• 1重慶醫(yī)科大學中醫(yī)藥學院(重慶,400016);;
  • 2重慶醫(yī)科大學臨床檢驗診斷學教育部重點實驗室;;
  • 3恩施市婦幼保健醫(yī)院內兒科;

【摘 要】 目的  研究按摩對兔股四頭肌損傷的肌組織病理修復、細胞骨架蛋白結蛋白(Desmin)和α-肌動蛋白(α-Actin)表達的效應差異,探討按摩促進肌肉損傷修復的作用機制。 方法  健康成年雄性新西蘭大白兔27只,體重(2.0 ± 0.5)kg,隨機分為3組,正常對照組(A組,n=3)、自然恢復組(B組,n=12)和按摩組(C組,n=12)。A組實驗動物不作任何處理,B、C組實驗動物用自制打擊器制備兔右后肢股四頭肌損傷模型。C組于造模后第8天開始按摩,按摩轉速3 000~3 100 r/min,按摩時間15 min,每天1次至處死取材為止;B組不予按摩。B、C組于傷后14 d及21 d各取6只實驗動物股四頭肌樣本,HE染色觀察組織病理變化,免疫組織化學染色及Western blot檢測Desmin、α-Actin表達,并與A組正常股四頭肌標本進行比較。 結果  B、C組實驗動物均存活至實驗完成。A組肌纖維形態(tài)規(guī)整,排列整齊,無結締樣組織;B組股四頭肌標本見明顯組織壞死,多數(shù)肌纖維斷裂、萎縮、排列紊亂;C組骨骼肌組織形態(tài)、肌萎縮較B組改善,受損部位可見新生肌纖維。免疫組織化學染色顯示各時間點B、C組Desmin、α-Actin表達均低于A組(P  lt; 0.05);但C組Desmin、α-Actin表達均較B組增強(P  lt; 0.05),且21 d時明顯高于14 d(P  lt; 0.05)。Western blot檢測示A組Desmin、α-Actin高于B、C組(P  lt; 0.05), B組兩種蛋白表達最低。 結論  按摩可促進兔損傷股四頭肌的組織形態(tài)及細胞骨架恢復,可能通過上調Desmin、α-Actin表達促進骨骼肌組織損傷修復。

引用本文: 侯懿烜 ,柳滿然,余敏,張萍,劉祖麗,唐成林. 按摩促進兔股四頭肌損傷修復的體內研究. 中國修復重建外科雜志, 2012, 26(3): 346-351. doi: 復制

1. 11 Muroya S, Ertbjerg P, Pomponio L, et al. Desmin and troponin T are degraded faster in type IIb muscle fibers than in type I fibers during postmortem aging of porcine muscle. Meat Sci, 2010, 86(3): 764-769.
2. Zainuddin Z, Newton M, Sacco P, et al. Effects of massage on delayed-onset muscle soreness, swelling, and recovery of muscle function. J Athl Train, 2005, 40(3): 174-180.
3. Lovering RM, O’Neill A, Muriel JM, et al. Physiology, structure, and susceptibility to injury of skeletal muscle in mice lacking keratin 19-based and desmin-based intermediate filaments. Am J Physiol Cell Physiol, 2011, 300(4): C803-813.
4. Martinez-Amat A, Marchal-Corrales JA, Rodriguez-Serrano F, et al. Role of alpha-actin in muscle damage of injured athletes in comparison with traditional markers. Br J Sports Med, 2007, 41(7): 442-446.
5. Capetanaki Y, Milner DJ, Weitzer G. Desmin in muscle formation and maintenance: knockouts and consequences. Cell Struct Funct, 1997, 22(1): 103-116.
6. Tonino P, Pappas CT, Hudson BD, et al. Reduced myofibrillar connectivity and increased Z-disk width in nebulin-deficient skeletal muscle. J Cell Sci, 2010,123(Pt 3): 384-391.
7. 李世成, 吳維, 楊則宜. 運動后骨骼肌微結構的損傷及修復與蛋白質補充. 中國運動醫(yī)學雜志, 2004, 23(2): 216-219.
