?!〗Y果 35例中發(fā)現小腸病變26例 (74.3%),包括血管畸形9例,間質瘤1例,息肉2例,小潰瘍 1例,非特異性炎癥 11例,寄生蟲2例,其中 4例患者同時存在兩種病變。所獲取的圖像質量良好。膠囊胃內運行平均時間為 62 min(5~460 min),小腸運行時間為 347 min(103~538 min),平均到達盲腸時間為384 min (120~540 min),平均記錄時間為547 min(299~605 min),平均獲取照片數為54 766張,膠囊排出體外時間平均為33 h(10~120 h)。受檢者順應性良好,無任何并發(fā)癥發(fā)生?!〗Y論 膠囊內鏡是一種對小腸疾病具有較高的檢出能力;其安全性高、順應性好 。【Abstract】 Objective To investigate the diagnostic value of capsule endoscope for small intestine diseases, and to evaluate the compliance and security of capsule endoscopy. Methods The clinical data of 35 patients who underwent capsule endoscopy due to small bowel diseases between April 2009 and March 2010 were retrospectively analyzed. Results In the 35 patients, 26 (74.3%) had intestine diseases including vascular malformation in nine, interstitialoma in one, polyp in two, aphtha in one, non-specific inflammation in 11 and parasite in two; 4 patients had two lesions simultaneously. The quality of the obtained images was good. The average running time of the capsules in the stomach ranged from five to 460 minutes with an average time of 62 minutes. The running time of the capsules in the small intestine ranged from 103 to 538 minutes with an average of 347 minutes. The running time of the capsules arriving at the cecum ranged from 103 to 538 minutes with an average of 347 minutes. The time of the capsules egested out ranged from 10 to 120 hours with an average of 33 hours. The recording time ranged from 299 to 605 minuets with an average of 547 minutes. The mean acquired images were 54 766 pieces, The patients had good compliance, and none had any complications. Conclusion The capsule endoscopy had high security and good compliance. It has high detectivity in diagnosing small intestine diseases.

    發(fā)表時間:2016-09-08 09:24 導出 下載 收藏 掃碼
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