• 1. 四川大學華西醫(yī)院泌尿外科,成都,6100412. 青島港口醫(yī)院泌尿外科,青島,2660113. 四川大學華西醫(yī)學中心臨床流行病學教研室,成都,6100414. 牡丹江市第二人民醫(yī)院泌尿外科,牡丹江,157000;

目的  通過比較經(jīng)尿道膀胱腫瘤切除術(transurethral resection of the bladder tumor,TURB-t)加術后膀胱灌注阿霉素不同衍生物與只行TURB-t術后的腫瘤復發(fā)率,評價膀胱灌注阿霉素是否可以有效預防表淺性膀胱癌術后復發(fā).
方法  按Cochrane協(xié)作網(wǎng)工作手冊的要求,制定相應的納入標準、排除標準及檢索策略.在美國醫(yī)學索引、荷蘭醫(yī)學文摘、中國生物醫(yī)學文摘及Cochrane圖書館內(nèi)進行相關的隨機對照試驗檢索.Jadad質量計分法評價文獻的質量,資料用統(tǒng)一的表格進行提取,采用Revman軟件進行數(shù)據(jù)處理和分析.
結果  共檢索到相關文獻33篇,符合納入標準的有18篇,排除15篇.Meta-分析表明,用吡喃阿霉素、表阿霉素及阿霉素進行術后膀胱灌注均可以降低表淺性膀胱癌術后1年及2年復發(fā)率.
結論  TUPB-t術后膀胱灌注吡喃阿霉素、表阿霉素及阿霉素可以降低表淺性膀胱癌術后1年及2年復發(fā)率.但膀胱灌注的劑量、保留時間、療程等因素對預后的影響尚待進一步研究.

引用本文: 魏強,彭國輝,張劍,韓平,劉關鍵,梁化東,張躍利. 阿霉素不同衍生物膀胱灌注對預防表淺性膀胱癌術后復發(fā)效果的系統(tǒng)評價. 中國循證醫(yī)學雜志, 2004, 04(2): 104-113. doi: 復制

1. [1]Lurn BL, Tort. Adjuvant intravesical pharmacology for superficial bladder cancer [ J ]. Journal of the National Cancer Institate, 1991 ;83(10) :682-694.
2. [2]Fleischmann J, Goldberg G. Management of superficial transitional cell carcinoma of the bladder[J ]. Semin Urol, 1993 ;11(4) :193-204.
3. [3]Fitzpatrick JM. Superficial bladder carcinoma. Factors affecting the natural history[J]. World J Urol, 1993;11 (3) :142-147.
4. [4]Jadad AR., Moore RA, Carroll D, Jenkinson C, Reynolds DJ, Gavaghan DJ, McQuay HJ. Assessing the quality of reports of raildomized clinical trials: IS blinding necessary [ J ] ?Control Clin Trials, 1996; 17 (1): 1-12.
5. [5]Kjacrgard LL, Villumsen J, Gluud C. Quality of randomized cliuical trials affects estimates of intervention efficacy (abstract). In: VII Cochrane Colloquium [ C ], Rome, 1999:57.
6. [6]Moher D, Pham B, Jones A, Cook DJ, Jadad AR, Moher M, Tugwell P, Klassen TP. Does quality of reports of randomized trials affect estimates of intervention efficacy reported in meta-analyes[J]. Lancet, 1998;352(9128): 609-613.
7. [7]Clarke M, Oxman AD, editors. Cochrane Reviewers Haudbook 4. 0 [ updated July 1999 ]; Section 6. In: The Cochrane Library [ database on CD/ROM ]. The Cochrane Collaboration. Oxford: Update Software; 2000, Issuel.
8. [8]Schulz KF, Chahmers I, Hayes R, Altman D. Empirical evidence of bias[J ]. JAMA, 1995 ;273 (5) :408-412.
9. [9]Kurth KH, Schroder FH, Tunn U, Ay R, Pavone-Macaluso M, Debruyne F, de Pauw M, Dalesio O, ten Kate F.Adjuvant chemotherapy of superficial transitional cell bladder carcinoma: preliminary results of a European organization for research on treatment of cancer. Randomized trial comparing doxorubicin hydrochloride, ethoglucid and transurethral resection alone [ J ]. J Urol, 1984; 132 (2) :258-262.
