• 昆明市第一人民醫(yī)院暨昆明醫(yī)學院附屬甘美醫(yī)院肝膽胰一科(昆明650011);

目的  探討重組人生長激素對腸道屏障功能的保護作用及其機理。方法  復習近年來國內、外相關文獻并進行綜述。 結果  重組人生長激素能使腸黏膜細胞和免疫細胞增殖、防止細胞凋亡,對抗NO、細胞因子及內毒素對屏障功能的損傷,增加腸道對谷氨酰胺的攝取和利用來維持腸黏膜的完整性和功能,以此維持腸道的屏障功能。結論  重組人生長激素通過不同的途徑保護腸道屏障功能。

引用本文: 劉威,王欣博,童中勛,王治康,李立. 重組人生長激素對腸道屏障功能的保護作用. 中國普外基礎與臨床雜志, 2009, 16(11): 948-951. doi: 復制

1. Smith JR, Benghuzzi H, Tucci M, et al.The effects of growth hormone and insulin-like growth factor on the proliferation rate and morphology of RAW 264.7 macrophages [J]. Biomed Sci Instrum, 2000; 36: 111-116.
2. Waters MJ, Hoang HN, Fairlie DP, et al. New insights into growth hormone action [J]. J Mol Endocrinol, 2006; 36(1): 1-7.
3. Redelman D, Welniak LA, Taub D, et al. Neuroendocrine hormones such as growth hormone and prolactin are integral members of the immunological cytokine network [J].Cell Immunol, 2008; 252(1-2): 111-121.
4. 石毅, 趙玉沛, 廖泉, 等. 生長激素對胰腺癌移植瘤細胞周期及宿主IGF-1與小腸黏膜形態(tài)的影響 [J]. 中國實用外科雜志, 2007; 27(10): 829-833.
5. 宋國棟, 王德昌, 賈軍, 等. 重組人生長激素對燒傷大鼠腸粘膜結構及細胞凋亡的影響 [J]. 中華燒傷雜志, 2002; 18(4): 207-209.
6. 秦爽, 賀育蘭, 楊靜, 等. 重組人生長激素對內毒素誘導人巨噬細胞產生TNF-α、IL-1β含量的影響 [J]. 中國感染控制雜志, 2008; 7(1): 9-11.
7. 郭光華, 蔡晨, 李國輝. 腸內免疫營養(yǎng)聯(lián)合重組人生長激素對燙傷大鼠的治療作用 [J]. 中國危重病急救醫(yī)學, 2006; 18(1): 42-45.
8. 王興鵬, 王冰嫻, 吳建新, 等. 生長激素對實驗性急性壞死性胰腺炎腸道細菌移居的影響 [J]. 中華消化雜志, 2000; 20(3): 171-174.
9. Scopa CD, Koureleas S, Tsamandas AC, et al. Beneficial effects of growth hormone and insulin-like growth factor Ⅰ on intestinal bacterial translocation, endotoxemia, and apoptosis in experimentally jaundiced rats [J]. J Am Coll Surg, 2000; 190(4): 423-431.
10. Yang ZW, Li JG, Mao XG, et al, Effects of recombinant human growth hormone on intestinal translocation of bacteria and endotoxin in rats with obstructive jaundice [J]. Hepatobiliary Pancreat Dis Int, 2005; 4(3): 445-449.
11. 黃英, 王樹人, 應明英, 等. 重組人生長激素對敗血癥大鼠的實驗治療 [J]. 中國病理生理雜志, 2003; 19(9): 1253-1256.
12. 周彤, 伍曉汀, 羅婷, 等. 生長激素對脂多糖刺激大鼠腹腔巨噬細胞NO產生及iNOS mRNA表達的影響及意義 [J]. 華西醫(yī)學, 2006; 21(3): 535-537.
13. 徐一洲, 黃煌, 曹玥, 等. 重組人生長激素對敗血癥大鼠炎癥調控網絡的影響 [J]. 華西藥學雜志, 2007; 22(2): 142-144.
14. Berni Canani R, Cirillo P, Mallardo G, et al . Growth hormone regulates intestinal ion transport through a modulation of the constitutive nitric oxide synthase-nitric oxide-cAMP pathway [J]. World J Gastroenterol, 2006; 12(29): 4710-4715.
15. Lobie PE, Breipohl W, Waters MJ. Growth hormone receptor expression in the rat gastrointestinal tract [J]. Endocrinology, 1990; 126(1): 299-306.
