• 第三軍醫(yī)大學西南醫(yī)院全軍肝膽外科研究所、中國人民解放軍西南肝膽外科醫(yī)院(重慶400038);

引用本文: 何振平. 肝膽管結石并發(fā)肝膽管癌. 中國普外基礎與臨床雜志, 2006, 13(4): 375-377. doi: 復制

1. J Gastroenterol Hepatol, 2002; 17(9)∶1015.
2. Dig Dis Sci, 2000; 45(2)∶312.
3. Dig Dis Sci, 2001; 46(10)∶2166.
4. Intestinal type cholangiocarcinoma of intrahepatic large bile duct associated with hepatolithiasis——a new histologic subtype for further investigation [J]. Hepatogastroenterology, 2002; 49(45)∶628.
5. Intraductal papillary neoplasia of the liver associated with hepatolithiasis [J].
6. Hepatology, 2001; 34(4 Pt 1)∶651.
7. Cholangiocellular carcinoma depending on the kind of intrahepatic calculi in patients with hepatolithiasis [J].
8. Hepatogastroenterology, 2002; 49(43)∶96.
9. 何振平, 鄭樹國, 范林軍, 等. 肝切除治療肝膽管結石(附644例報告) [J]. 中華肝膽外科雜志, 2000; 6(3)∶175.
10. 左田哲生, 北川裕久, 萱原正都, 他. 肝內(nèi)結石癥ごの慢性增殖性膽管炎におけゐnerve growth factor (NGF)蛋白の發(fā)現(xiàn)につぃて [J]. 膽と膵, 1998; 19∶1067.
11. 何振平, 劉永雄, 黃志強. 肝膽管結石的臨床病理類型 [J]. 解放軍醫(yī)學雜志, 1986; 5∶342.
12. 黃志強著. 黃志強膽道外科 [M]. 濟南: 山東科學技術出版社, 1999∶589.
13. 宇都宮成洋, 郭功楷, 橫火田和記, 他. 肝內(nèi)結石癥的乳頭括約筋機能 [J]. 膽と膵, 1998; 19∶1029.
14. 葉永強, 董家鴻. 肝膽管結石合并膽管癌的臨床分析 [J]. 中國實用外科雜志, 2004; 24(8)∶485.
15. 顧紅光, 何振平, 范林軍, 等. 原發(fā)性肝膽管結石與繼發(fā)性肝膽管癌 [J]. 中華肝膽外科雜志, 2000; 6(3)∶181.
16. 王友順, 黃宗海, 姜宏, 等. 肝膽管結石合并肝膽管癌的診斷與治療 [J]. 中國實用外科雜志, 1997; 17(9)∶545.
17. 黃長玉, 黃建富, 殷鳳峙, 等. 肝膽管結石合并肝膽管癌臨床特征的探討 [J]. 肝膽外科雜志, 2001; 9(2)∶91.
18. 吳金術, 朱朝庚, 易為民, 等. 肝內(nèi)肝膽管結石并膽管癌的診治體會(附18例報告) [J]. 肝膽外科雜志, 2001; 9(6)∶427.
19. 林國樂, 趙玉沛, 張家敏, 等. 肝膽管結石合并膽管癌(附16例報告) [J]. 中華肝膽外科雜志, 2000; 6(3)∶183.
20. Chijiiwa K, Ohtani K, Noshiro H, et al.
21. Lee CC, Wu CY, Chen GH. What is the impact of coexistence of hepatolithiasis on cholangiocarcinoma? [J].
22. Chen MF, Jan YY, Hwang TL, et al. Impact of concomitant hepatolithiasis on patients with peripheral cholangiocarcinoma [J].
23. Chen MF, Jan YY, Jeng LB, et al. Intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma in Taiwan [J]. J Hepatobiliary Pancreat Surg, 1999; 6(2)∶136.
24. Lu SC, Yan LN, Rao LQ, et al. Down stream in volvement of the bile duct in hepatolithiasis [J]. Chinese Medical Journal, 2002; 115(1)∶62.
25. 袁枚, 黃志強. 肝內(nèi)膽管結石與肝膽管癌的病理組織學觀察 [J]. 中華病理學雜志, 1982; 11∶95.
26. 李銳, 韓本立, 彭志明, 等. 膽管癌及肝膽管結石膽管上皮不典型增生細胞DNA含量研究 [J]. 中華消化雜志, 1992; 12(3)∶143.
27. 周德輝, 黃長玉, 殷鳳峙. 肝膽管結石合并肝膽管癌cyclin D1、 P27Kipl Ki67的表達及意義 [J]. 福建醫(yī)科大學學報, 2000; 34(3)∶255.
28. Lee KT, Liu TS. Altered mucin gene expression in stonecontaining intrahepatic bile ducts and cholangiocarcinomas [J].
29. Bae JY, Park YN, Nakanuma Y, et al.
30. 蔡欣然, 黃長玉, 殷鳳峙. 堿性成纖維細胞生長因子及其受體在肝膽管結石并發(fā)肝膽管癌中表達的意義 [J]. 中華消化雜志, 2000; 20(2)∶99.
31. Chen TC, Nakanuma Y, Zen Y, et al.
32. Sato M, Watanabe Y, Ueda S, et al. Intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma associated with hepatolithiasis [J]. Hepatogastroenterology, 1998; 45(19)∶137.
33. Yeh CN, Jan YY, Chen MF. Influence of age on surgical treatment of peripheral cholangiocarcinoma [J]. Am J Surg, 2004; 187(4)∶559.
34. Chu KM, Lo CM, Liu CL, et al. Malignancy associated with hepatolithiasis [J]. Hepatogastroenterology, 1997; 44(14)∶352.
