• 四川大學(xué)華西醫(yī)院中國循證醫(yī)學(xué)中心(成都 610041);

目的  循證評價(jià)復(fù)治涂陽肺結(jié)核繼續(xù)期治療方案,為WHO基本藥物目錄(WHO EML)調(diào)整及國家指南更新提供依據(jù)。
方法  計(jì)算機(jī)檢索官方網(wǎng)站和CBMdisc(1978~2006),Cochrane 圖書館(2006年第4期),DARE(1994~2006),MEDLINE(1950~2006),EMBASE(1974~2006),BIOSIS Previews(1997~2006)等數(shù)據(jù)庫,同時(shí)手檢相關(guān)雜志和參考文獻(xiàn)。按照納入、排除標(biāo)準(zhǔn)嚴(yán)格選擇文獻(xiàn)。對納入文獻(xiàn)分類分級,循證分析。
結(jié)果  共納入28篇RCT,4篇CCT,11篇敘述性研究和5篇WHO/ 國家指南。WHO及高結(jié)核負(fù)擔(dān)國家結(jié)核防治指南中Ⅱ類結(jié)核治療繼續(xù)期均使用利福平、異煙肼和乙胺丁醇,但療程、劑量有差異。此外,此3藥也較多用于其它類型結(jié)核。
結(jié)論  建議將利福平(R)、異煙肼(H)和乙胺丁醇(E)固定劑量聯(lián)用(FDC-RHE)納入WHO EML2007用于復(fù)治涂陽肺結(jié)核的治療;HRE劑量比例建議為1∶1∶2,劑量為H 150 mg, R 150 mg,E 300 mg。最佳劑量尚須根據(jù)更多高質(zhì)量臨床研究以指導(dǎo)調(diào)整。有必要開展對WHO及高結(jié)核負(fù)擔(dān)國家結(jié)核防治指南有效性、安全性、經(jīng)濟(jì)性和適用性的臨床研究,并對其進(jìn)行系統(tǒng)評價(jià),以考察結(jié)核用藥方案效果,指導(dǎo)指南更新和資源合理配置,提高治療績效。有必要加強(qiáng)替代/備選藥物研究,開發(fā)有效、安全、經(jīng)濟(jì)、適用的抗結(jié)核藥物及藥物組合用于耐藥結(jié)核的防治。

引用本文: 楊曉妍,毛秀,孫鑫,段蔭喬,李幼平. 復(fù)治涂陽肺結(jié)核繼續(xù)期治療方案的循證評價(jià). 中國循證醫(yī)學(xué)雜志, 2007, 07(3): 211-221. doi: 復(fù)制