16. Jeay S, Sonenshein GE, Postel-Vinay MC, et al. Growth hormone can act as a cytokine controlling survival and proliferation of immune cells: new insights into signaling pathways [J]. Mol Cell Endocrinol, 2002; 188(1-2): 1-7.
17. 馬少林, 王曉紅, 楊曉軍, 等. 創(chuàng)傷-失血性休克與細胞免疫功能的臨床研究 [J]. 寧夏醫(yī)學雜志, 2007; 29(7): 605-606.
18. 于勇, 盛志勇, 田惠民, 等. 大鼠燙傷后腸道免疫屏障損傷的實驗研究 [J]. 中華整形燒傷外科雜志, 1996; 12(2): 86-89.
19. 劉海波, 孫少川, 鄭春寧, 等. 重組人生長激素對腸缺血再灌注大鼠腸壁IgA漿細胞凋亡及P53基因表達影響的實驗研究 [J]. 中國現(xiàn)代普通外科進展, 2006; 9(6): 337-339.
20. 孫少川, 鄭春寧, 劉國勤, 等. 重組人生長激素對大鼠腸道缺血再灌注后腸壁組織T淋巴細胞亞群和漿細胞凋亡的影響 [J]. 中華實驗外科雜志, 2006; 23(5): 605-606.
21. Hiroki Mitsunakaa, Hiroaki Dobashia, Makoto Satoa.Gr-owth Hormone prevents fas-Induced apoptosis in lymphocytes through modulation of Bcl-2 and Caspase-3 [J]. Neuroimmunomodulation, 2001; 9(5): 256-262.
22. 王輝, 鄧潔英, 史軼蘩. 生長激素調節(jié)T淋巴細胞的功能 [J]. 中國免疫學雜志, 2000; 16(9): 480-484.
23. Matarese LE, Abu-Elmagd K. Can growth hormone and glutamine reduce parenteral nutrition requirements in patients with short-bowel syndrome? [J].Nat Clin Pract Gastroenterol Hepatol, 2006; 3(4): 194-195.
24. Shulman DI. Gastrointestinal effects of growth hormone [J]. Endocrine, 2000; 12(2): 147-152.
25. Byrne TA, Wilmore DW, Iyer K. Growth hormone, glutamine, and an optimal diet reduces parenteral nutrition in patients with short bowel syndrome: a prospective, randomized, placebo-controlled, double-blind clinical trial [J]. Ann Surg, 2005; 242(5): 655-661.
26. Ray EC, Avissar NE, Salloum R, et al. Growth hormone and epidermal growth factor upregulate specific sodium-dependent glutamine uptake systems in human intestinal C2BBe1 cells [J]. J Nutr, 2005; 135(1): 14-18.
27. Jeay S, Sonenshein GE, Kelly PA, et al. Growth hormone exerts antiapoptotic and proliferative effects through two different pathways involving nuclear factor-kappaB and phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase [J]. Endocrinology, 2001; 142(1): 147-156.
28. Jeay S, Sonenshein GE, Postel-Vinay MC, et al. Growth hormone prevents apoptosis through activation of nuclear factor-kappaB in interleukin-3-dependent Ba/F3 cell line [J]. Mol Endocrinol, 2000; 14(5): 650-661.
29. Darmaun D, Hayes V, Schaeffer D, et al. Effects of glutamine and recombinant human growth hormone on protein metabolism in prepubertal children with cystic fibrosis [J]. J Clin Endocrinol Metab, 2004; 89(3): 1146-1152.
30. Bogazzi F, Russo D, Locci MT. Apoptosis is reduced in the colonic mucosa of patients with acromegaly [J]. Clin Endocrinol (Oxf), 2005; 63(6): 683-688.
31. Baixeras E, Jeay S, Kelly PA, et al. The proliferative and antiapoptotic actions of growth hormone and insulin-like growth factor-1 are mediated through distinct signaling pathways in the Pro-B Ba/F3 cell line [J]. Endocrinology, 2001; 142(7): 2968-2977.
32. Jeschke MG, Herndon DN, Finnerty CC, et al. The effect of growth hormone on gut mucosal homeostasis and cellular mediators after severe trauma [J]. J Surg Res, 2005; 127(2): 183-189.
33. 宋軍, 劉金鋼, 王勇, 等. 生長激素對實驗性梗阻性黃疸時腫瘤壞死因子α的影響 [J]. 中國醫(yī)師雜志, 2006; 8(12): 1596-1597.
