• 1.河北省鹽山縣人民醫(yī)院外三科(河北鹽山 061300);;
  • 2.天津市第五中心醫(yī)院病理科(天津 300450);;
  • 3.天津醫(yī)科大學總醫(yī)院心胸外科(天津 300052);;
  • 4.天津市第五中心醫(yī)院神經(jīng)外科(天津 300450);

目的  探討maspin和p53在乳腺癌中的表達及其臨床意義。
方法  選取河北省鹽山縣人民醫(yī)院及天津市第五中心醫(yī)院共96例乳腺癌標本及25例正常乳腺組織標本,采用免疫組織化學方法檢測maspin和p53的表達情況,分析其與乳腺癌患者臨床病理特征間的關系及二者的相關性。
結果  96例乳腺癌標本中,maspin表達陽性率為44.79% (43/96),明顯低于其在正常乳腺組織中的表達 〔72.00% (18/25),χ2=5.873 8,P=0.015 4〕;p53表達陽性率為61.46% (59/96),明顯高于其在正常乳腺組織中的表達 〔8.00% (2/25), χ2=20.586 9,P=0.000 0〕。maspin和p53陽性表達均與腫瘤TNM分期和淋巴結轉移有關(P<0.05),而均與患者年齡、腫瘤大小、組織學類型及組織學分級無關(P>0.05),且maspin陽性表達與p53陽性表達呈負相關(rs=-0.447,P=0.000)。
結論  maspin和p53在乳腺癌演進過程中扮演重要角色,提示二者可作為預測乳腺癌生物學行為及預后的參考指標,并為乳腺癌的治療提供了新的研究靶點。

引用本文: 劉建誠,姜忠敏,李新,劉曉智. maspin和p53在乳腺癌中的表達及臨床意義. 中國普外基礎與臨床雜志, 2013, 20(5): 547-550. doi: 復制

