• 中國醫(yī)科大學(xué)附屬第一醫(yī)院感染病科(遼寧沈陽 110001);

呼吸道感染在感染性疾病中占有重要地位,細(xì)菌性肺炎是呼吸道感染中的主要代表性疾病,最重要的治療措施是抗菌治療,用藥選擇及方法正確與否直接影響治療的成敗。同時如何降低醫(yī)療費(fèi)用也是臨床醫(yī)生需要考慮的棘手問題。據(jù)國外文獻(xiàn)報道在英國每年約有5億張以上的抗微生物藥物處方,其中住院處方中約40%為靜脈制劑,而我國住院靜脈制劑的處方比例則更高。醫(yī)療費(fèi)用的增加部分與靜脈用藥過多有關(guān)。為尋求解決臨床治療與醫(yī)療費(fèi)用之間的矛盾,選擇高效、低毒、廉價的抗菌藥物,1987年Quintiliani等[1]首先提出了抗生素序貫療法(sequential therapy)的概念,即在經(jīng)過相對短療程(48~72 h)靜脈抗菌藥物治療,臨床癥狀基本穩(wěn)定或改善后,改為口服抗菌藥物治療??诜目咕幬锟梢允桥c前者完全相同的口服劑型,也可以是同一類或抗菌譜相似的同一級藥物,后也有人稱之為"轉(zhuǎn)換治療"(switch therapy)、"降級治療"(step-down therapy)。據(jù)國外文獻(xiàn)報道,住院的社區(qū)獲得性肺炎(CAP)應(yīng)用序貫療法者因早期出院每位患者節(jié)約費(fèi)用293~1393美元[2-4]。

引用本文: 劉勁,陳佰義. 呼吸道感染的序貫治療. 中國呼吸與危重監(jiān)護(hù)雜志, 2008, 08(1): 12-14. doi: 復(fù)制

1. Quintiliani R,Cooper BW,Briceland LL,et al.Economic impact of streamlining antibiotic administration.Am J Med,1987,82:391-394.
2. Ramirez JA,Srinath L,Ahkee S,et al.Early switch from intravenous to oral cephalosporins in the treatment of hospitalized patients with community-acquired pneumonia.Arch Intern Med,1995,155:1273-1276.
3. Khan F,Karnik A.Clinical uses of sequential IV/PO ciprofloxacin vs ceftazidime in serious bacterial infections [abstract 139].Abstracts of the Ninth Mediterranean Congress on Chemother,Milan,Italy,1994.
4. Paladino JA,Sperry HE,Backes JM,et al.Clinical and economic evaluation of oral ciprofloxacin after an abbreviated course of intravenous antibiotics.Am J Med,1991,91:462-470.
5. Aujesky D,Auble TE,Yealy DM,et al.Prospective comparison of three validated prediction rules for prognosis in community-acquired pneumonia.Am J Med,2005,118:384-392.
6. Ramirez JA,Srinath L,Ahkee S,et al.Early switch from intravenous to oral cephalosporins in the treatment of hospitalized patients with community-acquired pneumonia.Arch Intern Med,1995,155:1273-1276.
7. Ramirez JA.Switch therapy in community-acquired pneumonia.Diagn Microbiol Infect Dis,1995,22:219-223.
8. Kollef MH,Sherman G,Ward S,et al.Inadequate antimicrobial treatment of infections:a risk factor for hospital mortality among critically ill patients.Chest,1999,115:462-474.
9. Ibrahim EH,Sherman G,Ward S,et al.The influence of inadequate antimicrobial treatment of bloodstream infections on patient outcomes in the ICU setting.Chest,2000,118:146-155.
10. 賈東崗,雷招寶.抗生素的序貫療法及其研究進(jìn)展.藥物實(shí)踐雜志,2004,22:144-148.
  1. 1. Quintiliani R,Cooper BW,Briceland LL,et al.Economic impact of streamlining antibiotic administration.Am J Med,1987,82:391-394.
  2. 2. Ramirez JA,Srinath L,Ahkee S,et al.Early switch from intravenous to oral cephalosporins in the treatment of hospitalized patients with community-acquired pneumonia.Arch Intern Med,1995,155:1273-1276.
  3. 3. Khan F,Karnik A.Clinical uses of sequential IV/PO ciprofloxacin vs ceftazidime in serious bacterial infections [abstract 139].Abstracts of the Ninth Mediterranean Congress on Chemother,Milan,Italy,1994.
  4. 4. Paladino JA,Sperry HE,Backes JM,et al.Clinical and economic evaluation of oral ciprofloxacin after an abbreviated course of intravenous antibiotics.Am J Med,1991,91:462-470.
  5. 5. Aujesky D,Auble TE,Yealy DM,et al.Prospective comparison of three validated prediction rules for prognosis in community-acquired pneumonia.Am J Med,2005,118:384-392.
  6. 6. Ramirez JA,Srinath L,Ahkee S,et al.Early switch from intravenous to oral cephalosporins in the treatment of hospitalized patients with community-acquired pneumonia.Arch Intern Med,1995,155:1273-1276.
  7. 7. Ramirez JA.Switch therapy in community-acquired pneumonia.Diagn Microbiol Infect Dis,1995,22:219-223.
  8. 8. Kollef MH,Sherman G,Ward S,et al.Inadequate antimicrobial treatment of infections:a risk factor for hospital mortality among critically ill patients.Chest,1999,115:462-474.
  9. 9. Ibrahim EH,Sherman G,Ward S,et al.The influence of inadequate antimicrobial treatment of bloodstream infections on patient outcomes in the ICU setting.Chest,2000,118:146-155.
  10. 10. 賈東崗,雷招寶.抗生素的序貫療法及其研究進(jìn)展.藥物實(shí)踐雜志,2004,22:144-148.
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