• 重慶醫(yī)科大學(xué)附屬第一醫(yī)院內(nèi)分泌外科(重慶 400016);

目的 總結(jié)乳腺癌干細(xì)胞與基因分型的研究進(jìn)展,并分析二者之間的相關(guān)性。
方法 分析近年來有關(guān)乳腺癌干細(xì)胞與基因分型研究的文獻(xiàn)報(bào)道。
結(jié)果 乳腺癌干細(xì)胞與基因分型的相關(guān)性研究支持了乳腺癌的腫瘤干細(xì)胞起源學(xué)說,解釋了乳腺癌基因分型的復(fù)雜性及其異質(zhì)性。
結(jié)論 乳腺癌干細(xì)胞和基因分型的相關(guān)性研究能為從細(xì)胞分子水平研究乳腺癌的形成機(jī)理和生物學(xué)特性找到新的途徑,有望為乳腺癌的診斷和治療提供新的策略與手段。

引用本文: 韓明利,吳誠(chéng)義. 乳腺癌干細(xì)胞與基因分型. 中國(guó)普外基礎(chǔ)與臨床雜志, 2010, 17(3): 302-305. doi: 復(fù)制

1. 魏于全, 吳揚(yáng). 乳腺癌生物治療進(jìn)展 [J]. 中國(guó)普外基礎(chǔ)與臨床雜志, 2004; 11(1): 35.
2. 莫敖, 吳誠(chéng)義. 腫瘤干細(xì)胞與實(shí)體腫瘤 [J]. 中國(guó)普外基礎(chǔ)與臨床雜志, 2007; 14(5): 612614.
3. Visvader JE, Lindeman GJ. Cancer stem cells in solid tumours: accumulating evidence and unresolved questions [J]. Nat Rev Cancer, 2008; 8(10): 755768.
4. AlHajj M, Wicha MS, BenitoHernandez A, et al. Prospective identification of tumorigenic breast cancer cells [J]. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA, 2003; 100(11): 39833988.
5. Ponti D, Costa A, Zaffaroni N, et al. Isolation and in vitro propagation of tumorigenic breast cancer cells with stem/progenitor cell properties [J]. Cancer Res, 2005; 65(13): 55065511.
6. Sheridan C, Kishimoto H, Fuchs RK, et al. CD44+/CD24- breast cancer cells exhibit enhanced invasive properties: an early step necessary for metastasis [J]. Breast Cancer Res, 2006; 8(5): R59.
7. Nakshatri H, Srour EF, Badve S. Breast cancer stem cells and intrinsic subtypes: controversies rage on [J]. Curr Stem Cell Res Ther, 2009; 4(1): 5060.
8. Ginestier C, Hur MH, CharafeJauffret E, et al. ALDH1 is a marker of normal and malignant human mammary stem cells and a predictor of poor clinical outcome [J]. Cell Stem Cell, 2007; 1(5): 555567.
9. Patrawala L, Calhoun T, SchneiderBroussard R, et al. Side population is enriched in tumorigenic, stemlike cancer cells, whereas ABCG2+ and ABCG2- cancer cells are similarly tumorigenic [J]. Cancer Res, 2005; 65(14): 62076219.
10. Liu R, Wang X, Chen GY, et al. The prognostic role of a gene signature from tumorigenic breastcancer cells [J]. N Engl J Med, 2007; 356(3): 217226.
11. Phillips TM, McBride WH, Pajonk F. The response of CD24-/low/CD44+ breast cancer-initiating cells to radiation [J]. J Natl Cancer Inst, 2006; 98(24): 17771785.
12. Abraham BK, Fritz P, McClellan M, et al. Prevalence of CD44+/CD24-/low cells in breast cancer may not be associated with clinical outcome but may favor distant metastasis [J]. Clin Cancer Res, 2005; 11(3): 11541159.
13. Morimoto K, Kim SJ, Tanei T, et al. Stem cell marker aldehyde dehydrogenase 1positive breast cancers are characterized by negative estrogen receptor, positive human epidermal growth factor receptor type 2, and high Ki67 expression [J]. Cancer Sci, 2009; 100(6): 10621068.
14. Perou CM, Srlie T, Eisen MB, et al. Molecular portraits of human breast tumours [J]. Nature, 2000; 406(6797): 747752.
15. Kreike B, van Kouwenhove M, Horlings H, et al. Gene expression profiling and histopathological characterization of triplenegative/basallike breast carcinomas [J]. Breast Cancer Res, 2007; 9(5): R65.
16. Lo SS, Norton J, Mumby PB, et al. Prospective multicenter study of the impact of the 21gene recurrence score (RS) assay on medical oncologist (MO) and patient (pt) adjuvant breast cancer (BC) treatment selection [J]. J Clin Oncol, 2007; 25(18S): 577.