10. [10]Zincke H, Utz DC, Taylor WF, Myers RP, Leary FJ. Influence of thiotepa and doxorubicin instillation at time of transurethral surgical treatment of bladder cancer on tumor recurrence: a prospective, randomized, double-blind,controlled trial [ J ]. J Urol, 1983; 129 (3): 505-509.
11. [11]Niijima T, Koiso K, Akaza H. Randomized clinical trial on chemoprophylaxis of recurrence in cases of superficial bladder cancer [ J ]. Cancer Chemother Pharmacol, 1983; 11 (Suppl):S79-82.
12. [12]Pavone Macaluso M, Tfipi M, Ingargiola GB. Cooperative studies of chemoprophylaxis after transurethral resection of bladder tumors [J ]. Cancer Chemother Pharmacol, 1983; 11(Suppl): S16-21.
13. [13]van der Meijden AP, Kurth KH, Oosterlinck W, Debruyne FM. Intravesical therapy with adriamycin and 4-epirubicin for superficial bladder cancer: the experience of the EORTC GU Group [ J ]. Cancer Chemother Pharmacol, 1992; 30(Suppl): S95-98.
14. [14]Akaza H, KoisoK, KotakeT, Matsumura Y, Isaka S,Machida T, Obata K, Ohashi Y, Ohe H, Ohi Y, et al.Long-term results ofintravesical chemoprophylaxis of superficial bladder cancer: experience of the Japanese Urological Cancer Research Group for Adriamycin [ J ]. Cancer Chemother Pharmacol, 1992 ;30 (Suppl) :S15-20.
15. [15]Maekawa S, Suzuki H, Ohkubo K, et al. Continuous intravesical instillation of epirubicin immediately after transuretbral resection of superficial bladder cancer: a prospective controlled study[J ]. Hinyokika Kiyo, 2000 ;46 (5) :301-306.
16. [16]Isaka S, Okano T, Shimazaki J. Prophylaxis of superficial bladder cancer with instillation of adriamycin or mitomycin C[J]. Cancer Chemother Pharmacol, 1987 ;20 (Suppl) :S77-80.
17. [17]Anonymous. Intravesical doxorubicin for the prophylaxis of superficial bladder tumors. A multicenter study[J ]. Blinst Italian Cooperative Group. Cancer, 1984; 54 (4): 756-761.
18. [18]Huncharek M, Mc Garry R, Kupelnick B. Impact of intravesical chemotherapy on recurrence rate of recurrent superficial transitional cell carcinoma of the bladder: results of a metaanalysis[J]. Anticancer Res, 2001 ;21 (1B) :765-769.
19. [19]Hinotsu S, Akaza H, Ohashi Y, Kotake T. lntravesical chemotherapy for maximum prophylaxis of new early phase superficial bladder carcinoma treated by transurethral resection:a combined analysis of trials by the Japanese Urological Cancer Research Group using smoothed hazard function[J]. Cancer,1999;86(9) :1818-1826.
20. [20]HiraoY, OkajimaE, OharaS, OzonoS, HiramatsuT,Yoshida K, Yamada K, Aoyama H, Hashimoto M, Watanabe S. Prophylactic treatment for superficial bladder cancer following transurethral resection [ J ]. Cancer Chemother Pharmacol, 1987; 20 (Suppl) :S85-90.
21. [21]Togashi M, Shinohara N, Toyota K, Koyanagi T, Maru A,Fujieda J, Kawakura K, Nishida T, Ohashi N. Prophylactic chemotherapy for primary and recurrent superficial bladder cancer: preliminary results [J ]. The Hokkaido University Bladder Cancer Collaborating Group. Cancer Chemother Phannacol, 1992 ;30 (Suppl): S21-25.
22. [22]Tsushima T, Matsumura Y, Ozaki Y, Yoshimoto J, Ohmori H. Prophylactic intravesical instillation therapy with adriamycin and mitomycin C in patients with superficial bladder cancer[J]. Cancer Chemother Pharmacol, 1987 ;20 (Suppl): S72-76.
