• 中國醫(yī)科大學盛京醫(yī)院麻醉科(遼寧沈陽 110003);

引用本文: 索良源,張錦. 去甲腎上腺素治療感染性休克時對肺靜脈血管阻力的影響. 中國呼吸與危重監(jiān)護雜志, 2009, 09(3): 303-306. doi: 復制

1. Liaudet L, Szabo C, Evgenov OV, et al. Flagellin from Gram-negative bacteria is a potent mediator of acute pulmonary inflammation in sepsis. Shock, 2003, 19: 131-137.
2. Annane D, Vignon P, Renault A, et al. Norepinephrine plus dobutamine versus epinephrine alone for management of septic shock: a randomised trial. Lancet, 2007, 370: 676-684.
3. Martin C, Viviand X, Leone M, et al. Effect of norepinephrine on the outcome of septic shock. Crit Care Med, 2000, 28: 2758-2765.
4. De Backer D, Creteur J, Silva E, et al. Effects of dopamine,norepinephrine, and epinephrine on the splanchnic circulation in septic shock: which is best? Crit Care Med, 2003 , 31 : 1659-1667.
5. Dunser MW, Mayr AJ, Tur A, et al. Ischemic skin lesions as a complication of continuous wasopressin infusion in catecholamineresistant wasodilatory shock: incidence and risk factor. Crit Care Med, 2003, 31: 1394-1398.
6. Dellinger RP, Levy MM, Carlet JM, et al. Surviving sepsis campaign: International guidelines for management of severe sepsis and septic shock: 2008. Intensive Care Med, 2008, 34: 17-60.
7. Landry DW, Levin HR, Gallant EM, et al. Vasopressin deficiency contributes to the vasodilation of septic shock. Circulation, 1997 ,95: 1122-1125.
8. 林愛華, 郭鳳梅. 血管活性藥物對感染性休克患者動脈血乳酸的影響. 齊齊哈爾醫(yī)學院學報, 2005, 26: 888-889.
9. LauzierF,Lévy B, Lamarre P, et al. Vasopressin or norepinephrine in early hyperdynamic septic shock: a randomized clinical trial.Intensive Care Med, 2006, 32: 1782-1789.
10. Kellum JA, Decker JM. Use of dopamine in acute renal failure: a meta-analysis. Crit Care Med, 2001, 29: 1526-1531.
11. Martin C, Viviand X, Arnaud S, et al. Effects of norepinephrine plus dobutamine or norepinephrine alone on left ventricular performance of septic shock patients. Crit Care Med, 1999, 27: 1708-1713.
12. Muthalif MM, Uddin MR, Fatima S, et al. Small GTP binding protein Ras contributes to norepinephrine-induced mitogenesis of vascular smooth muscle cells. Prostaglandins Other Lipid Mediat, 2001, 65:33-43.
13. Walch L, Labat C, Gascard JP, et al. Prostanoid receptors involved in the relaxation of human pulmonary vessels. Br J Pharmacol,1999, 126: 859-866.
14. Vaz-da-Silva MJ, Magina S, Domingues-Costa A, et al. The role of the endocardium in the facilitatory effect of bradykinin on electrically-induced release of noradrenaline in rat cardiac ventricle.Br J Pharmacol, 1996, 118: 364-368.
15. Cocks TM, Angus JA. Endothelium-dependent relaxation of coronary arteries by noradrenaline and serotonin. Nature, 1983, 305: 627-630.
16. Miller VM, Vanhoutte PM. Endothelial alpha 2 -adrenoceptors in canine pulmonary and systemic blood vessels. Eur J Pharmacol,1985, 118: 123-129.
17. Guimar S,Moura D. Vascular adrenoceptors: an update. Pharmacol Rev, 2001, 53: 319-356.
18. Bockman CS, Jeffries WB, Abel PW. Binding and functional characterization of alpha-2 adrenergic receptor subtypes on pig vascular endothelium. J Pharmacol Exp Ther, 1993, 267: 1126-1133.
19. Janssen LJ, Lu-Chao H, Netherton S. Excitation-contraction coupling in pulmonary vascular smooth muscle involves tyrosine kinase and Rho kinase. Am J Physiol Lung Cell Mol Physiol, 2001 , 280: L666 -L674.
