• 南京醫(yī)科大學(xué)附屬南京第一醫(yī)院 南京市心血管病研究所 心胸外科, 南京 210006;

目的 總結(jié)再次冠狀動脈旁路移植術(shù)(CABG)治療冠心病的臨床經(jīng)驗和手術(shù)效果。 方法 2001年6月~2006年12月,對18例冠心病患者行再次CABG。術(shù)前心絞痛(CCS分級)III級7例,IV級11例;冠狀動脈造影顯示:16例均有原移植靜脈狹窄/閉塞,2例左乳內(nèi)動脈(LIMA) -左前降支(LAD)橋狹窄/閉塞,6例自體冠狀動脈出現(xiàn)新的病變。全組均經(jīng)原胸骨正中切口徑路手術(shù),常規(guī)體外循環(huán)(CPB)下CABG15例,非體外循環(huán)冠狀動脈旁路移植術(shù)(OPCAB)3例;同期行室壁瘤切除、左心室成形1例,二尖瓣成形術(shù)3例,主動脈瓣和二尖瓣雙瓣膜置換聯(lián)合右頸動脈內(nèi)膜剝脫術(shù)1例。應(yīng)用LIMA 12例次、雙側(cè)IMA 4例次、橈動脈3例次,其余為大隱靜脈或小隱靜脈。 結(jié)果 15例常規(guī)CABG患者主動脈阻斷時間45~112min (57±26min) , CPB時間66~140min (78±24min) 。再次CABG每例移植血管1~5支,平均每例遠(yuǎn)端吻合口3.11個。手術(shù)結(jié)束用血流儀測定移植血管血流量均滿意(血流量 27.0±12.5 ml/min) ,搏動指數(shù)均 lt;4.2。手術(shù)后因低心排血量需主動脈內(nèi)球囊反搏輔助1例,術(shù)后6d發(fā)生腎功能衰竭死亡。其余17例患者術(shù)后呼吸機輔助呼吸時間5~15h,心絞痛均消失,圍手術(shù)期無心肌梗死發(fā)生,胸腔引流量為290~1 040 ml,順利恢復(fù),均出院。術(shù)后隨訪17例,隨訪時間6.0個月~4.5年,均無心絞痛發(fā)作,4例復(fù)查冠狀動脈造影,顯示移植血管均通暢。 結(jié)論 再次CABG難度大于首次CABG,但只要手術(shù)中能正確找到靶血管,移植血管的血流可靠、完全再血管化和有良好的圍術(shù)期管理,再次CABG可達(dá)到與首次手術(shù)同樣的效果。

引用本文: 陳鑫,徐明,石開虎等. 再次冠狀動脈旁路移植術(shù)的臨床應(yīng)用. 中國胸心血管外科臨床雜志, 2007, 14(6): 407-. doi: 復(fù)制

