• 昆明醫(yī)學(xué)院附屬昆華醫(yī)院(云南省第一人民醫(yī)院)肝膽外科(昆明 650032);

目的 總結(jié)輔助性異位肝臟移植在臨床的應(yīng)用現(xiàn)狀。
方法 復(fù)習(xí)相關(guān)文獻(xiàn)資料并作綜述,總結(jié)輔助性異位肝臟移植的適應(yīng)證、禁忌證、手術(shù)方式、治療效果、存在的問題等。
結(jié)果 輔助性異位肝臟移植的適應(yīng)證主要是暴發(fā)型肝臟功能衰竭,無絕對禁忌證,目前采用較多的是部分肝臟移植。輔助性異位肝臟移植的治療效果已得到肯定,但仍存在一些問題。
結(jié)論 輔助性異位肝臟移植是治療急、慢性肝臟功能衰竭的一種有效的方法及補(bǔ)充療法。

引用本文: 徐安書,孫志為,唐建中. 輔助性異位肝臟移植臨床研究現(xiàn)況. 中國普外基礎(chǔ)與臨床雜志, 2010, 17(5): 439-441. doi: 復(fù)制

1. 朱鵬, 陳孝平. 中國活體肝移植現(xiàn)狀 [J]. 腹部外科, 2006; 19(6): 359-362.
2. 嚴(yán)律南, 曾勇, 王文濤, 等. 成人間雙供體活體肝臟移植成功2例報告 [J]. 中國普外基礎(chǔ)與臨床雜志, 2005; 12(4): 399-402.
3. 陳永權(quán), 金孝岠, 柳兆芳, 等. 幼豬輔助性部分肝移植圍術(shù)期血?dú)饧半娊赓|(zhì)變化的研究 [J]. 中國病理生理雜志, 2008; 24(4): 807-808.
4. 彭承宏, 肖衛(wèi)東, 吳偉頂, 等. 小體積肝移植和輔助性原位小體積肝移植治療豬急性肝功能衰竭的近期療效觀察 [J]. 中華肝膽外科雜志, 2006; 12(10): 699-703.
5. Welch CS. A note on transplantation of the whole liver in dogs [J]. Transplant Bull, 1955; 2(1): 54-55.
6. Absolon KB, Hagihara PF, Griffen WO Jr, et al. Experimental and clinical heterotopic liver homotransplantation [J]. Rev Int Hepatol, 1965; 15(8): 1481-1490.
7. 吳偉頂, 彭承宏, 肖衛(wèi)東, 等. 豬原位輔助性部分肝移植治療急性肝功能衰竭的模型 [J]. 中華器官移植雜志, 2005; 26(12): 709-712.
8. 陳南暉, 沈權(quán)平. 肝功能衰竭172例臨床分析 [J]. 中華臨床醫(yī)學(xué)雜志, 2008; 9(6): 80-81.
9. Lodge JP, Dasgupta D, Prasad KR, et al. Emergency subtotal hepatectomy: a new concept for acetaminophen-induced acute liver failure: temporary hepatic support by auxiliary orthotopic liver transplantation enables long-term success [J]. Ann Surg, 2008; 247(2): 238-249.
10. Kato T, Selvaggi G, Levi D, et al. Routine use of auxiliary partial orthotopic liver transplantation for children with fulminant hepatic failure: Preliminary report [J]. Transplant Proc, 2006; 38(10): 3607-3608.
11. Soejima Y, Taguchi T, Ogita K, et al. Auxiliary partial orthotopic living donor liver transplantation for a child with congenital absence of the portal vein [J]. Liver Transpl, 2006; 12(5): 845-849.
12. 劉雪來, 李龍, 吳璇昭, 等. 犬輔助性原位肝左葉移植模型的建立 [J]. 中華實(shí)驗(yàn)外科雜志, 2006; 23(4): 622-624.
13. 鄭衛(wèi)萍, 沈中陽. 急性肝功能衰竭的綜合治療 [J]. 中國急救醫(yī)學(xué), 2007; 27(10): 946-948.
14. 王營, 曲明, 史彥芬, 等. 暴發(fā)性肝功能衰竭的急診肝臟移植治療 [J]. 實(shí)用醫(yī)藥雜志, 2008; 25(2): 129-131.
