• 1.四川省綿陽市精神衛(wèi)生中心(四川綿陽 621000)2.綿陽市第三人民醫(yī)院婦產(chǎn)科(四川綿陽 621000)3.綿陽市人民醫(yī)院婦產(chǎn)科(四川綿陽 621000);

目的  探討產(chǎn)后自殺發(fā)生的高危因素。
方法  對綿陽市精神衛(wèi)生中心診斷為產(chǎn)后抑郁并伴有自殺行為和意念的40例住院患者用愛丁堡產(chǎn)后抑郁量表(EPDS)、生活事件量表(LES)和社會支持量表(SSRS)等進行問卷調(diào)查和評定,并與健康產(chǎn)婦進行比較,而后用多元逐步回歸分析探討其相關高危因素。
結(jié)果  產(chǎn)后自殺與既往抑郁史、半年內(nèi)負性生活事件、缺乏社會支持、母嬰疾病、夫妻關系等明顯相關。
結(jié)論  產(chǎn)前防范和產(chǎn)后危機干預有利于降低產(chǎn)后自殺。

引用本文: 謝巧明,向虎,劉玉,陶用富,秦叔達,於明莉. 產(chǎn)后自殺高危因素的相關性分析. 中國循證醫(yī)學雜志, 2007, 07(11): 771-773. doi: 復制

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  1. 1. O’Hara MW, Swain AM. Rats and Risk of postpartum depression a Mata analysis. Rev psychiatry, 1996, 8: 37-54.
  2. 2. Laura J, Miller MD. Pospartum depression. JAMA, 2002, 287: 762-765.
  3. 3. Nesport DJ, Hostetter A, Amold A, et al. The treatment of post-Partrem depression: minimizing intant exposures. Jclin Psychiatry, 2002, 63(Supp17): 31-44.
  4. 4. Cui CS, Sui JM. The progress of postpartum depression’s etiological factor diagnosis prevention and cure. Progress in Obstetrics and Gynecology, 2005, 14(4): 319-321.
  5. 5. Bloch M, Schmidt PJ, Danaceau M, et al. Effects of gonadal steroids in women with a history of postpartum depresson. AM J Psy-Chiatry, 2000, 157: 924-930.
  6. 6. Treloar SA, Martin NG, Bucholz KK, et al. Genetic influences on post-natal depressive symptoms: findings from an Australian twin sample. Psychol Med, 1999, 29: 645-654.
  7. 7. Nielsen forman D, Videbech P, Hedegaard M, et al. Postpartum Depressive: indentification of women at risk. Br J Obst Gynaecol, 2000, 107: 1210-1217.
  8. 8. Baker D, Taylor H. The relation between condition-specific Morbidity. social support and material deprivation in pregnancy and Early motherhood. Soc Sci Med, 1997, 45: 1325-1336.