23. [23]Rubben H, Lutzeyer W, Fischer N, Deutz F, Lagrange W,Giani G. Natural history and treatment of low and high risk superficial bladder tumors[J ]. J Urol, 1988; 139 (2) :283-285.
24. [24]Akaza H, Isaka S, Koiso K, Kotake T, Machida T, Maru A,Matsumura Y, Niijima T, Obata K, Ohe H, et al.Comparative analysis of short-term and long-term prophylactic intravesical chemotherapy of superficial bladder cancer.Prospective, randomized, controlled studies of the Japauese Urological Cancer Research Group [J ]. Cancer Chemother Pharmacol, 1987 ;20 (Suppl): S91-96.
25. [25]Ali-el-Dein B, EI-Baz M, Aly AN, Shamaa S, Ashamallah A.Intravesical epirubicin versus doxorubicin for superficial bladder tumors (stages pTa and pT1): a randomized prospective study[J]. J Urol, 1997; 158(1): 68-74.
26. [26]Ali-el-Dein B, Nabeeh A, El-Baz M, Shamaa S, Ashamallah A. Siugle-dose versus multiple instillations of epimbicin as prophylaxis for recurrence after transurethral resection of pTa and PT1 transitional-cell bladder tumours: a prospective,raudomized controlled study[J]. Br J Urol, 1997; 79 (5):731-735.
27. [27]Hirao Y, Ozono S, Momose H, Okajima E, Hiramatsu T,Yoshida K, Fukushima S, Ohashi Y. Prospective randomized study of prophylaxis of superficial bladder cancer with epirubicin: the role of a central pathology laboratory[J]. Nara Uro-oncology Research Group. (NUORG). Cancer Chemother Pharmacol, 1994; 35 (Suppl): S36-40.
28. [28]Kubota Y, Noguchi S, Shuin T, Moriyama M, Hosaka M,Satomi Y, Furuhata A, Kondo I, Sakuramoto T, Yao M, et al. Preoperative doxorubicin instillation in recurrent superficial bladder cancer[J ]. Cancer Chemother Pharmacol, 1987; 20(Suppl): S56-59.
29. [29]Kurth K, Tunn U, Ay R, Schroder FH, Pavone-Macaluso M, Debruyne F, ten Kate F, de Pauw M, Sylvester R.Adjuvant chemotherapy for superficial transitional cell bladder carcinoma: long-term results of a European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer randomized trial comparing doxorubicin, ethoglucid and transurethral resection alone[J ].J Urol, 1997; 158(2): 378-384.
30. [30]Matsumura Y, Akaza H, Isaka S, Kagawa S, Koiso K, Kotake T, Machida T, Niijima T, Obata K, Ohashi Y, et al. The 4th study of prophylactic intravesical chemotherapy with adriamycin in the treatment of superficial bladder cancer: the experieuce of the Japanese Urological Cancer Research Group for Adriamycin [ J ]. Cancer Chemother Pharmacol, 1992; 30(Suppl): S10-14.
31. [31]Melekos MD, Dauaher H, Fokaefs E, Barbalias G. Intravesical instillations of 4-epi-doxorubicin (epirubicin) in the prophylactic treatment of superficial bladder cancer: results of a controlled prospective study [ J ]. J Urol, 1992; 147 (2): 371-375.
32. [32]Melekos MD, Chionis HS, Paranychianakis GS, Dauber HH.Intravesical 4-epi-doxorubicin (epirubicin) versus bacillus Calmette-Guerin. A controlled prospective study on the prophylaxis of superficial bladder cancer[J]. Cancer, 1993; 72(5): 1749-1755.
33. [33]Miki T, Nonomura N, Kojima Y, Okuyama A, Nakano E,Kiyohara H, Fujioka H, Koide T, Wakatsuki A, Kuroda H,Sugao H, Seguti T, Takeyama M, Yamaguchi S. A randomized study on intravesical pirarubicin (THP)chemoprophylaxis of recurrence after transurethral resection of superficial bladder cancer [J]. Hinyokika Kiyo, 1997; 43(12): 907-912.
34. [34]Nonomura N, Nishimura K, Okuyama A, et al. Prophylactic effect of pirarubiciri (THP) on postoperative recurrence of superficial bladder cancer in terms of intravesical retention time[J]. Hinyokika Kiyo, 2001; 47(5): 315-319.
