• 四川大學華西醫(yī)院小兒外科(成都,610041);

目的 探討縱行帶蒂包皮瓣卷管尿道間置矯治先天性DonnahooⅣ型陰莖下曲畸形的療效。 方法1994年6月-2011年10月,采用縱行帶蒂包皮瓣卷管尿道間置矯治先天性DonnahooⅣ型陰莖下曲畸形患者30例。年齡2~16歲,平均5.8歲。入院檢查:陰莖頭-舟狀窩-尿道外口形態(tài)以及與鄰近組織關系正常;陰莖長度2. 5~6.8 cm,平均4.3 cm;彎曲角度35~70°,平均40.1°。初次手術27例,再次手術3例。皮瓣切取范圍1.5 cm × 1.3 cm~4.0 cm × 2.0 cm。 結果下曲畸形矯正后陰莖長度3.0~8.5 cm,平均6.6 cm;彎曲角度0~10°,平均1.2°。術后患者均獲隨訪,隨訪時間6個月~12年,平均33個月。隨訪期間無陰莖下曲復發(fā),陰莖頭無刺痛、異物感等不適。4例(13.33%)拔除尿管后出現(xiàn)尿瘺,行尿瘺修補術后無復發(fā);2例(6.67%)術后1個月出現(xiàn)尿線變細、排尿困難,給予尿道擴張后癥狀消失。其余患者均無明顯并發(fā)癥發(fā)生,尿流無散射,方向性好。6例隨訪至成年,訴性功能滿意,無明顯勃起障礙、勃起疼痛及性交困難等。 結論縱行帶蒂包皮瓣卷管尿道間置矯治先天性DonnahooⅣ型陰莖下曲畸形具有操作簡便、療效確切等優(yōu) 點。

引用本文: 曾莉,單偉,袁淼,黃桂珍,黃魯剛. 縱行帶蒂包皮瓣卷管尿道間置矯治先天性DonnahooⅣ型陰莖下曲畸形. 中國修復重建外科雜志, 2012, 26(11): 1353-1355. doi: 復制

