• 1.四川大學(xué)華西醫(yī)院感染性疾病中心(成都 610041)2.四川大學(xué)華西公共衛(wèi)生學(xué)院(成都 610041);

目的  評價國產(chǎn)頭孢吡肟注射劑治療急性細(xì)菌性下呼吸道感染的有效性與安全性。
方法  采用隨機(jī)、單盲(患者)、陽性藥物平行對照試驗設(shè)計,試驗組用國產(chǎn)頭孢吡肟,對照組用進(jìn)口頭孢吡肟,用法均為中度感染2 g/d,重度感染4 g/d,分兩次靜滴,療程7~10天。
結(jié)果  共入選31例,可評價療效病例30例,每組各15例,試驗組和對照組痊愈率分別為40.00%和26.67%,有效率分別為80.00%和86.67%;兩組細(xì)菌清除率分別為92.31%和100%,藥物不良反應(yīng)發(fā)生率分別為12.5%和13.33%,兩組比較均無顯著差異(P gt;0.05)。
結(jié)論  國產(chǎn)頭孢吡肟注射劑治療急性細(xì)菌性下呼吸道感染療效確切,不良反應(yīng)較少。

引用本文: 王麗春,李大江,呂曉菊,宗志勇,盧家秀,俞汝佳,倪宗瓚. 國產(chǎn)頭孢吡肟治療急性細(xì)菌性下呼吸道感染的隨機(jī)對照臨床試驗. 中國循證醫(yī)學(xué)雜志, 2007, 07(8): 580-585. doi: 復(fù)制

1. Liu HX, Wang T, Zhang H, et al. A multicenter, randomized, and double-blind controlled clinical trial of cefepime in treatment of acute bacterial infections. Chin J New Drugs Clin Rem, 2006, 25(7): 515-518.
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4. Karlowsky JA, Jones ME, Thomsberry C, et al. Trends in antimicrobial susceptibilities among Enterobacteriaceae isolated from hospitalized patients in the United States from 1998 to 2002. Antimicrob Agents Chemother, 2003, 47(5): 1672-1680.
5. 劉惠俠, 王婷, 張虹, 等. 頭孢吡肟治療急性細(xì)菌性感染多中心隨機(jī)雙盲對照臨床研究. 中國新藥與臨床雜志, 2006, 25(7): 515-518.
6. 劉麗嵐, 張麗萍, 江素玲. 頭孢吡肟不良反應(yīng). 中國誤診學(xué)雜志, 2006, 6(13): 2640.
  1. 1. Liu HX, Wang T, Zhang H, et al. A multicenter, randomized, and double-blind controlled clinical trial of cefepime in treatment of acute bacterial infections. Chin J New Drugs Clin Rem, 2006, 25(7): 515-518.
  2. 2. Liu LL, Zhang LP, Jiang SL. Adverse effect of cefepime. Chin J Misdiagn, 2006, 6(13): 2640.
  3. 3. Bijie H, Kulpradist S, Manalaysay M, et al. In vitro activity, phamocokinetics, clinical efficacy, safety and phamocoeconomics of ceftriaxone compared with third and forth generation cephalosporins: review. J Chemother, 2005, 17(1): 3-24.
  4. 4. Karlowsky JA, Jones ME, Thomsberry C, et al. Trends in antimicrobial susceptibilities among Enterobacteriaceae isolated from hospitalized patients in the United States from 1998 to 2002. Antimicrob Agents Chemother, 2003, 47(5): 1672-1680.
  5. 5. 劉惠俠, 王婷, 張虹, 等. 頭孢吡肟治療急性細(xì)菌性感染多中心隨機(jī)雙盲對照臨床研究. 中國新藥與臨床雜志, 2006, 25(7): 515-518.
  6. 6. 劉麗嵐, 張麗萍, 江素玲. 頭孢吡肟不良反應(yīng). 中國誤診學(xué)雜志, 2006, 6(13): 2640.