34. 劉敏豐, 高志光, 秦環(huán)龍. 生長激素和谷氨酰胺對膿毒癥大鼠細胞因子和氨基酸代謝的影響 [J]. 中國普外基礎與臨床雜志, 2006; 13(5): 535-539.
35. 梁志剛, 劉錫麟, 李江, 等. 重組人生長激素對重度燒傷后細胞因子的影響 [J]. 中華燒傷雜志, 2002; 18(1): 49-51.
36. Sodhi A, Tripathi A. Prolactin and growth hormone induce differential cytokine and chemokine profile in murine peritoneal macrophages in vitro: involvement of p-38 MAP kinase, STAT3 and NF-kappaB [J]. Cytokine, 2008; 41(2): 162-173.
37. 潘云萍, 鐘湧, 李建華, 等. 嚴重創(chuàng)傷后腸黏膜屏障損傷及生長激素治療作用的臨床研究 [J]. 中國危重病急救醫(yī)學, 2007; 19(8): 496.
38. 黃鵬, 熊炯炘, 王春友, 等. 生長激素和生長抑素聯(lián)合應用對重癥急性胰腺炎患者腸黏膜屏障保護作用的研究 [J]. 臨床外科雜志, 2007; 15(3): 178-180.
39. 劉波, 鄧宇, 許瑞云. 谷氨酰胺與重組人生長激素對肝硬化患者腸黏膜屏障的影響 [J]. 醫(yī)學臨床研究, 2006; 23(10): 1598-1600.
40. 湯照峰, 凌云彪, 郝崢, 等. Gln和rhGH對門脈高壓癥術后腸粘膜屏障及增殖細胞核抗原表達的影響 [J]. 中國病理生理雜志, 2006; 22(9): 1825-1828.
41. 佟大年, 楊俊, 秦環(huán)龍. 生長激素及谷氨酰胺強化的腸外營養(yǎng)治療對外科重癥患者機體組成及腸屏障功能的影響 [J]. 中國臨床營養(yǎng)雜志, 2006; 14(5): 289-295.
42. 王大慶, 陳靜, 萬勇. 烏司他丁和生長激素聯(lián)合應用改善嚴重腹腔感染合并呼吸循環(huán)功能障礙患者的療效觀察 [J]. 中國普外基礎與臨床雜志, 2008; 15(4): 283-284.
43. Takala J, Ruokonen E, Webster NR, et al. Increased mortality associated with growth hormone treatment in critically ill adults [J]. N Engl J Med, 1999; 341(11): 785-792.
44. 周建平, 劉祺. 生長激素對人結腸癌細胞作用的研究 [J]. 中國普外基礎與臨床雜志, 2005; 12(4): 390-392.
  1. 1. Smith JR, Benghuzzi H, Tucci M, et al.The effects of growth hormone and insulin-like growth factor on the proliferation rate and morphology of RAW 264.7 macrophages [J]. Biomed Sci Instrum, 2000; 36: 111-116.
  2. 2. Waters MJ, Hoang HN, Fairlie DP, et al. New insights into growth hormone action [J]. J Mol Endocrinol, 2006; 36(1): 1-7.
  3. 3. Redelman D, Welniak LA, Taub D, et al. Neuroendocrine hormones such as growth hormone and prolactin are integral members of the immunological cytokine network [J].Cell Immunol, 2008; 252(1-2): 111-121.
  4. 4. 石毅, 趙玉沛, 廖泉, 等. 生長激素對胰腺癌移植瘤細胞周期及宿主IGF-1與小腸黏膜形態(tài)的影響 [J]. 中國實用外科雜志, 2007; 27(10): 829-833.
  5. 5. 宋國棟, 王德昌, 賈軍, 等. 重組人生長激素對燒傷大鼠腸粘膜結構及細胞凋亡的影響 [J]. 中華燒傷雜志, 2002; 18(4): 207-209.
  6. 6. 秦爽, 賀育蘭, 楊靜, 等. 重組人生長激素對內毒素誘導人巨噬細胞產生TNF-α、IL-1β含量的影響 [J]. 中國感染控制雜志, 2008; 7(1): 9-11.
  7. 7. 郭光華, 蔡晨, 李國輝. 腸內免疫營養(yǎng)聯(lián)合重組人生長激素對燙傷大鼠的治療作用 [J]. 中國危重病急救醫(yī)學, 2006; 18(1): 42-45.
  8. 8. 王興鵬, 王冰嫻, 吳建新, 等. 生長激素對實驗性急性壞死性胰腺炎腸道細菌移居的影響 [J]. 中華消化雜志, 2000; 20(3): 171-174.