  1. 1. J Gastroenterol Hepatol, 2002; 17(9)∶1015.
  2. 2. Dig Dis Sci, 2000; 45(2)∶312.
  3. 3. Dig Dis Sci, 2001; 46(10)∶2166.
  4. 4. Intestinal type cholangiocarcinoma of intrahepatic large bile duct associated with hepatolithiasis——a new histologic subtype for further investigation [J]. Hepatogastroenterology, 2002; 49(45)∶628.
  5. 5. Intraductal papillary neoplasia of the liver associated with hepatolithiasis [J].
  6. 6. Hepatology, 2001; 34(4 Pt 1)∶651.
  7. 7. Cholangiocellular carcinoma depending on the kind of intrahepatic calculi in patients with hepatolithiasis [J].
  8. 8. Hepatogastroenterology, 2002; 49(43)∶96.
  9. 9. 何振平, 鄭樹國, 范林軍, 等. 肝切除治療肝膽管結石(附644例報告) [J]. 中華肝膽外科雜志, 2000; 6(3)∶175.
  10. 10. 左田哲生, 北川裕久, 萱原正都, 他. 肝內(nèi)結石癥ごの慢性增殖性膽管炎におけゐnerve growth factor (NGF)蛋白の發(fā)現(xiàn)につぃて [J]. 膽と膵, 1998; 19∶1067.
  11. 11. 何振平, 劉永雄, 黃志強. 肝膽管結石的臨床病理類型 [J]. 解放軍醫(yī)學雜志, 1986; 5∶342.
  12. 12. 黃志強著. 黃志強膽道外科 [M]. 濟南: 山東科學技術出版社, 1999∶589.
  13. 13. 宇都宮成洋, 郭功楷, 橫火田和記, 他. 肝內(nèi)結石癥的乳頭括約筋機能 [J]. 膽と膵, 1998; 19∶1029.
  14. 14. 葉永強, 董家鴻. 肝膽管結石合并膽管癌的臨床分析 [J]. 中國實用外科雜志, 2004; 24(8)∶485.
  15. 15. 顧紅光, 何振平, 范林軍, 等. 原發(fā)性肝膽管結石與繼發(fā)性肝膽管癌 [J]. 中華肝膽外科雜志, 2000; 6(3)∶181.
  16. 16. 王友順, 黃宗海, 姜宏, 等. 肝膽管結石合并肝膽管癌的診斷與治療 [J]. 中國實用外科雜志, 1997; 17(9)∶545.
  17. 17. 黃長玉, 黃建富, 殷鳳峙, 等. 肝膽管結石合并肝膽管癌臨床特征的探討 [J]. 肝膽外科雜志, 2001; 9(2)∶91.
  18. 18. 吳金術, 朱朝庚, 易為民, 等. 肝內(nèi)肝膽管結石并膽管癌的診治體會(附18例報告) [J]. 肝膽外科雜志, 2001; 9(6)∶427.
  19. 19. 林國樂, 趙玉沛, 張家敏, 等. 肝膽管結石合并膽管癌(附16例報告) [J]. 中華肝膽外科雜志, 2000; 6(3)∶183.
  20. 20. Chijiiwa K, Ohtani K, Noshiro H, et al.
  21. 21. Lee CC, Wu CY, Chen GH. What is the impact of coexistence of hepatolithiasis on cholangiocarcinoma? [J].
  22. 22. Chen MF, Jan YY, Hwang TL, et al. Impact of concomitant hepatolithiasis on patients with peripheral cholangiocarcinoma [J].
  23. 23. Chen MF, Jan YY, Jeng LB, et al. Intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma in Taiwan [J]. J Hepatobiliary Pancreat Surg, 1999; 6(2)∶136.
  24. 24. Lu SC, Yan LN, Rao LQ, et al. Down stream in volvement of the bile duct in hepatolithiasis [J]. Chinese Medical Journal, 2002; 115(1)∶62.
  25. 25. 袁枚, 黃志強. 肝內(nèi)膽管結石與肝膽管癌的病理組織學觀察 [J]. 中華病理學雜志, 1982; 11∶95.
  26. 26. 李銳, 韓本立, 彭志明, 等. 膽管癌及肝膽管結石膽管上皮不典型增生細胞DNA含量研究 [J]. 中華消化雜志, 1992; 12(3)∶143.
  27. 27. 周德輝, 黃長玉, 殷鳳峙. 肝膽管結石合并肝膽管癌cyclin D1、 P27Kipl Ki67的表達及意義 [J]. 福建醫(yī)科大學學報, 2000; 34(3)∶255.
  28. 28. Lee KT, Liu TS. Altered mucin gene expression in stonecontaining intrahepatic bile ducts and cholangiocarcinomas [J].
  29. 29. Bae JY, Park YN, Nakanuma Y, et al.
  30. 30. 蔡欣然, 黃長玉, 殷鳳峙. 堿性成纖維細胞生長因子及其受體在肝膽管結石并發(fā)肝膽管癌中表達的意義 [J]. 中華消化雜志, 2000; 20(2)∶99.
  31. 31. Chen TC, Nakanuma Y, Zen Y, et al.
  32. 32. Sato M, Watanabe Y, Ueda S, et al. Intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma associated with hepatolithiasis [J]. Hepatogastroenterology, 1998; 45(19)∶137.
  33. 33. Yeh CN, Jan YY, Chen MF. Influence of age on surgical treatment of peripheral cholangiocarcinoma [J]. Am J Surg, 2004; 187(4)∶559.
  34. 34. Chu KM, Lo CM, Liu CL, et al. Malignancy associated with hepatolithiasis [J]. Hepatogastroenterology, 1997; 44(14)∶352.