8. Crameri RM, Aagaard P, Qvortrup K, et al. Myofibre damage in human skeletal muscle: effects of electrical stimulation versus voluntary contraction. J Physiol, 2007, 583(Pt 1): 365-380.
9. Lieber RL, Friden J. Morphologic and mechanical basis of delayed-onset muscle soreness. J Am Acad Orthop Surg, 2002, 10(1): 67-73.
10. 金其貫, 劉霞, 李淑艷, 等. 反復離心運動致骨骼肌超微結構變化的實驗研究. 西安體育學院學報, 2010, 27(4): 453-456.
11. Martinez-Amat A, Boulaiz H, Prados J, et al. Release of alpha-actin into serum after skeletal muscle damage. Br J Sports Med, 2005, 39(11): 830-834.
12. 張宏, 嚴雋陶, 徐俊, 等. 骨骼肌纖維類型增齡性變化特征及推拿手法對老齡大鼠骨骼肌纖維的影響. 中國組織工程研究與臨床康復, 2007, 11(36): 7149-7152.
13. 王艷國, 嚴雋陶, 房敏, 等. 推拿對頸椎病患者頸肌疲勞的影響. 江蘇中醫(yī)藥, 2008, 40(8): 45-47.
14. 秦渭志, 黃明喜, 陳金昌, 等. 推拿治療軟組織損傷的機制研究. 按摩與導引, 2007, 23(7): 8-9.
15. 田惠林, 趙斌, 劉玉倩, 等. 定量按摩對肌肉損傷修復作用的形態(tài)學和生物力學研究. 河北師范大學學報:自然科學版, 2005, 29(2): 213-216.
16. 李軍, 魏東明, 文新, 等. 推拿對家兔佐劑性關節(jié)炎微循環(huán)和血液流變學的影響. 中醫(yī)藥學報, 2010, 38(1): 37-39.
17. 侯懿烜, 柳滿然, 張萍, 等. 骨骼肌損傷修復的生理生化機制研究. 激光生物學報, 2011, 20(5): 662-667.
18. Jimena I, Tasset I, López-Martos R, et al. Effects of magnetic stimulation on oxidative stress and skeletal muscle regeneration induced by mepivacaine in rat. Med Chem, 2009, 5(1): 44-49.
19. Bär H, Schopferer M, Sharma S, et al. Mutations in desmin’s carboxy-terminal “tail” domain severely modify filament and network mechanics. J Mol Biol, 2010, 397(5): 1188-1198.
20. Haubold KW, Allen DL, Capetanaki Y, et al. Loss of desmin leads to impaired voluntary wheel running and treadmill exercise performance. J Appl Physiol, 2003, 95(4): 1617-1622.
21. 王瑞元, 苑玉和, 田文秀, 等. 一次力竭性離心運動后大鼠骨骼肌α-actin代謝變化及針刺對其影響. 體育科學, 2002, 22(4): 95-99.
22. Mahoney DJ, Safdar A, Parise G, et al. Gene expression profiling in human skeletal muscle during recovery from eccentric exercise. Am J Physiol Regul Integr Comp Physiol, 2008, 294(6): R1901-1910.
23. Negishi S, Li Y, Usas A, et al. The effect of relaxin treatment on skeletal muscle injuries. Am J Sports Med, 2005, 33(12): 1816-1824.
  1. 1. 11 Muroya S, Ertbjerg P, Pomponio L, et al. Desmin and troponin T are degraded faster in type IIb muscle fibers than in type I fibers during postmortem aging of porcine muscle. Meat Sci, 2010, 86(3): 764-769.
  2. 2. Zainuddin Z, Newton M, Sacco P, et al. Effects of massage on delayed-onset muscle soreness, swelling, and recovery of muscle function. J Athl Train, 2005, 40(3): 174-180.
  3. 3. Lovering RM, O’Neill A, Muriel JM, et al. Physiology, structure, and susceptibility to injury of skeletal muscle in mice lacking keratin 19-based and desmin-based intermediate filaments. Am J Physiol Cell Physiol, 2011, 300(4): C803-813.
  4. 4. Martinez-Amat A, Marchal-Corrales JA, Rodriguez-Serrano F, et al. Role of alpha-actin in muscle damage of injured athletes in comparison with traditional markers. Br J Sports Med, 2007, 41(7): 442-446.