1. 唐耘熳, 黃進, 陳紹基, 等. 小兒先天性無尿道下裂陰莖下曲畸形的解剖特點及診治. 中國修復重建外科雜志, 2006, 20(3): 217-219.
2. 姜永光, 曾甫清, 劉俊敏, 等. 先天性單純陰莖下曲的治療體會(附23例報告) . 中華泌尿外科雜志, 2004, 25(4): 280-282.
3. Donnahoo KK, Cain MP, Pope JC, et al. Etiology, management and surgical complications of congenital chordee without hypospadias. J Urol, 1998, 160(3 Pt 2): 1120-1122.
4. Tang YM, Chen SJ, Huang LG, et al. Chordee without hypospadias: report of 79 Chinese prepubertal patients. J Androl, 2007, 28(4): 630-633.
5. Snodgrass W. A farewell to chordee. J Urol, 2007, 178(3 Pt 1): 753-754.
6. Nesbit RM. The surgical treatment of congenital chordee without hypospadias. J Urol, 1954, 72(6): 1178-1180.
7. Mingin G, Baskin LS. Management of chordee in children and young adults. Urol Clin North Am, 2002, 29(2): 277-284.
8. 徐康, 章尹崗, 熊標, 等. 陰莖彎曲的治療(附20例報告). 臨床泌尿外科雜志, 2012, 27(2): 148-149.
9. Chertin B, Koulikov D, Fridmans A, et al. Dorsal tunica albuginea plication to correct congenital and acquired penile curvature: a long-term follow-up. BJU Int, 2004, 93(3): 379-381.
10. Snodgrass WT. Management of penile curvature in children. Curr Opin Urol, 2008, 18(4): 431-435.
11. Montag S, Palmer LS. Abnormalities of penile curvature: chordee and penile torsion. Scientific World Journal, 2011, 11: 1470-1478.
12. 魏光輝, 李旭良, 龔以榜, 等. 小兒先天性單純性陰莖彎曲的誤診和誤治并發(fā)癥的處理. 重慶醫(yī)科大學學報, 1999, 24(2): 195-196.
13. 李宏建, 蔣學武, 賀飛, 等. 縱行島狀包皮瓣尿道成形術矯正先天性短尿道畸形. 中華男科學雜志, 2006, 12(4): 368-369.
14. Peled IJ, Har-Shai Y, Berger Y, et al. Chordee: different concept and new trend of treatment. Plast Reconstr Surg, 1993, 91(3): 556-560.
15. 唐達星, 吳德華, 顏水衡, 等. 先天性陰莖彎曲的手術矯治. 中華男科學雜志, 2006, 12(7): 622-624.
16. Devine CJ, Horton CE. Chordee without hypospadias. J Urol, 1973, 110(2): 264-271.
17. Kramer SA, Aydin G, Kelalis PP. Chordee without hypospadias in children. J Urol, 1982, 128(3): 559-561.
18. Dessanti A, Iannuccelli M, Falchetti D, et al. Correction of congenital chordee penis by ventral separation and outward rotation of corpora. J Pediatr Surg, 2002, 37(9): 1347-1350.
  1. 1. 唐耘熳, 黃進, 陳紹基, 等. 小兒先天性無尿道下裂陰莖下曲畸形的解剖特點及診治. 中國修復重建外科雜志, 2006, 20(3): 217-219.
  2. 2. 姜永光, 曾甫清, 劉俊敏, 等. 先天性單純陰莖下曲的治療體會(附23例報告) . 中華泌尿外科雜志, 2004, 25(4): 280-282.
  3. 3. Donnahoo KK, Cain MP, Pope JC, et al. Etiology, management and surgical complications of congenital chordee without hypospadias. J Urol, 1998, 160(3 Pt 2): 1120-1122.
  4. 4. Tang YM, Chen SJ, Huang LG, et al. Chordee without hypospadias: report of 79 Chinese prepubertal patients. J Androl, 2007, 28(4): 630-633.
  5. 5. Snodgrass W. A farewell to chordee. J Urol, 2007, 178(3 Pt 1): 753-754.
  6. 6. Nesbit RM. The surgical treatment of congenital chordee without hypospadias. J Urol, 1954, 72(6): 1178-1180.
  7. 7. Mingin G, Baskin LS. Management of chordee in children and young adults. Urol Clin North Am, 2002, 29(2): 277-284.
  8. 8. 徐康, 章尹崗, 熊標, 等. 陰莖彎曲的治療(附20例報告). 臨床泌尿外科雜志, 2012, 27(2): 148-149.
  9. 9. Chertin B, Koulikov D, Fridmans A, et al. Dorsal tunica albuginea plication to correct congenital and acquired penile curvature: a long-term follow-up. BJU Int, 2004, 93(3): 379-381.
  10. 10. Snodgrass WT. Management of penile curvature in children. Curr Opin Urol, 2008, 18(4): 431-435.
  11. 11. Montag S, Palmer LS. Abnormalities of penile curvature: chordee and penile torsion. Scientific World Journal, 2011, 11: 1470-1478.
  12. 12. 魏光輝, 李旭良, 龔以榜, 等. 小兒先天性單純性陰莖彎曲的誤診和誤治并發(fā)癥的處理. 重慶醫(yī)科大學學報, 1999, 24(2): 195-196.
  13. 13. 李宏建, 蔣學武, 賀飛, 等. 縱行島狀包皮瓣尿道成形術矯正先天性短尿道畸形. 中華男科學雜志, 2006, 12(4): 368-369.
  14. 14. Peled IJ, Har-Shai Y, Berger Y, et al. Chordee: different concept and new trend of treatment. Plast Reconstr Surg, 1993, 91(3): 556-560.
  15. 15. 唐達星, 吳德華, 顏水衡, 等. 先天性陰莖彎曲的手術矯治. 中華男科學雜志, 2006, 12(7): 622-624.
  16. 16. Devine CJ, Horton CE. Chordee without hypospadias. J Urol, 1973, 110(2): 264-271.
  17. 17. Kramer SA, Aydin G, Kelalis PP. Chordee without hypospadias in children. J Urol, 1982, 128(3): 559-561.
  18. 18. Dessanti A, Iannuccelli M, Falchetti D, et al. Correction of congenital chordee penis by ventral separation and outward rotation of corpora. J Pediatr Surg, 2002, 37(9): 1347-1350.