15. 陸翔, 彭承宏. 輔助性部分原位肝移植的臨床研究現(xiàn)狀 [J]. 肝膽胰外科雜志, 2005; 17(3): 246-248, 251.
16. Liou IW, Larson AM. Role of liver transplantation in acute liver failure [J]. Semin Liver Dis, 2008; 28(2): 201-209.
17. 陳雨信, 壽楠海, 董家鴻. 輔助性肝移植 [J]. 消化外科, 2005; 4(6): 457-460.
18. Shakil AO. Predicting the outcome of fulminant hepatic failure [J]. Liver Transpl, 2005; 11(9): 1028-1030..
19. 陳立天, 沈中陽. 輔助性肝移植的研究進(jìn)展 [J]. 天津醫(yī)科大學(xué)學(xué)報, 2007; 13(3): 463-465.
20. 彭承宏, 韓寶三. 肝臟外科疾病的診斷與治療: 肝臟移植術(shù)式進(jìn)展 [J]. 中國醫(yī)師進(jìn)修雜志, 2006; 29(6): 1-3.
21. Rela M, Battula N, Madanur M, et al. Auxiliary liver transplantation for propionic acidemia: a 10-year follow-up. [J]. Am J Transplant, 2007; 7(9): 2200-2203.
22. Puppi J, Tan N, Mitry RR, et al. Hepatocyte transplantation followed by auxiliary liver transplantation--a novel treatment for ornithine transcarbamylase deficiency [J]. Am J Transplant, 2008; 8(2): 452-457.
23. Broering DC, Walter J, Bassas AF. Overcoming the portal steal phenomenon in auxiliary partial orthotopic liver transplantation by modulation of the venous outflow of the native liver [J]. Liver Transpl, 2005; 11(9): 1140-1143.
24. Takei Y, Ikeda S, Ikegami T, et al. Ten years of experience with liver transplantation for familial amyloid polyneuropathy in Japan: outcomes of living donor liver transplantations [J]. Intern Med, 2005; 44(11): 1151-1156.
25. 季茹, 陶開山, 遆振宇, 等. 脾窩異位輔助性活體肝移植治療Wilson’s病的多方位思考 [J]. 醫(yī)學(xué)與哲學(xué)(臨床決策論壇版), 2009; 30(5): 31-33, 50.
26. 李寶定, 竇科峰. 輔助性活體肝部分移植術(shù) [J]. 國外醫(yī)學(xué)外科學(xué)分冊, 2004; 31(6): 360-363.
27. Ko S, Tanaka I, Kanehiro H, et al. Preclinical experiment of auxiliary partial orthotopic liver transplantation as a curative treatment for hemophilia [J]. Liver Transpl, 2005; 11(5): 579-584.
28. Yazaki M, Hashikura Y, Takei Y, et al. Feasibility of auxiliary partial orthotopic liver transplantation from living donors for patients with adult-onset type Ⅱ citrullinemia [J]. Liver Transpl, 2004; 10(4): 550-554.
29. 郝迪斯, 王毓利, 喬海泉. 輔助肝移植研究進(jìn)展 [J]. 黑龍江醫(yī)學(xué), 2002; 26(7): 499-500.
30. Terpstra OT. Auxiliary liver grafting: a new concept in liver transplantation [J]. Lancet, 1993; 342(8874): 758.
31. Haberal M, Arda IS, Karakayali H, et al. Heterotopic segmental liver transplantation in children [J]. Transplant Proc, 2000; 32(3): 535-536.
32. van Hoek B, de Boer J, Boudjema K, et al. Auxiliary versus orthotopic liver transplantation for acute liver failure. EURALT Study Group. European Auxiliary Liver Transplant Registry [J]. J Hepatol, 1999; 30(4): 699-705.
33. Sze YK, Dhawan A, Taylor RM, et al. Pediatric liver transplantation for metabolic liver disease: experience at King’s College Hospital [J]. Transplantation, 2009; 87(1): 87-93.
34. 阿永俊, 李立, 李曉延, 等. 人工肝支持系統(tǒng)在肝衰竭和肝臟移植中的臨床應(yīng)用研究 [J].中國普外基礎(chǔ)與臨床雜志, 2005; 12(5): 496-498.
