• 中國人民解放軍總醫(yī)院 心血管外科,北京 100853;

目的 探討永久性心臟起搏器(PPM)所致心臟并發(fā)癥的臨床特征及治療要點?!》椒ā』仡櫺苑治鼋夥跑娍傖t(yī)院2003年1月至2010年5月10例安裝PPM所致心臟并發(fā)癥并接受手術治療患者的臨床資料,其中男7例,女3例;平均年齡62.9歲。術前植入單腔心房同步型(AAI) 起搏器1例,雙腔房室全能型(DDD) 起搏器9例。心臟并發(fā)癥包括:感染性心內(nèi)膜炎(IE)5例,三尖瓣關閉不全(TI)4例,肺動脈血栓1例。依據(jù)患者病情不同分別行三尖瓣成形術(TVP)、三尖瓣置換術和/或電極去除、贅生物清除等手術方式治療?!〗Y果 10例患者均治愈出院。5例術中保留起搏導線與電極者術后均無起搏器功能障礙,3例去除電極的起搏器依賴患者行再次永久性起搏器植入術。隨訪9例,平均隨訪時間5.5個月,生活質(zhì)量明顯改善,1例行TVP患者術后遺留輕度三尖瓣關閉不全(TI)?!〗Y論 PPM所致IE患者如感染難以控制應盡早行手術治療;PPM所致TI術前較難明確診斷,應行經(jīng)食管超聲心動圖(TEE)檢查或手術探查;保留起搏導線者術中應采取措施保護起搏器;去除導線再次植入起搏器者要選擇合適的植入時機。

引用本文: 王明巖,高長青,李伯君,姜勝利,肖蒼松,吳揚,任崇雷,王瑤. 永久性心臟起搏器所致心臟并發(fā)癥的外科治療. 中國胸心血管外科臨床雜志, 2012, 19(5): 520-523. doi: 復制