35. [35]Obata K, Ohashi Y, Akaza H, Isaka S, Kagawa S, Koiso K,Kotake T, Machida T, Matsumura Y, Niijima T, et al.Prophylactic chemotherapy with intravesical instillation of adriamycin and oral administration of 5-fluorouracil after surgery for superficial bladder cancer [ J ]. The Japanese Urological Cancer Research Group for Adriamycin. Cancer Chemother Pharmacol, 1994; 35 (Suppl): S88-92.
36. [36]Okamura K, Murase T, Obata KA. Randomized trial of early intravesical instillation of epirubicin in superficial bladder cancer[J]. Cancer Chemother Pharmacol, 1994; (Suppl): S31-35.
37. [37]Okamura K, Oho Y, Kinukawa T, Matsuura O, Yamada S,Ando T, Fukatsu T, OhnoY, Ohshima S; Nagoya University Urological Oncology Group. Randomized study of single early instillation of (2" R)-4 ’-O-tetrahydropyranyl-doxorubicin for a single superficial bladder carcinoma[J ]. Cancer, 2002; 94(9): 2363-2368.
38. [38]Oosterlinck W, Kurth KH, Schroder F, Bultinck J, Hammond B, Sylvester R. A prospective European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer Genitourinary Group randomized trial comparing transurethral resection followed by a single intravesical instillation of epirubicin or water in single stage Ta, T1 papillary carcinoma of the bladder[J]. J Urol,1993; 149(4): 749-752.
39. [39]Raitanen MP, Lukkarinen O. A controlled study of intravesical epirubicin with or without alpha 2b-interferon as prophylaxis for recurrent superficial transitional cell carcinoma of the bladder [J ]. Finnish Multicentre Study Group. Br J Urol, 1995; 76(6): 697-701.
40. [40]Rajala P, Liukkonen T, Raitanen M, Rintala E, Kaasinen E,Helle M, Lukkarinen O. Transurethral resection vith perioperative instilation on interferon-alpha or epirubicin for the prophylaxis of recurrent primary superficial bladder cancer:a prospective randomized multicenter study-Finnbladder Ⅲ[J]. J Urol, 1999; 161(4): 1133-1136.
41. [41]Shinohara N, Nonomura K, Tanaka M, Nagamori S,Takakura F, Seki T, Koyanagi T, Togashi M, Maru A.Prophylactic chemotherapy with anthracyclines (adriamycin,epirubicin, and pirarubicin) for primary superficial bladder cancer [ J ]. The Hokkaido University Bladder Cancer Collaborative Group. Cancer Chemother Pharmacol, 1994; 35(Suppl): S41-45.
42. [42]Cumming JA, Kirk D, Newling DW, Hargreave TB,Whelan P. A multi-centre phase two study of intravesical epirubicin in the treatment of superficial bladder tumour [ J ].Eur Urol, 1990; 17(1):20-22.
  1. 1. [1]Lurn BL, Tort. Adjuvant intravesical pharmacology for superficial bladder cancer [ J ]. Journal of the National Cancer Institate, 1991 ;83(10) :682-694.
  2. 2. [2]Fleischmann J, Goldberg G. Management of superficial transitional cell carcinoma of the bladder[J ]. Semin Urol, 1993 ;11(4) :193-204.
  3. 3. [3]Fitzpatrick JM. Superficial bladder carcinoma. Factors affecting the natural history[J]. World J Urol, 1993;11 (3) :142-147.
  4. 4. [4]Jadad AR., Moore RA, Carroll D, Jenkinson C, Reynolds DJ, Gavaghan DJ, McQuay HJ. Assessing the quality of reports of raildomized clinical trials: IS blinding necessary [ J ] ?Control Clin Trials, 1996; 17 (1): 1-12.
  5. 5. [5]Kjacrgard LL, Villumsen J, Gluud C. Quality of randomized cliuical trials affects estimates of intervention efficacy (abstract). In: VII Cochrane Colloquium [ C ], Rome, 1999:57.
  6. 6. [6]Moher D, Pham B, Jones A, Cook DJ, Jadad AR, Moher M, Tugwell P, Klassen TP. Does quality of reports of randomized trials affect estimates of intervention efficacy reported in meta-analyes[J]. Lancet, 1998;352(9128): 609-613.