  5. 5. Capetanaki Y, Milner DJ, Weitzer G. Desmin in muscle formation and maintenance: knockouts and consequences. Cell Struct Funct, 1997, 22(1): 103-116.
  6. 6. Tonino P, Pappas CT, Hudson BD, et al. Reduced myofibrillar connectivity and increased Z-disk width in nebulin-deficient skeletal muscle. J Cell Sci, 2010,123(Pt 3): 384-391.
  7. 7. 李世成, 吳維, 楊則宜. 運動后骨骼肌微結構的損傷及修復與蛋白質補充. 中國運動醫(yī)學雜志, 2004, 23(2): 216-219.
  8. 8. Crameri RM, Aagaard P, Qvortrup K, et al. Myofibre damage in human skeletal muscle: effects of electrical stimulation versus voluntary contraction. J Physiol, 2007, 583(Pt 1): 365-380.
  9. 9. Lieber RL, Friden J. Morphologic and mechanical basis of delayed-onset muscle soreness. J Am Acad Orthop Surg, 2002, 10(1): 67-73.
  10. 10. 金其貫, 劉霞, 李淑艷, 等. 反復離心運動致骨骼肌超微結構變化的實驗研究. 西安體育學院學報, 2010, 27(4): 453-456.
  11. 11. Martinez-Amat A, Boulaiz H, Prados J, et al. Release of alpha-actin into serum after skeletal muscle damage. Br J Sports Med, 2005, 39(11): 830-834.
  12. 12. 張宏, 嚴雋陶, 徐俊, 等. 骨骼肌纖維類型增齡性變化特征及推拿手法對老齡大鼠骨骼肌纖維的影響. 中國組織工程研究與臨床康復, 2007, 11(36): 7149-7152.
  13. 13. 王艷國, 嚴雋陶, 房敏, 等. 推拿對頸椎病患者頸肌疲勞的影響. 江蘇中醫(yī)藥, 2008, 40(8): 45-47.
  14. 14. 秦渭志, 黃明喜, 陳金昌, 等. 推拿治療軟組織損傷的機制研究. 按摩與導引, 2007, 23(7): 8-9.
  15. 15. 田惠林, 趙斌, 劉玉倩, 等. 定量按摩對肌肉損傷修復作用的形態(tài)學和生物力學研究. 河北師范大學學報:自然科學版, 2005, 29(2): 213-216.
  16. 16. 李軍, 魏東明, 文新, 等. 推拿對家兔佐劑性關節(jié)炎微循環(huán)和血液流變學的影響. 中醫(yī)藥學報, 2010, 38(1): 37-39.
  17. 17. 侯懿烜, 柳滿然, 張萍, 等. 骨骼肌損傷修復的生理生化機制研究. 激光生物學報, 2011, 20(5): 662-667.
  18. 18. Jimena I, Tasset I, López-Martos R, et al. Effects of magnetic stimulation on oxidative stress and skeletal muscle regeneration induced by mepivacaine in rat. Med Chem, 2009, 5(1): 44-49.
  19. 19. Bär H, Schopferer M, Sharma S, et al. Mutations in desmin’s carboxy-terminal “tail” domain severely modify filament and network mechanics. J Mol Biol, 2010, 397(5): 1188-1198.
  20. 20. Haubold KW, Allen DL, Capetanaki Y, et al. Loss of desmin leads to impaired voluntary wheel running and treadmill exercise performance. J Appl Physiol, 2003, 95(4): 1617-1622.
  21. 21. 王瑞元, 苑玉和, 田文秀, 等. 一次力竭性離心運動后大鼠骨骼肌α-actin代謝變化及針刺對其影響. 體育科學, 2002, 22(4): 95-99.
  22. 22. Mahoney DJ, Safdar A, Parise G, et al. Gene expression profiling in human skeletal muscle during recovery from eccentric exercise. Am J Physiol Regul Integr Comp Physiol, 2008, 294(6): R1901-1910.
  23. 23. Negishi S, Li Y, Usas A, et al. The effect of relaxin treatment on skeletal muscle injuries. Am J Sports Med, 2005, 33(12): 1816-1824.