35. Tarhan NC, Uslu Tutar N, Yologˇlu Z, et al. Volume measurement by computed tomography in auxiliary heterotopic partial liver transplant recipients: follow-up results [J]. Transplant Proc, 2000; 32(3): 601-603.
36. Sakahara H, Kiuchi T, Nishizawa S, et al. Asialoglycoprotein receptor scintigraphy in evaluation of auxiliary partial orthotopic liver transplantation [J]. J Nucl Med, 1999; 40(9): 1463-1467.
  1. 1. 朱鵬, 陳孝平. 中國活體肝移植現(xiàn)狀 [J]. 腹部外科, 2006; 19(6): 359-362.
  2. 2. 嚴(yán)律南, 曾勇, 王文濤, 等. 成人間雙供體活體肝臟移植成功2例報告 [J]. 中國普外基礎(chǔ)與臨床雜志, 2005; 12(4): 399-402.
  3. 3. 陳永權(quán), 金孝岠, 柳兆芳, 等. 幼豬輔助性部分肝移植圍術(shù)期血?dú)饧半娊赓|(zhì)變化的研究 [J]. 中國病理生理雜志, 2008; 24(4): 807-808.
  4. 4. 彭承宏, 肖衛(wèi)東, 吳偉頂, 等. 小體積肝移植和輔助性原位小體積肝移植治療豬急性肝功能衰竭的近期療效觀察 [J]. 中華肝膽外科雜志, 2006; 12(10): 699-703.
  5. 5. Welch CS. A note on transplantation of the whole liver in dogs [J]. Transplant Bull, 1955; 2(1): 54-55.
  6. 6. Absolon KB, Hagihara PF, Griffen WO Jr, et al. Experimental and clinical heterotopic liver homotransplantation [J]. Rev Int Hepatol, 1965; 15(8): 1481-1490.
  7. 7. 吳偉頂, 彭承宏, 肖衛(wèi)東, 等. 豬原位輔助性部分肝移植治療急性肝功能衰竭的模型 [J]. 中華器官移植雜志, 2005; 26(12): 709-712.
  8. 8. 陳南暉, 沈權(quán)平. 肝功能衰竭172例臨床分析 [J]. 中華臨床醫(yī)學(xué)雜志, 2008; 9(6): 80-81.
  9. 9. Lodge JP, Dasgupta D, Prasad KR, et al. Emergency subtotal hepatectomy: a new concept for acetaminophen-induced acute liver failure: temporary hepatic support by auxiliary orthotopic liver transplantation enables long-term success [J]. Ann Surg, 2008; 247(2): 238-249.
  10. 10. Kato T, Selvaggi G, Levi D, et al. Routine use of auxiliary partial orthotopic liver transplantation for children with fulminant hepatic failure: Preliminary report [J]. Transplant Proc, 2006; 38(10): 3607-3608.
  11. 11. Soejima Y, Taguchi T, Ogita K, et al. Auxiliary partial orthotopic living donor liver transplantation for a child with congenital absence of the portal vein [J]. Liver Transpl, 2006; 12(5): 845-849.
  12. 12. 劉雪來, 李龍, 吳璇昭, 等. 犬輔助性原位肝左葉移植模型的建立 [J]. 中華實(shí)驗(yàn)外科雜志, 2006; 23(4): 622-624.
  13. 13. 鄭衛(wèi)萍, 沈中陽. 急性肝功能衰竭的綜合治療 [J]. 中國急救醫(yī)學(xué), 2007; 27(10): 946-948.
  14. 14. 王營, 曲明, 史彥芬, 等. 暴發(fā)性肝功能衰竭的急診肝臟移植治療 [J]. 實(shí)用醫(yī)藥雜志, 2008; 25(2): 129-131.
  15. 15. 陸翔, 彭承宏. 輔助性部分原位肝移植的臨床研究現(xiàn)狀 [J]. 肝膽胰外科雜志, 2005; 17(3): 246-248, 251.
  16. 16. Liou IW, Larson AM. Role of liver transplantation in acute liver failure [J]. Semin Liver Dis, 2008; 28(2): 201-209.
  17. 17. 陳雨信, 壽楠海, 董家鴻. 輔助性肝移植 [J]. 消化外科, 2005; 4(6): 457-460.
  18. 18. Shakil AO. Predicting the outcome of fulminant hepatic failure [J]. Liver Transpl, 2005; 11(9): 1028-1030..