1. Stark AM, Schem C, Maass N, et al. Expression of metastasis suppressor gene maspin is reduced in breast cancer brain metastasesand correlates with the estrogen receptor status[J]. Neurol Res, 2010, 32(3):303-308.
2. Santer FR, Malinowska K, Culig Z, et al. Interleukin-6 trans-signalling differentially regulates proliferation, migration, adhesion and maspin expression in human prostate cancer cells[J]. Endocr Relat Cancer, 2010, 17(1):241-253.
3. Umekita Y, Ohi Y, Sagara Y, et al. Expression of maspin predictspoor prognosis in breast-cancer patients[J]. Int J Cancer, 2002, 100(4):452-455.
4. 馮穎, 王芳, 王紅磊, 等. Maspin、p53在乳腺浸潤性導管癌中的表達及其意義[J]. 現(xiàn)代腫瘤醫(yī)學, 2008, 16(9):1501-1503.
5. Zou Z, Anisowicz A, Hendrix MJ, et al. Maspin, a serpin with tumor-suppressing activity in human mammary epithelial cells[J]. Science, 1994, 263(5146):526-529.
6. Bièche I, Girault I, Sabourin JC, et al. Prognostic value of maspin mRNA expression in ER alpha-positive postmenopausal breast carcinomas[J]. Br J Cancer, 2003, 88(6):863-870.
7. Maass N, Hojo T, Rösel F, et al. Down regulation of the tumor suppressor gene maspin in breast carcinoma is associated with a higher risk of distant metastasis[J]. Clin Biochem, 2001, 34(4):303-307.
8. 成少華, 白玉賢. Maspin在腫瘤中的表達與反表達[J]. 實用腫瘤學雜志, 2008, 22(2):178-180.
9. Maass N, Teffner M, Rösel F, et al. Decline in the expression of the serine proteinase inhibitor maspin is associated with tumour progression in ductal carcinomas of the breast[J]. J Pathol, 2001, 195(3):321-326.
10. Maass N, Nagasaki K, Ziebart M, et al. Expression and regulationof tumor suppressor gene maspin in breast cancer[J]. Clin Breast Cancer, 2002, 3(4):281-287.
11. 馮穎, 朱駿, 史建平, 等. DNA結合抑制因子-1、Maspin在乳腺浸潤性導管癌中的表達及預后意義[J]. 蘭州大學學報:醫(yī)學版, 2008, 34(1):10-12, 16.
12. Payne CM, Holubec H, Crowley-Skillicorn C, et al. Maspin is a deoxycholate-inducible, anti-apoptotic stress-response protein differentially expressed during colon carcinogenesis[J]. Clin Exp Gastroenterol, 2011, 4:239-253.
13. Mercatali L, Valenti V, Calistri D, et al. RT-PCR determination of maspin and mammaglobin B in peripheral blood of healthy donors and breast cancer patients[J]. Ann Oncol, 2006, 17(3):424-428.
14. Endsley MP, Zhang M. Investigating maspin in breast cancer progression using mouse models[J]. Methods Enzymol, 2011, 499:149-165.
15. 侯紹章, 楊奕. 乳腺癌組織中Cerb-B-2、P53表達及意義[J]. 寧夏醫(yī)學院學報, 2006, 28(1):17-18, 35.
16. Tanaka T. Mechanisms of cellular senescence by tumor suppressor p53[J]. Nihon Rinsho, 2011, 69(10):1891-1900.
17. Velculescu VE, El-Deiry WS. Biological and clinical importance of the p53 tumor suppressor gene[J]. Clin Chem, 1996, 42(6 Pt 1):858-868.
18. Alvarez Secord A, Darcy KM, Hutson A, et al. The regulation of MASPIN expression in epithelial ovarian cancer:association with p53 status, and MASPIN promoter methylation:a gynecologic oncology group study[J]. Gynecol Oncol, 2011, 123(2):314-319.
19. Ercan C, van Diest PJ, van der Ende B, et al. p53 mutations in classic and pleomorphic invasive lobular carcinoma of the breast[J]. Cell Oncol (Dordr), 2012, 35(2):111-118.
  1. 1. Stark AM, Schem C, Maass N, et al. Expression of metastasis suppressor gene maspin is reduced in breast cancer brain metastasesand correlates with the estrogen receptor status[J]. Neurol Res, 2010, 32(3):303-308.
  2. 2. Santer FR, Malinowska K, Culig Z, et al. Interleukin-6 trans-signalling differentially regulates proliferation, migration, adhesion and maspin expression in human prostate cancer cells[J]. Endocr Relat Cancer, 2010, 17(1):241-253.
  3. 3. Umekita Y, Ohi Y, Sagara Y, et al. Expression of maspin predictspoor prognosis in breast-cancer patients[J]. Int J Cancer, 2002, 100(4):452-455.
  4. 4. 馮穎, 王芳, 王紅磊, 等. Maspin、p53在乳腺浸潤性導管癌中的表達及其意義[J]. 現(xiàn)代腫瘤醫(yī)學, 2008, 16(9):1501-1503.
  5. 5. Zou Z, Anisowicz A, Hendrix MJ, et al. Maspin, a serpin with tumor-suppressing activity in human mammary epithelial cells[J]. Science, 1994, 263(5146):526-529.
  6. 6. Bièche I, Girault I, Sabourin JC, et al. Prognostic value of maspin mRNA expression in ER alpha-positive postmenopausal breast carcinomas[J]. Br J Cancer, 2003, 88(6):863-870.
  7. 7. Maass N, Hojo T, Rösel F, et al. Down regulation of the tumor suppressor gene maspin in breast carcinoma is associated with a higher risk of distant metastasis[J]. Clin Biochem, 2001, 34(4):303-307.
  8. 8. 成少華, 白玉賢. Maspin在腫瘤中的表達與反表達[J]. 實用腫瘤學雜志, 2008, 22(2):178-180.
  9. 9. Maass N, Teffner M, Rösel F, et al. Decline in the expression of the serine proteinase inhibitor maspin is associated with tumour progression in ductal carcinomas of the breast[J]. J Pathol, 2001, 195(3):321-326.
  10. 10. Maass N, Nagasaki K, Ziebart M, et al. Expression and regulationof tumor suppressor gene maspin in breast cancer[J]. Clin Breast Cancer, 2002, 3(4):281-287.
  11. 11. 馮穎, 朱駿, 史建平, 等. DNA結合抑制因子-1、Maspin在乳腺浸潤性導管癌中的表達及預后意義[J]. 蘭州大學學報:醫(yī)學版, 2008, 34(1):10-12, 16.
  12. 12. Payne CM, Holubec H, Crowley-Skillicorn C, et al. Maspin is a deoxycholate-inducible, anti-apoptotic stress-response protein differentially expressed during colon carcinogenesis[J]. Clin Exp Gastroenterol, 2011, 4:239-253.
  13. 13. Mercatali L, Valenti V, Calistri D, et al. RT-PCR determination of maspin and mammaglobin B in peripheral blood of healthy donors and breast cancer patients[J]. Ann Oncol, 2006, 17(3):424-428.
  14. 14. Endsley MP, Zhang M. Investigating maspin in breast cancer progression using mouse models[J]. Methods Enzymol, 2011, 499:149-165.
  15. 15. 侯紹章, 楊奕. 乳腺癌組織中Cerb-B-2、P53表達及意義[J]. 寧夏醫(yī)學院學報, 2006, 28(1):17-18, 35.
  16. 16. Tanaka T. Mechanisms of cellular senescence by tumor suppressor p53[J]. Nihon Rinsho, 2011, 69(10):1891-1900.
  17. 17. Velculescu VE, El-Deiry WS. Biological and clinical importance of the p53 tumor suppressor gene[J]. Clin Chem, 1996, 42(6 Pt 1):858-868.
  18. 18. Alvarez Secord A, Darcy KM, Hutson A, et al. The regulation of MASPIN expression in epithelial ovarian cancer:association with p53 status, and MASPIN promoter methylation:a gynecologic oncology group study[J]. Gynecol Oncol, 2011, 123(2):314-319.
  19. 19. Ercan C, van Diest PJ, van der Ende B, et al. p53 mutations in classic and pleomorphic invasive lobular carcinoma of the breast[J]. Cell Oncol (Dordr), 2012, 35(2):111-118.
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