1.  Di Mauro M, Iac`o AL, Contini M, et al. Reoperative coronary artery bypass grafting: analysis of early and late outcomes. Ann Thorac Surg, 2005,79(1):81-87.
2.  Lawrie GM, Morris GC Jr, Earle N. Long-term results of coronary bypass surgery. Analysis of 1698 patients followed 15 to 20 years. Ann Surg,1991,213(5):377-385.
3.  Calafiore AM, Di Giammarco G, Teodori G, et al. Late results of first myocardial revascularization in multiple vessel disease: single versus bilateral internal mammary artery with or without saphenous vein grafts. Eur J Cardiothorac Surg, 2004,26(3):542-548.
4.  Hilker M, Buerke M, Lehr HA, et al. Bypass graft disease: analysis of proliferative activity in human aorto-coronary bypass grafts. Heart Surg Forum, 2002, 5(Suppl 4):S331-341.
5.  Silva JA, White CJ, Collins TJ, et al. Morphologic comparison of atherosclerotic lesions in native coronary arteries and saphenous vein graphs with intracoronary angioscopy in patients with unstable angina. Am Heart J, 1998,136(1):156-163.
6.  van Eck FM, Noyez L, Verheugt FW, et al. Changing profile of patients undergoing redo-coronary artery surgery. Eur J Cardiothorac Surg, 2002, 21(2):205-211.
7.  de Feyter PJ. The fatal attraction of saphenous venous bypass grafts. Eur Heart J, 2000,21(9):697-698.
8.  Bilfinger TV, Vosswinkel JA, Rialas CM, et al. Functional assessment of disease-free saphenous vein grafts at redo coronary artery bypass grafting. Ann Thorac Surg, 2000, 69(4):1183-1187.
9.  Baklanov DV, Peters KG, Seidel AL, et al. Neovascularization in intimal hyperplasia is associated with vein graft failure after coronary artery bypass surgery. Vasc Med, 2003,8(3):163-167.
10.  Loop FD, Lytle BW, Cosgrove DM, et al. Reoperation for coronary atherosclerosis. Changing practice in 2509 consecutive patients. Ann Surg,1990,212(3):378-385.
11.  Lytle BW, Loop FD, Taylor PC, et al. Vein graft disease: the clinical impact of stenoses in saphenous vein bypass grafts to coronary arteries. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg, 1992,103(5):831-840.
12.  Ashraf O. Redo coronary bypass grafting: role of arterial grafts and time interval. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg, 2006,132(1):209-210.
13.  Machiraju VR. How to avoid problems in redo coronary artery bypass. J Card Surg, 2002,17(1):20-25.
14.  Rankin JS, Tuttle? RH, Wechsler AS, et al.Techniques and benefits of multiple internal mammary artery bypass at 20 years of follow-up. Ann Thorac Surg, 2007, 83(3):1008-1015.
15.  Lytle BW, Loop FD, Taylor PC, et al. The effect of coronary reoperation on the survival of patients with stenoses in saphenous vein bypass grafts to coronary arteries. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg, 1993,105(4):605-612.
  1. 1.  Di Mauro M, Iac`o AL, Contini M, et al. Reoperative coronary artery bypass grafting: analysis of early and late outcomes. Ann Thorac Surg, 2005,79(1):81-87.
  2. 2.  Lawrie GM, Morris GC Jr, Earle N. Long-term results of coronary bypass surgery. Analysis of 1698 patients followed 15 to 20 years. Ann Surg,1991,213(5):377-385.
  3. 3.  Calafiore AM, Di Giammarco G, Teodori G, et al. Late results of first myocardial revascularization in multiple vessel disease: single versus bilateral internal mammary artery with or without saphenous vein grafts. Eur J Cardiothorac Surg, 2004,26(3):542-548.
  4. 4.  Hilker M, Buerke M, Lehr HA, et al. Bypass graft disease: analysis of proliferative activity in human aorto-coronary bypass grafts. Heart Surg Forum, 2002, 5(Suppl 4):S331-341.
  5. 5.  Silva JA, White CJ, Collins TJ, et al. Morphologic comparison of atherosclerotic lesions in native coronary arteries and saphenous vein graphs with intracoronary angioscopy in patients with unstable angina. Am Heart J, 1998,136(1):156-163.
  6. 6.  van Eck FM, Noyez L, Verheugt FW, et al. Changing profile of patients undergoing redo-coronary artery surgery. Eur J Cardiothorac Surg, 2002, 21(2):205-211.
  7. 7.  de Feyter PJ. The fatal attraction of saphenous venous bypass grafts. Eur Heart J, 2000,21(9):697-698.
  8. 8.  Bilfinger TV, Vosswinkel JA, Rialas CM, et al. Functional assessment of disease-free saphenous vein grafts at redo coronary artery bypass grafting. Ann Thorac Surg, 2000, 69(4):1183-1187.
  9. 9.  Baklanov DV, Peters KG, Seidel AL, et al. Neovascularization in intimal hyperplasia is associated with vein graft failure after coronary artery bypass surgery. Vasc Med, 2003,8(3):163-167.
  10. 10.  Loop FD, Lytle BW, Cosgrove DM, et al. Reoperation for coronary atherosclerosis. Changing practice in 2509 consecutive patients. Ann Surg,1990,212(3):378-385.
  11. 11.  Lytle BW, Loop FD, Taylor PC, et al. Vein graft disease: the clinical impact of stenoses in saphenous vein bypass grafts to coronary arteries. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg, 1992,103(5):831-840.
  12. 12.  Ashraf O. Redo coronary bypass grafting: role of arterial grafts and time interval. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg, 2006,132(1):209-210.
  13. 13.  Machiraju VR. How to avoid problems in redo coronary artery bypass. J Card Surg, 2002,17(1):20-25.
  14. 14.  Rankin JS, Tuttle? RH, Wechsler AS, et al.Techniques and benefits of multiple internal mammary artery bypass at 20 years of follow-up. Ann Thorac Surg, 2007, 83(3):1008-1015.
  15. 15.  Lytle BW, Loop FD, Taylor PC, et al. The effect of coronary reoperation on the survival of patients with stenoses in saphenous vein bypass grafts to coronary arteries. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg, 1993,105(4):605-612.