• 杭州市第一人民醫(yī)院ICU( 浙江杭州 310016);

臨床資料 男性患兒, 11 歲, 因“發(fā)熱4 d, 腹痛1 d”入院?;純? d 前無明顯誘因發(fā)熱伴咽痛, 最高體溫39 ℃, 就診當?shù)蒯t(yī)院, 考慮“上呼吸道感染”, 輸注頭孢呋辛及對癥處
理, 效果欠佳, 轉(zhuǎn)診我院急診。查體: 心率102 次/min, 呼吸34 次/min, 血壓60 /32 mm Hg( 1 mmHg = 0. 133 kPa) , 體溫38 ℃。K+ 5.4 mmoL/L, Na+ 126 mmoL/L, Cl - 95 mmoL/L,WBC 11. 5 ×109 /L, RBC 4. 76 ×1012 /L, Hb 120 g/L。心肌酶譜: CK 2098 U/L, CKMB 82 U/L, TNT 32. 1 U/L。ECG 提示:不規(guī)則多源性室性心律, Ⅲ度房室傳導阻滯, 廣泛導聯(lián)ST-T損傷型改變。臨床診斷: ①急性暴發(fā)型心肌炎; ②心源性休克; ③Ⅲ度房室傳導阻滯。

引用本文: 劉長文,胡煒,胡偉航,朱英,鄭永科,陸駿,王劍榮. 體外膜肺氧合搶救一例急性暴發(fā)型心肌炎. 中國呼吸與危重監(jiān)護雜志, 2010, 9(5): 541-541. doi: 復制

1. Chen YS, Yu HY, Huang SC, et al. Experience and result of extracorporeal mem-brace oxygenation in treaing fulmyocarditis with shock: what mechanical support should be considered first? J Heart Lung Transplant, 2005, 24 : 81-87.
2. Kato S, Morimoto S, Hiramitsu S, et al. Use of percutaneous eardiopulmonary support of patients with fulminant myoearditis and cardiogenicshock for improving prognosis. Am J Cardiol, 1999, 83 :623-625.
3. Maej ima Y, Yasu T, Kubo N, et al. Long-term prognosis of fulminant myocarditis rescued by percutaneous cardiopulmonary support device.Cire J, 2004, 68 : 829-833.
4. Aoyama N, Isumi T, Hiramori K, et al. National survey of fulminant myocarditis in Japan: therapeutic guidelines and long-term prognosis of using percutaneous cardiopulmonary support for fulminant myocarditis. Circ J, 2002 , 66: 133-1414.
  1. 1. Chen YS, Yu HY, Huang SC, et al. Experience and result of extracorporeal mem-brace oxygenation in treaing fulmyocarditis with shock: what mechanical support should be considered first? J Heart Lung Transplant, 2005, 24 : 81-87.
  2. 2. Kato S, Morimoto S, Hiramitsu S, et al. Use of percutaneous eardiopulmonary support of patients with fulminant myoearditis and cardiogenicshock for improving prognosis. Am J Cardiol, 1999, 83 :623-625.
  3. 3. Maej ima Y, Yasu T, Kubo N, et al. Long-term prognosis of fulminant myocarditis rescued by percutaneous cardiopulmonary support device.Cire J, 2004, 68 : 829-833.
  4. 4. Aoyama N, Isumi T, Hiramori K, et al. National survey of fulminant myocarditis in Japan: therapeutic guidelines and long-term prognosis of using percutaneous cardiopulmonary support for fulminant myocarditis. Circ J, 2002 , 66: 133-1414.