  9. 9. Scopa CD, Koureleas S, Tsamandas AC, et al. Beneficial effects of growth hormone and insulin-like growth factor Ⅰ on intestinal bacterial translocation, endotoxemia, and apoptosis in experimentally jaundiced rats [J]. J Am Coll Surg, 2000; 190(4): 423-431.
  10. 10. Yang ZW, Li JG, Mao XG, et al, Effects of recombinant human growth hormone on intestinal translocation of bacteria and endotoxin in rats with obstructive jaundice [J]. Hepatobiliary Pancreat Dis Int, 2005; 4(3): 445-449.
  11. 11. 黃英, 王樹人, 應明英, 等. 重組人生長激素對敗血癥大鼠的實驗治療 [J]. 中國病理生理雜志, 2003; 19(9): 1253-1256.
  12. 12. 周彤, 伍曉汀, 羅婷, 等. 生長激素對脂多糖刺激大鼠腹腔巨噬細胞NO產生及iNOS mRNA表達的影響及意義 [J]. 華西醫(yī)學, 2006; 21(3): 535-537.
  13. 13. 徐一洲, 黃煌, 曹玥, 等. 重組人生長激素對敗血癥大鼠炎癥調控網絡的影響 [J]. 華西藥學雜志, 2007; 22(2): 142-144.
  14. 14. Berni Canani R, Cirillo P, Mallardo G, et al . Growth hormone regulates intestinal ion transport through a modulation of the constitutive nitric oxide synthase-nitric oxide-cAMP pathway [J]. World J Gastroenterol, 2006; 12(29): 4710-4715.
  15. 15. Lobie PE, Breipohl W, Waters MJ. Growth hormone receptor expression in the rat gastrointestinal tract [J]. Endocrinology, 1990; 126(1): 299-306.
  16. 16. Jeay S, Sonenshein GE, Postel-Vinay MC, et al. Growth hormone can act as a cytokine controlling survival and proliferation of immune cells: new insights into signaling pathways [J]. Mol Cell Endocrinol, 2002; 188(1-2): 1-7.
  17. 17. 馬少林, 王曉紅, 楊曉軍, 等. 創(chuàng)傷-失血性休克與細胞免疫功能的臨床研究 [J]. 寧夏醫(yī)學雜志, 2007; 29(7): 605-606.
  18. 18. 于勇, 盛志勇, 田惠民, 等. 大鼠燙傷后腸道免疫屏障損傷的實驗研究 [J]. 中華整形燒傷外科雜志, 1996; 12(2): 86-89.
  19. 19. 劉海波, 孫少川, 鄭春寧, 等. 重組人生長激素對腸缺血再灌注大鼠腸壁IgA漿細胞凋亡及P53基因表達影響的實驗研究 [J]. 中國現(xiàn)代普通外科進展, 2006; 9(6): 337-339.
  20. 20. 孫少川, 鄭春寧, 劉國勤, 等. 重組人生長激素對大鼠腸道缺血再灌注后腸壁組織T淋巴細胞亞群和漿細胞凋亡的影響 [J]. 中華實驗外科雜志, 2006; 23(5): 605-606.
  21. 21. Hiroki Mitsunakaa, Hiroaki Dobashia, Makoto Satoa.Gr-owth Hormone prevents fas-Induced apoptosis in lymphocytes through modulation of Bcl-2 and Caspase-3 [J]. Neuroimmunomodulation, 2001; 9(5): 256-262.
  22. 22. 王輝, 鄧潔英, 史軼蘩. 生長激素調節(jié)T淋巴細胞的功能 [J]. 中國免疫學雜志, 2000; 16(9): 480-484.
  23. 23. Matarese LE, Abu-Elmagd K. Can growth hormone and glutamine reduce parenteral nutrition requirements in patients with short-bowel syndrome? [J].Nat Clin Pract Gastroenterol Hepatol, 2006; 3(4): 194-195.
  24. 24. Shulman DI. Gastrointestinal effects of growth hormone [J]. Endocrine, 2000; 12(2): 147-152.
  25. 25. Byrne TA, Wilmore DW, Iyer K. Growth hormone, glutamine, and an optimal diet reduces parenteral nutrition in patients with short bowel syndrome: a prospective, randomized, placebo-controlled, double-blind clinical trial [J]. Ann Surg, 2005; 242(5): 655-661.
  26. 26. Ray EC, Avissar NE, Salloum R, et al. Growth hormone and epidermal growth factor upregulate specific sodium-dependent glutamine uptake systems in human intestinal C2BBe1 cells [J]. J Nutr, 2005; 135(1): 14-18.