17. Pritchard KI, Shepherd LE, O’Malley FP, et al. HER2 and responsiveness of breast cancer to adjuvant chemotherapy [J]. N Engl J Med, 2006; 354(20): 21032111.
18. PiccartGebhart MJ, Procter M, LeylandJones B, et al. Trastuzumab after adjuvant chemotherapy in HER2positive breast cancer [J]. N Engl J Med, 2005; 353(16): 16591672.
19. Nielsen TO, Hsu FD, Jensen K, et al. Immunohistochemical and clinical characterization of the basallike subtype of invasive breast carcinoma [J]. Clin Cancer Res, 2004; 10(16): 53675374.
20. Srlie T, Perou CM, Tibshirani R, et al. Gene expression patterns of breast carcinomas distinguish tumor subclasses with clinical implications [J]. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA, 2001; 98(19): 1086910874.
21. Smid M, Wang Y, Zhang Y, et al. Subtypes of breast cancer show preferential site of relapse [J]. Cancer Res, 2008; 68(9): 31083114.
22. Honeth G, Bendahl PO, Ringnér M, et al. The CD44+/CD24- phenotype is enriched in basallike breast tumors [J]. Breast Cancer Res, 2008; 10(3): R53.
23. Neve RM, Chin K, Fridlyand J, et al. A collection of breast cancer cell lines for the study of functionally distinct cancer subtypes [J]. Cancer Cell, 2006; 10(6): 515527.
24. Mani SA, Guo W, Liao MJ, et al. The epithelialmesenchymal transition generates cells with properties of stem cells [J]. Cell, 2008; 133(4): 704715.
25. Shipitsin M, Campbell LL, Argani P, et al. Molecular definition of breast tumor heterogeneity [J]. Cancer Cell, 2007; 11(3): 259273.
26. Korkaya H, Paulson A, Iovino F, et al. HER2 regulates the mammary stem/progenitor cell population driving tumorigenesis and invasion [J]. Oncogene, 2008; 27(47): 61206130.
27. Engelmann K, Shen H, Finn OJ. MCF7 side population cells with characteristics of cancer stem/progenitor cells express the tumor antigen MUC1 [J]. Cancer Res, 2008; 68(7): 24192426.
28. Zhang M, Behbod F, Atkinson RL, et al. Identification of tumorinitiating cells in a p53null mouse model of breast cancer [J]. Cancer Res, 2008; 68(12): 46744682.
29. Molyneux G, Regan J, Smalley MJ. Mammary stem cells and breast cancer [J]. Cell Mol Life Sci, 2007; 64(24): 32483260.
30. Dontu G, ElAshry D, Wicha MS. Breast cancer, stem/progenitor cells and the estrogen receptor [J]. Trends Endocrinol Metab, 2004; 15(5): 193197.
  1. 1. 魏于全, 吳揚(yáng). 乳腺癌生物治療進(jìn)展 [J]. 中國(guó)普外基礎(chǔ)與臨床雜志, 2004; 11(1): 35.
  2. 2. 莫敖, 吳誠(chéng)義. 腫瘤干細(xì)胞與實(shí)體腫瘤 [J]. 中國(guó)普外基礎(chǔ)與臨床雜志, 2007; 14(5): 612614.
  3. 3. Visvader JE, Lindeman GJ. Cancer stem cells in solid tumours: accumulating evidence and unresolved questions [J]. Nat Rev Cancer, 2008; 8(10): 755768.
  4. 4. AlHajj M, Wicha MS, BenitoHernandez A, et al. Prospective identification of tumorigenic breast cancer cells [J]. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA, 2003; 100(11): 39833988.
  5. 5. Ponti D, Costa A, Zaffaroni N, et al. Isolation and in vitro propagation of tumorigenic breast cancer cells with stem/progenitor cell properties [J]. Cancer Res, 2005; 65(13): 55065511.
  6. 6. Sheridan C, Kishimoto H, Fuchs RK, et al. CD44+/CD24- breast cancer cells exhibit enhanced invasive properties: an early step necessary for metastasis [J]. Breast Cancer Res, 2006; 8(5): R59.
  7. 7. Nakshatri H, Srour EF, Badve S. Breast cancer stem cells and intrinsic subtypes: controversies rage on [J]. Curr Stem Cell Res Ther, 2009; 4(1): 5060.
  8. 8. Ginestier C, Hur MH, CharafeJauffret E, et al. ALDH1 is a marker of normal and malignant human mammary stem cells and a predictor of poor clinical outcome [J]. Cell Stem Cell, 2007; 1(5): 555567.