  7. 7. [7]Clarke M, Oxman AD, editors. Cochrane Reviewers Haudbook 4. 0 [ updated July 1999 ]; Section 6. In: The Cochrane Library [ database on CD/ROM ]. The Cochrane Collaboration. Oxford: Update Software; 2000, Issuel.
  8. 8. [8]Schulz KF, Chahmers I, Hayes R, Altman D. Empirical evidence of bias[J ]. JAMA, 1995 ;273 (5) :408-412.
  9. 9. [9]Kurth KH, Schroder FH, Tunn U, Ay R, Pavone-Macaluso M, Debruyne F, de Pauw M, Dalesio O, ten Kate F.Adjuvant chemotherapy of superficial transitional cell bladder carcinoma: preliminary results of a European organization for research on treatment of cancer. Randomized trial comparing doxorubicin hydrochloride, ethoglucid and transurethral resection alone [ J ]. J Urol, 1984; 132 (2) :258-262.
  10. 10. [10]Zincke H, Utz DC, Taylor WF, Myers RP, Leary FJ. Influence of thiotepa and doxorubicin instillation at time of transurethral surgical treatment of bladder cancer on tumor recurrence: a prospective, randomized, double-blind,controlled trial [ J ]. J Urol, 1983; 129 (3): 505-509.
  11. 11. [11]Niijima T, Koiso K, Akaza H. Randomized clinical trial on chemoprophylaxis of recurrence in cases of superficial bladder cancer [ J ]. Cancer Chemother Pharmacol, 1983; 11 (Suppl):S79-82.
  12. 12. [12]Pavone Macaluso M, Tfipi M, Ingargiola GB. Cooperative studies of chemoprophylaxis after transurethral resection of bladder tumors [J ]. Cancer Chemother Pharmacol, 1983; 11(Suppl): S16-21.
  13. 13. [13]van der Meijden AP, Kurth KH, Oosterlinck W, Debruyne FM. Intravesical therapy with adriamycin and 4-epirubicin for superficial bladder cancer: the experience of the EORTC GU Group [ J ]. Cancer Chemother Pharmacol, 1992; 30(Suppl): S95-98.
  14. 14. [14]Akaza H, KoisoK, KotakeT, Matsumura Y, Isaka S,Machida T, Obata K, Ohashi Y, Ohe H, Ohi Y, et al.Long-term results ofintravesical chemoprophylaxis of superficial bladder cancer: experience of the Japanese Urological Cancer Research Group for Adriamycin [ J ]. Cancer Chemother Pharmacol, 1992 ;30 (Suppl) :S15-20.
  15. 15. [15]Maekawa S, Suzuki H, Ohkubo K, et al. Continuous intravesical instillation of epirubicin immediately after transuretbral resection of superficial bladder cancer: a prospective controlled study[J ]. Hinyokika Kiyo, 2000 ;46 (5) :301-306.
  16. 16. [16]Isaka S, Okano T, Shimazaki J. Prophylaxis of superficial bladder cancer with instillation of adriamycin or mitomycin C[J]. Cancer Chemother Pharmacol, 1987 ;20 (Suppl) :S77-80.
  17. 17. [17]Anonymous. Intravesical doxorubicin for the prophylaxis of superficial bladder tumors. A multicenter study[J ]. Blinst Italian Cooperative Group. Cancer, 1984; 54 (4): 756-761.
  18. 18. [18]Huncharek M, Mc Garry R, Kupelnick B. Impact of intravesical chemotherapy on recurrence rate of recurrent superficial transitional cell carcinoma of the bladder: results of a metaanalysis[J]. Anticancer Res, 2001 ;21 (1B) :765-769.
  19. 19. [19]Hinotsu S, Akaza H, Ohashi Y, Kotake T. lntravesical chemotherapy for maximum prophylaxis of new early phase superficial bladder carcinoma treated by transurethral resection:a combined analysis of trials by the Japanese Urological Cancer Research Group using smoothed hazard function[J]. Cancer,1999;86(9) :1818-1826.