20. Ding X, Murray PA. Cellular mechanisms of thromboxane A2 -mediated contraction in pulmonary veins. Am J Physiol Lung Cell Mol Physiol, 2005, 289: L825-L833.
21. Bylund DB, Eikenberg DC, Hieble JP, et al. International Union of Pharmacology nomenclature of adrenoceptors. Pharmacol Rev, 1994 ,46: 121-136.
22. Blaylock NA, Wilson VG. Pharmacological characterization of noradrenaline-induced contractions of the porcine isolated palmar lateral vein and palmar common digital artery. Br J Pharmacol, 1995, 114: 694-702.
23. G rnemann T, von Wenckstern H, Kleuser B, et al. Characterization of the postjunctional alpha 2C-adrenoceptor mediating vasoconstriction to UK14304 in porcine pulmonary veins. Br J Pharmacol, 2007, 151: 186-194.
24. Somlyo AP, Somlyo AV. Signal transduction by G-proteins, rhokinase and protein phosphatase to smoothmuscle and non-muscle myosin. J Physiol, 2000, 522: 177 -185.
25. Okabe K, Kitamura K, Kuriyam K. Features of 4- aminopyr-idinesensitive outward current observed in single smooth mus-cle cells from the rabbit pulmonary artery. Pflugers Arch,1987, 409: 561-568.
26. Petitcolin MA, Spitzbarth-Régrigny E, Bueb JL, et al. Role of Giproteins in norepinephrine-mediated vasoconstriction in rat tail artery smooth muscle. Biochem Pharmacol, 2001, 61: 1169-1175.
27. Atkinson J, Trescases N, Benedek C, et al. Alpha-1 and alpha-2 adrenoceptor agonists induce vasoconstriction of the normotensive rat caudal artery in vitro by stimulation of a heterogeneous population of alpha-1 adrenoceptors. Naunyn Schmiedebergs Arch Pharmacol,1988, 338: 529-535.
28. Zhong H, Minneman KP. Alpha1 -adrenoceptor subtypes. Eur J Pharmacol, 1999, 375: 261-276.
29. Hallemeesch MM, Janssen BJ, de Jonge WJ, et al. NO production by cNOS and iNOS reflects blood pressure changes in LPS-challenged mice. Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab, 2003, 285: E871-E875.
30. Ding X, Murray PA. Regulation of pulmonary venous tone in response to muscarinic receptor activation. Am J Physiol Lung Cell Mol Physiol, 2005, 288: L131-L140.
31. 段國辰, 凌亦凌, 谷振勇, 等. 八肽膽囊收縮素對家兔內(nèi)毒素休克時主動脈及肺動脈反應性改變的影響. 中國急救醫(yī)學, 2002,22: 693-697.
32. Schmeck J, Heller A, Gr schler A, et al. Impact of endothelin-1 in endotoxin-induced pulmonary vascular reactions. Crit Care Med, 2000, 28: 2851-2857.
33. 裴凌, 王俊科, 傅文, 等. 腫瘤壞死因子-α損傷的肺動脈內(nèi)皮細胞對肺動脈平滑肌細胞增殖的影響及內(nèi)皮細胞熱應激反應的干擾作用. 中華麻醉學雜志, 2000, 20: 47-50.
34. Zhang RZ, Yang Q, YimAP, et al. Role of NO and EDHF-mediated endothelial function in the porcine pulmonary circulation:comparison between pulmonary artery and vein. Vascular Pharmacology, 2006, 44: 183-191.
35. Ding X, Murray PA. Regulation of pulmonary venous tone in response to muscarinic receptor activation. Am J Physiol Lung Cell Mol Physiol, 2005, 288: L131-L140.
36. Angle MR, Molloy DW, Penner B, et al. The cardiopulmonary and renal hemodynamic effects of norepinephrine in canine pulmonary embolism. Chest, 1989, 95: 1333-1337.
37. D′Ambra MN, LaRaia PJ, Philbin DM, et al. Prostaglandin E1. A new therapy for refractory right heart failure and pulmonary hypertension after mitral valve replacement. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg, 1985, 89: 567-572.
