• 1. 四川大學華西護理學院(成都 610041)2. 香港理工大學護理學院(香港九龍);

目的  對成都地區(qū)三所三級甲等綜合醫(yī)院ICU護士照護機械通氣病人的態(tài)度、主觀行為規(guī)范及其行為意向進行研究,為相關的護士培訓提供依據(jù)。
方法  應用《護士對照護機械通氣病人的行為態(tài)度、主觀行為規(guī)范和行為意向》量表中文修訂版對近三個月內(nèi)照護過機械通氣病人的ICU護士進行測評,描述ICU護士照護機械通氣病人的態(tài)度、主觀行為規(guī)范和行為意向。
結(jié)果  分別有69.1%、91.3%、95.8%的ICU護士對照護機械通氣病人的行為態(tài)度、主觀行為規(guī)范和行為意向為正性。
結(jié)論  絕大多數(shù)ICU護士對照護機械通氣病人持積極的行為態(tài)度、主觀行為規(guī)范和行為意向。

引用本文: 康 華,蔣曉蓮,Meyrick Chumming CHOW. ICU護士照護機械通氣病人的態(tài)度、主觀行為規(guī)范及其行為意向研究. 中國循證醫(yī)學雜志, 2006, 06(9): 635-640. doi: 復制

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  1. 1. A Larsson, S Lundin. Scandinavian intensive care–futility or too few utilities. Acta Anaesthesiol Scand, 2001; 45: 525–526.
  2. 2. Dolores A, Blair TJ, Martin F, et al. Theories of Reasoned Action and Planned Behavior as Models of Condom Use: A Meta-Analysis. Psychological Bulletin, 2001; 127(1): 142–161.
  3. 3. Hyera. Attitudes, subjective norm, and beliefs of Korean nursing students as predictors of intention to care for HIV disease patients; a test of theory of reasoned action[Thesis]; 1996. 147.
  4. 4. Andy M, Maggie C, Sue C. Nurses’ behavioural intentions towards self-poisoning patients: a theory of reasoned action, comparison of attitudes and subjective norms as predictive variables. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 34(1): 107–116.
  5. 5. Andy McKinlay, Sue Cowan. Student nurses’ attitudes towards working with older patients. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 43(3): 298–309.