1.  Lin G, Nishimura RA, Connoly HM, et a1. Severe symptomatic tricuspid valve regurgitation due to permanent pacemaker implantable cardioverter-defibrillaor leads. J Am Coll Cardiol, 2005, 45 (10):1672.
2.  Kerut EK, Hanawalt C, Everson CT. Role of the echocardiography laboratory in diagnosis and management of pacemaker and implantable cardiac defibrillator infection. Eehocardiography, 2007, 24 (9):1008.
3.  Arber N, Pras E, Copperman Y, et a1. Pacemaker endocarditis:Report of 44 cases and review of the literature. Medicine, 1994, 73 (6):299.
4.  Meune C, Amal C, Hermand C, et a1. Infective endocarditis related to pacemaker leads. Ann Med Interne, 2000, 151 (6):456.
5.  Huang TY, Baba N. Cardiac pathology of transvenous pacemakers. Am Heart J, 1972, 83 (4):469-474.
6.  Byung-Chul C, Sang-Hyun L, Gijong Y, et a1. Long-term clinical results of tricuspid valve replacement. Ann Thorac Surg, 2006, 81: (4)1317-1324.
7.  GUO Hong-wei, PAN Shi-wei, SONG Yun-hu, et a1. Redoing a bioprosthetic tricuspid valve replacement with pacemaker wire through the ruined bioprosthetic valve orifice. Chin Med J, 2011, 124 (6) :958-960.
8.  虞敏, 林雷, 袁忠祥, 等. 三尖瓣置換術同期置入心外膜永久起搏器導線一例. 中國胸心血管外科臨床雜志, 2007, 14 (6):437.
9.  趙鵬, 姜鐵民, 梁國慶, 等. 瓣膜置換術后部分心肌切開植入心外膜永久起搏器一例. 天津醫(yī)藥, 2006, 34 ( ):612.
10.  Uijlings R, Kluin J, Salomonsz R, et a1. Pacemaker lead-induced severe tricuspid valve stenosis. Circ Heart Fail, 2010 ,3 (3):465-467.
11.  Krishnan A, Moulick A, Sinha P, et a1. Severe tricuspid valve stenosis secondary to pacemaker leads presenting as ascites and liver dysfunction:a complex problem requiring a multidisciplinary therapeutic approach. J Interv Card Electrophysiol, 2009, 24 (1):71-75.
12.  Sohail MR, Uslan DZ, Khan AH, et a1. Infective endocarditis complicating permanent pacemaker and implantable cardioverter-defibrillator infection. Mayo Clin Proc, 2008, 83 (1):46-53.
13.  任自文, 吳永全, 主編. 臨床實用心臟起搏與除顫. 北京:人民衛(wèi)生出版社, 2004. 423.
14.  王剛, 周琪, 陳婷婷, 等. 安置永久起搏器患者心臟手術中的麻醉管理. 中國體外循環(huán)雜志, 2006, 4 (4):213-215.
  1. 1.  Lin G, Nishimura RA, Connoly HM, et a1. Severe symptomatic tricuspid valve regurgitation due to permanent pacemaker implantable cardioverter-defibrillaor leads. J Am Coll Cardiol, 2005, 45 (10):1672.
  2. 2.  Kerut EK, Hanawalt C, Everson CT. Role of the echocardiography laboratory in diagnosis and management of pacemaker and implantable cardiac defibrillator infection. Eehocardiography, 2007, 24 (9):1008.
  3. 3.  Arber N, Pras E, Copperman Y, et a1. Pacemaker endocarditis:Report of 44 cases and review of the literature. Medicine, 1994, 73 (6):299.
  4. 4.  Meune C, Amal C, Hermand C, et a1. Infective endocarditis related to pacemaker leads. Ann Med Interne, 2000, 151 (6):456.
  5. 5.  Huang TY, Baba N. Cardiac pathology of transvenous pacemakers. Am Heart J, 1972, 83 (4):469-474.
  6. 6.  Byung-Chul C, Sang-Hyun L, Gijong Y, et a1. Long-term clinical results of tricuspid valve replacement. Ann Thorac Surg, 2006, 81: (4)1317-1324.
  7. 7.  GUO Hong-wei, PAN Shi-wei, SONG Yun-hu, et a1. Redoing a bioprosthetic tricuspid valve replacement with pacemaker wire through the ruined bioprosthetic valve orifice. Chin Med J, 2011, 124 (6) :958-960.
  8. 8.  虞敏, 林雷, 袁忠祥, 等. 三尖瓣置換術同期置入心外膜永久起搏器導線一例. 中國胸心血管外科臨床雜志, 2007, 14 (6):437.
  9. 9.  趙鵬, 姜鐵民, 梁國慶, 等. 瓣膜置換術后部分心肌切開植入心外膜永久起搏器一例. 天津醫(yī)藥, 2006, 34 ( ):612.
  10. 10.  Uijlings R, Kluin J, Salomonsz R, et a1. Pacemaker lead-induced severe tricuspid valve stenosis. Circ Heart Fail, 2010 ,3 (3):465-467.
  11. 11.  Krishnan A, Moulick A, Sinha P, et a1. Severe tricuspid valve stenosis secondary to pacemaker leads presenting as ascites and liver dysfunction:a complex problem requiring a multidisciplinary therapeutic approach. J Interv Card Electrophysiol, 2009, 24 (1):71-75.
  12. 12.  Sohail MR, Uslan DZ, Khan AH, et a1. Infective endocarditis complicating permanent pacemaker and implantable cardioverter-defibrillator infection. Mayo Clin Proc, 2008, 83 (1):46-53.
  13. 13.  任自文, 吳永全, 主編. 臨床實用心臟起搏與除顫. 北京:人民衛(wèi)生出版社, 2004. 423.
  14. 14.  王剛, 周琪, 陳婷婷, 等. 安置永久起搏器患者心臟手術中的麻醉管理. 中國體外循環(huán)雜志, 2006, 4 (4):213-215.