  19. 19. 陳立天, 沈中陽. 輔助性肝移植的研究進(jìn)展 [J]. 天津醫(yī)科大學(xué)學(xué)報, 2007; 13(3): 463-465.
  20. 20. 彭承宏, 韓寶三. 肝臟外科疾病的診斷與治療: 肝臟移植術(shù)式進(jìn)展 [J]. 中國醫(yī)師進(jìn)修雜志, 2006; 29(6): 1-3.
  21. 21. Rela M, Battula N, Madanur M, et al. Auxiliary liver transplantation for propionic acidemia: a 10-year follow-up. [J]. Am J Transplant, 2007; 7(9): 2200-2203.
  22. 22. Puppi J, Tan N, Mitry RR, et al. Hepatocyte transplantation followed by auxiliary liver transplantation--a novel treatment for ornithine transcarbamylase deficiency [J]. Am J Transplant, 2008; 8(2): 452-457.
  23. 23. Broering DC, Walter J, Bassas AF. Overcoming the portal steal phenomenon in auxiliary partial orthotopic liver transplantation by modulation of the venous outflow of the native liver [J]. Liver Transpl, 2005; 11(9): 1140-1143.
  24. 24. Takei Y, Ikeda S, Ikegami T, et al. Ten years of experience with liver transplantation for familial amyloid polyneuropathy in Japan: outcomes of living donor liver transplantations [J]. Intern Med, 2005; 44(11): 1151-1156.
  25. 25. 季茹, 陶開山, 遆振宇, 等. 脾窩異位輔助性活體肝移植治療Wilson’s病的多方位思考 [J]. 醫(yī)學(xué)與哲學(xué)(臨床決策論壇版), 2009; 30(5): 31-33, 50.
  26. 26. 李寶定, 竇科峰. 輔助性活體肝部分移植術(shù) [J]. 國外醫(yī)學(xué)外科學(xué)分冊, 2004; 31(6): 360-363.
  27. 27. Ko S, Tanaka I, Kanehiro H, et al. Preclinical experiment of auxiliary partial orthotopic liver transplantation as a curative treatment for hemophilia [J]. Liver Transpl, 2005; 11(5): 579-584.
  28. 28. Yazaki M, Hashikura Y, Takei Y, et al. Feasibility of auxiliary partial orthotopic liver transplantation from living donors for patients with adult-onset type Ⅱ citrullinemia [J]. Liver Transpl, 2004; 10(4): 550-554.
  29. 29. 郝迪斯, 王毓利, 喬海泉. 輔助肝移植研究進(jìn)展 [J]. 黑龍江醫(yī)學(xué), 2002; 26(7): 499-500.
  30. 30. Terpstra OT. Auxiliary liver grafting: a new concept in liver transplantation [J]. Lancet, 1993; 342(8874): 758.
  31. 31. Haberal M, Arda IS, Karakayali H, et al. Heterotopic segmental liver transplantation in children [J]. Transplant Proc, 2000; 32(3): 535-536.
  32. 32. van Hoek B, de Boer J, Boudjema K, et al. Auxiliary versus orthotopic liver transplantation for acute liver failure. EURALT Study Group. European Auxiliary Liver Transplant Registry [J]. J Hepatol, 1999; 30(4): 699-705.
  33. 33. Sze YK, Dhawan A, Taylor RM, et al. Pediatric liver transplantation for metabolic liver disease: experience at King’s College Hospital [J]. Transplantation, 2009; 87(1): 87-93.
  34. 34. 阿永俊, 李立, 李曉延, 等. 人工肝支持系統(tǒng)在肝衰竭和肝臟移植中的臨床應(yīng)用研究 [J].中國普外基礎(chǔ)與臨床雜志, 2005; 12(5): 496-498.
  35. 35. Tarhan NC, Uslu Tutar N, Yologˇlu Z, et al. Volume measurement by computed tomography in auxiliary heterotopic partial liver transplant recipients: follow-up results [J]. Transplant Proc, 2000; 32(3): 601-603.
  36. 36. Sakahara H, Kiuchi T, Nishizawa S, et al. Asialoglycoprotein receptor scintigraphy in evaluation of auxiliary partial orthotopic liver transplantation [J]. J Nucl Med, 1999; 40(9): 1463-1467.