1. Wang BY, Wang DW. Observation of therapeutic effect of Nucleic Acid And Casein Hydrolysate Composite Injection and thymic factor D for retreated pulmonary tuberculosis patients. Shanghai Medical and Pharmaceutical Journal, 1998, 19(8): 21.
2. Chu NH, Zhu LZ, Yie ZZ, et al. A controlled clinical study on the efficacy of recombinant human interleukin-2 in the treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis. Chinese Journal of Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases, 2003, 26(9): 548–551.
3. He LF, Cha JY, Wu SL. Observation of therapeutic effect of Spirulina plus transfer factor as adjunctive therapy for retreated pulmonary tuberculosis. The Journal of the Chinese Antituberculosis Association, 2005, 27(1): 33–35.
4. Li BY. Observation on Curative Effect of Positive Bacteria Pulmonary Tuberculosis Treated by Chemotherapy and BCG- PSN. Journal of Preventive Medicine Information, 2001, 17(6): 427–428.
5. Yu D, Wang J, Hu X. Clinical research of pasinizid on retreated sputum positive pulmonary tuberculosis in senilities. Chinese Journal of Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases, 2001, 24(10): 608–610.
6. Cheng HL, Hu JG, Hu XW. The Comparison of the Clinical Effects of Using Lifuxin and Lifuping in the Treatment of Retreated Tuberculosis. Journal of Clinical Pulmonary Medicine, 2003, 8(3): 223–225.
7. Zeng L,Wang GB, Gao SY, et al. Clinical research of intravenous drip of capastat sulfate treating for the patients with tuberculosis. Henan Medical Research, 2002, 11(3): 230–232.
8. Chen YZ. Clinical Observation on the Clinical Efficacy and Safety of Retreated and Smear Positive Patient with Pulmonary Tuberculosis Treated by Levofloxcin. Journal of Jiangsu University (Medicine Edition), 2004, 14(2): 120–122.
9. He HL. Observation of therapeutic effect of Lentinan and Oleanolic Acid Tablets in treating patients of retreated pulmonary tuberculosis. Journal of Guiyang College of Traditional Chinese Medicine, 2001, 23(1): 21–22.
10. Huang CS, Wu CC. Observation of the clinical efficacy of sparfloxacin in the treatment of multiple drug resistance pneumonial tuberculosis. Chinese Journal of Antibiotics, 2000, 25(4): 302–303+316.
11. Peng WS, Wang YN, Xiao CZ. Editor-in-Chief. New Development in Phthisiology. 2nd ed. Beijing: China Medical Technique Press, 1994. 163–166.
12. Xie HA, Yang GT, Lin SZ, et al. Editor-in-Chief. Modern Phthisiology. 1st. Beijing: People’s Medical Publishing House, 2000. 232–236.
13. Society of Tuberculosis of Chinese Medical Association. Summary of National seminar on tuberculosis taxonomy. Chinese Journal of Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases, 1998, 21(12): 718–719.
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  1. 1. Wang BY, Wang DW. Observation of therapeutic effect of Nucleic Acid And Casein Hydrolysate Composite Injection and thymic factor D for retreated pulmonary tuberculosis patients. Shanghai Medical and Pharmaceutical Journal, 1998, 19(8): 21.
  2. 2. Chu NH, Zhu LZ, Yie ZZ, et al. A controlled clinical study on the efficacy of recombinant human interleukin-2 in the treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis. Chinese Journal of Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases, 2003, 26(9): 548–551.
  3. 3. He LF, Cha JY, Wu SL. Observation of therapeutic effect of Spirulina plus transfer factor as adjunctive therapy for retreated pulmonary tuberculosis. The Journal of the Chinese Antituberculosis Association, 2005, 27(1): 33–35.
  4. 4. Li BY. Observation on Curative Effect of Positive Bacteria Pulmonary Tuberculosis Treated by Chemotherapy and BCG- PSN. Journal of Preventive Medicine Information, 2001, 17(6): 427–428.
  5. 5. Yu D, Wang J, Hu X. Clinical research of pasinizid on retreated sputum positive pulmonary tuberculosis in senilities. Chinese Journal of Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases, 2001, 24(10): 608–610.
  6. 6. Cheng HL, Hu JG, Hu XW. The Comparison of the Clinical Effects of Using Lifuxin and Lifuping in the Treatment of Retreated Tuberculosis. Journal of Clinical Pulmonary Medicine, 2003, 8(3): 223–225.
  7. 7. Zeng L,Wang GB, Gao SY, et al. Clinical research of intravenous drip of capastat sulfate treating for the patients with tuberculosis. Henan Medical Research, 2002, 11(3): 230–232.
  8. 8. Chen YZ. Clinical Observation on the Clinical Efficacy and Safety of Retreated and Smear Positive Patient with Pulmonary Tuberculosis Treated by Levofloxcin. Journal of Jiangsu University (Medicine Edition), 2004, 14(2): 120–122.
  9. 9. He HL. Observation of therapeutic effect of Lentinan and Oleanolic Acid Tablets in treating patients of retreated pulmonary tuberculosis. Journal of Guiyang College of Traditional Chinese Medicine, 2001, 23(1): 21–22.
  10. 10. Huang CS, Wu CC. Observation of the clinical efficacy of sparfloxacin in the treatment of multiple drug resistance pneumonial tuberculosis. Chinese Journal of Antibiotics, 2000, 25(4): 302–303+316.
  11. 11. Peng WS, Wang YN, Xiao CZ. Editor-in-Chief. New Development in Phthisiology. 2nd ed. Beijing: China Medical Technique Press, 1994. 163–166.
  12. 12. Xie HA, Yang GT, Lin SZ, et al. Editor-in-Chief. Modern Phthisiology. 1st. Beijing: People’s Medical Publishing House, 2000. 232–236.
  13. 13. Society of Tuberculosis of Chinese Medical Association. Summary of National seminar on tuberculosis taxonomy. Chinese Journal of Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases, 1998, 21(12): 718–719.
  14. 14. Society of Tuberculosis of Chinese Medical Association. Chinese tuberculosis disease taxonomy. Chinese Journal of Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases, 1998, 21(12): 716.
  15. 15. Department of Disease Control of Ministry of Health. Guidelines on Enforcement of Chinese Tuberculosis Control Program, Edition for Suggestion. 2006. 11.
  16. 16. Department of Disease Control of Ministry of Health. Guideline on Enforcement of Chinese Tuberculosis Control Program, 2002. 3.
  17. 17. Jiang W, Chen H, Gao JS. Efficacy of regimens containing INH, RFP with varied chemotherapy courses on retreated culture positive pneumoconio-tuberculosis. Chinese Journal of Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases, 1998, 21(11): 648–650.
  18. 18. Wang XJ, Dai YS, Cao JP, et al. Effectiveness of short course intermittent regimen on different categories of retreated patients with pulmonary tuberculosis. Chinese Journal of Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases, 2001, 24(8): 472–476.
  19. 19. Ma F, Fan X. Therapeutic effect and evaluation of Isoniazid Aminosalicylate on RSP-TB. Journal of Clinical Pulmonary Medicine, 2005, 10(4): 443–444.
  20. 20. Wen SM, Su Y, Zhang F, et al. Analysis of short-term effects of short-course intermittent chemotherapies of the World Bank Loaned Project. Chinese Journal of Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases, 1996, 19(6): 357–359.
  21. 21. Li XT, Ye LX, Shi LY, et al. Logistic analysis on risk factors related to smear positive pulmonary tuberculosis. Chin J Epidemiol, 2004, 25(8): 658–660.
  22. 22. Collaborative Group on Pulmonary Tuberculosis Treatment of Shandong Province. Analysis of the therapeutic effect of short-course chemotherapy on initial and re-treatment phase pulmonary tuberculosis. Chinese Journal of Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases, 1989, 12 (4): 220–222.
  23. 23. Huang GX, Liu K, Lin QY, et al. Experimental study on the prevention of diabetes complicated with tuberculosis by Mycobacterium vaccae. Chinese Journal of Gerontology, 2005, 5(25): 491–492.
  24. 24. Rao PA, Gan XF. Effect of chemical drugs and mycobacterium vaccae vaccine in treatment of 30 cases of recurrent pulmonary tuberculosis. Journal of Clinical Pulmonary Medicine, 2005, 10(5): 602.
  25. 25. Ding GF, Pan XY, Liu WY. Observation of Siqikang Injection combined with anti-tuberculosis drugs in treating pulmonary tuberculosis patients with retreated sputum-positive. Journal of Clinical Pulmonary Medicine, 2005, 10(1): 60–61.
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