  20. 20. [20]HiraoY, OkajimaE, OharaS, OzonoS, HiramatsuT,Yoshida K, Yamada K, Aoyama H, Hashimoto M, Watanabe S. Prophylactic treatment for superficial bladder cancer following transurethral resection [ J ]. Cancer Chemother Pharmacol, 1987; 20 (Suppl) :S85-90.
  21. 21. [21]Togashi M, Shinohara N, Toyota K, Koyanagi T, Maru A,Fujieda J, Kawakura K, Nishida T, Ohashi N. Prophylactic chemotherapy for primary and recurrent superficial bladder cancer: preliminary results [J ]. The Hokkaido University Bladder Cancer Collaborating Group. Cancer Chemother Phannacol, 1992 ;30 (Suppl): S21-25.
  22. 22. [22]Tsushima T, Matsumura Y, Ozaki Y, Yoshimoto J, Ohmori H. Prophylactic intravesical instillation therapy with adriamycin and mitomycin C in patients with superficial bladder cancer[J]. Cancer Chemother Pharmacol, 1987 ;20 (Suppl): S72-76.
  23. 23. [23]Rubben H, Lutzeyer W, Fischer N, Deutz F, Lagrange W,Giani G. Natural history and treatment of low and high risk superficial bladder tumors[J ]. J Urol, 1988; 139 (2) :283-285.
  24. 24. [24]Akaza H, Isaka S, Koiso K, Kotake T, Machida T, Maru A,Matsumura Y, Niijima T, Obata K, Ohe H, et al.Comparative analysis of short-term and long-term prophylactic intravesical chemotherapy of superficial bladder cancer.Prospective, randomized, controlled studies of the Japauese Urological Cancer Research Group [J ]. Cancer Chemother Pharmacol, 1987 ;20 (Suppl): S91-96.
  25. 25. [25]Ali-el-Dein B, EI-Baz M, Aly AN, Shamaa S, Ashamallah A.Intravesical epirubicin versus doxorubicin for superficial bladder tumors (stages pTa and pT1): a randomized prospective study[J]. J Urol, 1997; 158(1): 68-74.
  26. 26. [26]Ali-el-Dein B, Nabeeh A, El-Baz M, Shamaa S, Ashamallah A. Siugle-dose versus multiple instillations of epimbicin as prophylaxis for recurrence after transurethral resection of pTa and PT1 transitional-cell bladder tumours: a prospective,raudomized controlled study[J]. Br J Urol, 1997; 79 (5):731-735.
  27. 27. [27]Hirao Y, Ozono S, Momose H, Okajima E, Hiramatsu T,Yoshida K, Fukushima S, Ohashi Y. Prospective randomized study of prophylaxis of superficial bladder cancer with epirubicin: the role of a central pathology laboratory[J]. Nara Uro-oncology Research Group. (NUORG). Cancer Chemother Pharmacol, 1994; 35 (Suppl): S36-40.
  28. 28. [28]Kubota Y, Noguchi S, Shuin T, Moriyama M, Hosaka M,Satomi Y, Furuhata A, Kondo I, Sakuramoto T, Yao M, et al. Preoperative doxorubicin instillation in recurrent superficial bladder cancer[J ]. Cancer Chemother Pharmacol, 1987; 20(Suppl): S56-59.
  29. 29. [29]Kurth K, Tunn U, Ay R, Schroder FH, Pavone-Macaluso M, Debruyne F, ten Kate F, de Pauw M, Sylvester R.Adjuvant chemotherapy for superficial transitional cell bladder carcinoma: long-term results of a European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer randomized trial comparing doxorubicin, ethoglucid and transurethral resection alone[J ].J Urol, 1997; 158(2): 378-384.
  30. 30. [30]Matsumura Y, Akaza H, Isaka S, Kagawa S, Koiso K, Kotake T, Machida T, Niijima T, Obata K, Ohashi Y, et al. The 4th study of prophylactic intravesical chemotherapy with adriamycin in the treatment of superficial bladder cancer: the experieuce of the Japanese Urological Cancer Research Group for Adriamycin [ J ]. Cancer Chemother Pharmacol, 1992; 30(Suppl): S10-14.