  1. 1. Liaudet L, Szabo C, Evgenov OV, et al. Flagellin from Gram-negative bacteria is a potent mediator of acute pulmonary inflammation in sepsis. Shock, 2003, 19: 131-137.
  2. 2. Annane D, Vignon P, Renault A, et al. Norepinephrine plus dobutamine versus epinephrine alone for management of septic shock: a randomised trial. Lancet, 2007, 370: 676-684.
  3. 3. Martin C, Viviand X, Leone M, et al. Effect of norepinephrine on the outcome of septic shock. Crit Care Med, 2000, 28: 2758-2765.
  4. 4. De Backer D, Creteur J, Silva E, et al. Effects of dopamine,norepinephrine, and epinephrine on the splanchnic circulation in septic shock: which is best? Crit Care Med, 2003 , 31 : 1659-1667.
  5. 5. Dunser MW, Mayr AJ, Tur A, et al. Ischemic skin lesions as a complication of continuous wasopressin infusion in catecholamineresistant wasodilatory shock: incidence and risk factor. Crit Care Med, 2003, 31: 1394-1398.
  6. 6. Dellinger RP, Levy MM, Carlet JM, et al. Surviving sepsis campaign: International guidelines for management of severe sepsis and septic shock: 2008. Intensive Care Med, 2008, 34: 17-60.
  7. 7. Landry DW, Levin HR, Gallant EM, et al. Vasopressin deficiency contributes to the vasodilation of septic shock. Circulation, 1997 ,95: 1122-1125.
  8. 8. 林愛華, 郭鳳梅. 血管活性藥物對感染性休克患者動脈血乳酸的影響. 齊齊哈爾醫(yī)學院學報, 2005, 26: 888-889.
  9. 9. LauzierF,Lévy B, Lamarre P, et al. Vasopressin or norepinephrine in early hyperdynamic septic shock: a randomized clinical trial.Intensive Care Med, 2006, 32: 1782-1789.
  10. 10. Kellum JA, Decker JM. Use of dopamine in acute renal failure: a meta-analysis. Crit Care Med, 2001, 29: 1526-1531.
  11. 11. Martin C, Viviand X, Arnaud S, et al. Effects of norepinephrine plus dobutamine or norepinephrine alone on left ventricular performance of septic shock patients. Crit Care Med, 1999, 27: 1708-1713.
  12. 12. Muthalif MM, Uddin MR, Fatima S, et al. Small GTP binding protein Ras contributes to norepinephrine-induced mitogenesis of vascular smooth muscle cells. Prostaglandins Other Lipid Mediat, 2001, 65:33-43.
  13. 13. Walch L, Labat C, Gascard JP, et al. Prostanoid receptors involved in the relaxation of human pulmonary vessels. Br J Pharmacol,1999, 126: 859-866.
  14. 14. Vaz-da-Silva MJ, Magina S, Domingues-Costa A, et al. The role of the endocardium in the facilitatory effect of bradykinin on electrically-induced release of noradrenaline in rat cardiac ventricle.Br J Pharmacol, 1996, 118: 364-368.
  15. 15. Cocks TM, Angus JA. Endothelium-dependent relaxation of coronary arteries by noradrenaline and serotonin. Nature, 1983, 305: 627-630.
  16. 16. Miller VM, Vanhoutte PM. Endothelial alpha 2 -adrenoceptors in canine pulmonary and systemic blood vessels. Eur J Pharmacol,1985, 118: 123-129.
  17. 17. Guimar S,Moura D. Vascular adrenoceptors: an update. Pharmacol Rev, 2001, 53: 319-356.
  18. 18. Bockman CS, Jeffries WB, Abel PW. Binding and functional characterization of alpha-2 adrenergic receptor subtypes on pig vascular endothelium. J Pharmacol Exp Ther, 1993, 267: 1126-1133.
  19. 19. Janssen LJ, Lu-Chao H, Netherton S. Excitation-contraction coupling in pulmonary vascular smooth muscle involves tyrosine kinase and Rho kinase. Am J Physiol Lung Cell Mol Physiol, 2001 , 280: L666 -L674.