  9. 9. Patrawala L, Calhoun T, SchneiderBroussard R, et al. Side population is enriched in tumorigenic, stemlike cancer cells, whereas ABCG2+ and ABCG2- cancer cells are similarly tumorigenic [J]. Cancer Res, 2005; 65(14): 62076219.
  10. 10. Liu R, Wang X, Chen GY, et al. The prognostic role of a gene signature from tumorigenic breastcancer cells [J]. N Engl J Med, 2007; 356(3): 217226.
  11. 11. Phillips TM, McBride WH, Pajonk F. The response of CD24-/low/CD44+ breast cancer-initiating cells to radiation [J]. J Natl Cancer Inst, 2006; 98(24): 17771785.
  12. 12. Abraham BK, Fritz P, McClellan M, et al. Prevalence of CD44+/CD24-/low cells in breast cancer may not be associated with clinical outcome but may favor distant metastasis [J]. Clin Cancer Res, 2005; 11(3): 11541159.
  13. 13. Morimoto K, Kim SJ, Tanei T, et al. Stem cell marker aldehyde dehydrogenase 1positive breast cancers are characterized by negative estrogen receptor, positive human epidermal growth factor receptor type 2, and high Ki67 expression [J]. Cancer Sci, 2009; 100(6): 10621068.
  14. 14. Perou CM, Srlie T, Eisen MB, et al. Molecular portraits of human breast tumours [J]. Nature, 2000; 406(6797): 747752.
  15. 15. Kreike B, van Kouwenhove M, Horlings H, et al. Gene expression profiling and histopathological characterization of triplenegative/basallike breast carcinomas [J]. Breast Cancer Res, 2007; 9(5): R65.
  16. 16. Lo SS, Norton J, Mumby PB, et al. Prospective multicenter study of the impact of the 21gene recurrence score (RS) assay on medical oncologist (MO) and patient (pt) adjuvant breast cancer (BC) treatment selection [J]. J Clin Oncol, 2007; 25(18S): 577.
  17. 17. Pritchard KI, Shepherd LE, O’Malley FP, et al. HER2 and responsiveness of breast cancer to adjuvant chemotherapy [J]. N Engl J Med, 2006; 354(20): 21032111.
  18. 18. PiccartGebhart MJ, Procter M, LeylandJones B, et al. Trastuzumab after adjuvant chemotherapy in HER2positive breast cancer [J]. N Engl J Med, 2005; 353(16): 16591672.
  19. 19. Nielsen TO, Hsu FD, Jensen K, et al. Immunohistochemical and clinical characterization of the basallike subtype of invasive breast carcinoma [J]. Clin Cancer Res, 2004; 10(16): 53675374.
  20. 20. Srlie T, Perou CM, Tibshirani R, et al. Gene expression patterns of breast carcinomas distinguish tumor subclasses with clinical implications [J]. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA, 2001; 98(19): 1086910874.
  21. 21. Smid M, Wang Y, Zhang Y, et al. Subtypes of breast cancer show preferential site of relapse [J]. Cancer Res, 2008; 68(9): 31083114.
  22. 22. Honeth G, Bendahl PO, Ringnér M, et al. The CD44+/CD24- phenotype is enriched in basallike breast tumors [J]. Breast Cancer Res, 2008; 10(3): R53.
  23. 23. Neve RM, Chin K, Fridlyand J, et al. A collection of breast cancer cell lines for the study of functionally distinct cancer subtypes [J]. Cancer Cell, 2006; 10(6): 515527.
  24. 24. Mani SA, Guo W, Liao MJ, et al. The epithelialmesenchymal transition generates cells with properties of stem cells [J]. Cell, 2008; 133(4): 704715.
  25. 25. Shipitsin M, Campbell LL, Argani P, et al. Molecular definition of breast tumor heterogeneity [J]. Cancer Cell, 2007; 11(3): 259273.
  26. 26. Korkaya H, Paulson A, Iovino F, et al. HER2 regulates the mammary stem/progenitor cell population driving tumorigenesis and invasion [J]. Oncogene, 2008; 27(47): 61206130.
  27. 27. Engelmann K, Shen H, Finn OJ. MCF7 side population cells with characteristics of cancer stem/progenitor cells express the tumor antigen MUC1 [J]. Cancer Res, 2008; 68(7): 24192426.
  28. 28. Zhang M, Behbod F, Atkinson RL, et al. Identification of tumorinitiating cells in a p53null mouse model of breast cancer [J]. Cancer Res, 2008; 68(12): 46744682.
  29. 29. Molyneux G, Regan J, Smalley MJ. Mammary stem cells and breast cancer [J]. Cell Mol Life Sci, 2007; 64(24): 32483260.
  30. 30. Dontu G, ElAshry D, Wicha MS. Breast cancer, stem/progenitor cells and the estrogen receptor [J]. Trends Endocrinol Metab, 2004; 15(5): 193197.