  27. 27. Jeay S, Sonenshein GE, Kelly PA, et al. Growth hormone exerts antiapoptotic and proliferative effects through two different pathways involving nuclear factor-kappaB and phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase [J]. Endocrinology, 2001; 142(1): 147-156.
  28. 28. Jeay S, Sonenshein GE, Postel-Vinay MC, et al. Growth hormone prevents apoptosis through activation of nuclear factor-kappaB in interleukin-3-dependent Ba/F3 cell line [J]. Mol Endocrinol, 2000; 14(5): 650-661.
  29. 29. Darmaun D, Hayes V, Schaeffer D, et al. Effects of glutamine and recombinant human growth hormone on protein metabolism in prepubertal children with cystic fibrosis [J]. J Clin Endocrinol Metab, 2004; 89(3): 1146-1152.
  30. 30. Bogazzi F, Russo D, Locci MT. Apoptosis is reduced in the colonic mucosa of patients with acromegaly [J]. Clin Endocrinol (Oxf), 2005; 63(6): 683-688.
  31. 31. Baixeras E, Jeay S, Kelly PA, et al. The proliferative and antiapoptotic actions of growth hormone and insulin-like growth factor-1 are mediated through distinct signaling pathways in the Pro-B Ba/F3 cell line [J]. Endocrinology, 2001; 142(7): 2968-2977.
  32. 32. Jeschke MG, Herndon DN, Finnerty CC, et al. The effect of growth hormone on gut mucosal homeostasis and cellular mediators after severe trauma [J]. J Surg Res, 2005; 127(2): 183-189.
  33. 33. 宋軍, 劉金鋼, 王勇, 等. 生長激素對實驗性梗阻性黃疸時腫瘤壞死因子α的影響 [J]. 中國醫(yī)師雜志, 2006; 8(12): 1596-1597.
  34. 34. 劉敏豐, 高志光, 秦環(huán)龍. 生長激素和谷氨酰胺對膿毒癥大鼠細胞因子和氨基酸代謝的影響 [J]. 中國普外基礎與臨床雜志, 2006; 13(5): 535-539.
  35. 35. 梁志剛, 劉錫麟, 李江, 等. 重組人生長激素對重度燒傷后細胞因子的影響 [J]. 中華燒傷雜志, 2002; 18(1): 49-51.
  36. 36. Sodhi A, Tripathi A. Prolactin and growth hormone induce differential cytokine and chemokine profile in murine peritoneal macrophages in vitro: involvement of p-38 MAP kinase, STAT3 and NF-kappaB [J]. Cytokine, 2008; 41(2): 162-173.
  37. 37. 潘云萍, 鐘湧, 李建華, 等. 嚴重創(chuàng)傷后腸黏膜屏障損傷及生長激素治療作用的臨床研究 [J]. 中國危重病急救醫(yī)學, 2007; 19(8): 496.
  38. 38. 黃鵬, 熊炯炘, 王春友, 等. 生長激素和生長抑素聯(lián)合應用對重癥急性胰腺炎患者腸黏膜屏障保護作用的研究 [J]. 臨床外科雜志, 2007; 15(3): 178-180.
  39. 39. 劉波, 鄧宇, 許瑞云. 谷氨酰胺與重組人生長激素對肝硬化患者腸黏膜屏障的影響 [J]. 醫(yī)學臨床研究, 2006; 23(10): 1598-1600.
  40. 40. 湯照峰, 凌云彪, 郝崢, 等. Gln和rhGH對門脈高壓癥術后腸粘膜屏障及增殖細胞核抗原表達的影響 [J]. 中國病理生理雜志, 2006; 22(9): 1825-1828.
  41. 41. 佟大年, 楊俊, 秦環(huán)龍. 生長激素及谷氨酰胺強化的腸外營養(yǎng)治療對外科重癥患者機體組成及腸屏障功能的影響 [J]. 中國臨床營養(yǎng)雜志, 2006; 14(5): 289-295.
  42. 42. 王大慶, 陳靜, 萬勇. 烏司他丁和生長激素聯(lián)合應用改善嚴重腹腔感染合并呼吸循環(huán)功能障礙患者的療效觀察 [J]. 中國普外基礎與臨床雜志, 2008; 15(4): 283-284.
  43. 43. Takala J, Ruokonen E, Webster NR, et al. Increased mortality associated with growth hormone treatment in critically ill adults [J]. N Engl J Med, 1999; 341(11): 785-792.
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