  31. 31. [31]Melekos MD, Dauaher H, Fokaefs E, Barbalias G. Intravesical instillations of 4-epi-doxorubicin (epirubicin) in the prophylactic treatment of superficial bladder cancer: results of a controlled prospective study [ J ]. J Urol, 1992; 147 (2): 371-375.
  32. 32. [32]Melekos MD, Chionis HS, Paranychianakis GS, Dauber HH.Intravesical 4-epi-doxorubicin (epirubicin) versus bacillus Calmette-Guerin. A controlled prospective study on the prophylaxis of superficial bladder cancer[J]. Cancer, 1993; 72(5): 1749-1755.
  33. 33. [33]Miki T, Nonomura N, Kojima Y, Okuyama A, Nakano E,Kiyohara H, Fujioka H, Koide T, Wakatsuki A, Kuroda H,Sugao H, Seguti T, Takeyama M, Yamaguchi S. A randomized study on intravesical pirarubicin (THP)chemoprophylaxis of recurrence after transurethral resection of superficial bladder cancer [J]. Hinyokika Kiyo, 1997; 43(12): 907-912.
  34. 34. [34]Nonomura N, Nishimura K, Okuyama A, et al. Prophylactic effect of pirarubiciri (THP) on postoperative recurrence of superficial bladder cancer in terms of intravesical retention time[J]. Hinyokika Kiyo, 2001; 47(5): 315-319.
  35. 35. [35]Obata K, Ohashi Y, Akaza H, Isaka S, Kagawa S, Koiso K,Kotake T, Machida T, Matsumura Y, Niijima T, et al.Prophylactic chemotherapy with intravesical instillation of adriamycin and oral administration of 5-fluorouracil after surgery for superficial bladder cancer [ J ]. The Japanese Urological Cancer Research Group for Adriamycin. Cancer Chemother Pharmacol, 1994; 35 (Suppl): S88-92.
  36. 36. [36]Okamura K, Murase T, Obata KA. Randomized trial of early intravesical instillation of epirubicin in superficial bladder cancer[J]. Cancer Chemother Pharmacol, 1994; (Suppl): S31-35.
  37. 37. [37]Okamura K, Oho Y, Kinukawa T, Matsuura O, Yamada S,Ando T, Fukatsu T, OhnoY, Ohshima S; Nagoya University Urological Oncology Group. Randomized study of single early instillation of (2" R)-4 ’-O-tetrahydropyranyl-doxorubicin for a single superficial bladder carcinoma[J ]. Cancer, 2002; 94(9): 2363-2368.
  38. 38. [38]Oosterlinck W, Kurth KH, Schroder F, Bultinck J, Hammond B, Sylvester R. A prospective European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer Genitourinary Group randomized trial comparing transurethral resection followed by a single intravesical instillation of epirubicin or water in single stage Ta, T1 papillary carcinoma of the bladder[J]. J Urol,1993; 149(4): 749-752.
  39. 39. [39]Raitanen MP, Lukkarinen O. A controlled study of intravesical epirubicin with or without alpha 2b-interferon as prophylaxis for recurrent superficial transitional cell carcinoma of the bladder [J ]. Finnish Multicentre Study Group. Br J Urol, 1995; 76(6): 697-701.
  40. 40. [40]Rajala P, Liukkonen T, Raitanen M, Rintala E, Kaasinen E,Helle M, Lukkarinen O. Transurethral resection vith perioperative instilation on interferon-alpha or epirubicin for the prophylaxis of recurrent primary superficial bladder cancer:a prospective randomized multicenter study-Finnbladder Ⅲ[J]. J Urol, 1999; 161(4): 1133-1136.
  41. 41. [41]Shinohara N, Nonomura K, Tanaka M, Nagamori S,Takakura F, Seki T, Koyanagi T, Togashi M, Maru A.Prophylactic chemotherapy with anthracyclines (adriamycin,epirubicin, and pirarubicin) for primary superficial bladder cancer [ J ]. The Hokkaido University Bladder Cancer Collaborative Group. Cancer Chemother Pharmacol, 1994; 35(Suppl): S41-45.
  42. 42. [42]Cumming JA, Kirk D, Newling DW, Hargreave TB,Whelan P. A multi-centre phase two study of intravesical epirubicin in the treatment of superficial bladder tumour [ J ].Eur Urol, 1990; 17(1):20-22.