  20. 20. Ding X, Murray PA. Cellular mechanisms of thromboxane A2 -mediated contraction in pulmonary veins. Am J Physiol Lung Cell Mol Physiol, 2005, 289: L825-L833.
  21. 21. Bylund DB, Eikenberg DC, Hieble JP, et al. International Union of Pharmacology nomenclature of adrenoceptors. Pharmacol Rev, 1994 ,46: 121-136.
  22. 22. Blaylock NA, Wilson VG. Pharmacological characterization of noradrenaline-induced contractions of the porcine isolated palmar lateral vein and palmar common digital artery. Br J Pharmacol, 1995, 114: 694-702.
  23. 23. G rnemann T, von Wenckstern H, Kleuser B, et al. Characterization of the postjunctional alpha 2C-adrenoceptor mediating vasoconstriction to UK14304 in porcine pulmonary veins. Br J Pharmacol, 2007, 151: 186-194.
  24. 24. Somlyo AP, Somlyo AV. Signal transduction by G-proteins, rhokinase and protein phosphatase to smoothmuscle and non-muscle myosin. J Physiol, 2000, 522: 177 -185.
  25. 25. Okabe K, Kitamura K, Kuriyam K. Features of 4- aminopyr-idinesensitive outward current observed in single smooth mus-cle cells from the rabbit pulmonary artery. Pflugers Arch,1987, 409: 561-568.
  26. 26. Petitcolin MA, Spitzbarth-Régrigny E, Bueb JL, et al. Role of Giproteins in norepinephrine-mediated vasoconstriction in rat tail artery smooth muscle. Biochem Pharmacol, 2001, 61: 1169-1175.
  27. 27. Atkinson J, Trescases N, Benedek C, et al. Alpha-1 and alpha-2 adrenoceptor agonists induce vasoconstriction of the normotensive rat caudal artery in vitro by stimulation of a heterogeneous population of alpha-1 adrenoceptors. Naunyn Schmiedebergs Arch Pharmacol,1988, 338: 529-535.
  28. 28. Zhong H, Minneman KP. Alpha1 -adrenoceptor subtypes. Eur J Pharmacol, 1999, 375: 261-276.
  29. 29. Hallemeesch MM, Janssen BJ, de Jonge WJ, et al. NO production by cNOS and iNOS reflects blood pressure changes in LPS-challenged mice. Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab, 2003, 285: E871-E875.
  30. 30. Ding X, Murray PA. Regulation of pulmonary venous tone in response to muscarinic receptor activation. Am J Physiol Lung Cell Mol Physiol, 2005, 288: L131-L140.
  31. 31. 段國辰, 凌亦凌, 谷振勇, 等. 八肽膽囊收縮素對家兔內(nèi)毒素休克時主動脈及肺動脈反應性改變的影響. 中國急救醫(yī)學, 2002,22: 693-697.
  32. 32. Schmeck J, Heller A, Gr schler A, et al. Impact of endothelin-1 in endotoxin-induced pulmonary vascular reactions. Crit Care Med, 2000, 28: 2851-2857.
  33. 33. 裴凌, 王俊科, 傅文, 等. 腫瘤壞死因子-α損傷的肺動脈內(nèi)皮細胞對肺動脈平滑肌細胞增殖的影響及內(nèi)皮細胞熱應激反應的干擾作用. 中華麻醉學雜志, 2000, 20: 47-50.
  34. 34. Zhang RZ, Yang Q, YimAP, et al. Role of NO and EDHF-mediated endothelial function in the porcine pulmonary circulation:comparison between pulmonary artery and vein. Vascular Pharmacology, 2006, 44: 183-191.
  35. 35. Ding X, Murray PA. Regulation of pulmonary venous tone in response to muscarinic receptor activation. Am J Physiol Lung Cell Mol Physiol, 2005, 288: L131-L140.
  36. 36. Angle MR, Molloy DW, Penner B, et al. The cardiopulmonary and renal hemodynamic effects of norepinephrine in canine pulmonary embolism. Chest, 1989, 95: 1333-1337.
  37. 37. D′Ambra MN, LaRaia PJ, Philbin DM, et al. Prostaglandin E1. A new therapy for refractory right heart failure and pulmonary hypertension after mitral valve replacement. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg, 1985, 89: 567-572.
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