• 首都醫(yī)科大學(xué)附屬北京朝陽醫(yī)院北京市呼吸疾病研究所感染和臨床微生物科(北京100020);

銅綠假單胞菌、鮑曼不動桿菌和肺炎克雷伯菌是最容易產(chǎn)生對多種抗生素耐藥的院內(nèi)致病菌。耐甲氧西林金黃色葡萄球菌(MRSA)和耐萬古霉素腸球菌(VRE)的定義相對簡單,只要對一種有代表性的抗生素產(chǎn)生耐藥就可以了。但是,給多藥耐藥或者泛耐藥的革蘭陰性桿菌下定義則較為困難 ]。一般來講,如果對下列5種抗生素中兩種以上耐藥稱為多藥耐藥:包括對銅綠假單胞菌有活性的頭孢菌素類、碳青霉烯類、加酶抑制劑的B一內(nèi)酰胺類;對銅綠假單胞菌有活性的氟喹諾酮類、氨基糖苷類。如果僅對多黏菌素敏感,但是對目前所有的抗生素都耐藥則稱為泛耐藥(Pandrug—resistant)。一方面,多藥耐藥或泛耐藥的革蘭陰性菌感染逐漸增多;另一方面,許多大的制藥企業(yè)逐漸放棄了新抗生素的研發(fā),尤其是針對革蘭陰性菌的抗生素研發(fā)更少。人們驚呼:后抗生素時代(post—antibiotic era)真的來臨了嗎 7我們?nèi)绾螒?yīng)對?

引用本文: 曹彬. 多藥耐藥革蘭陰性菌肺炎的抗感染治療. 中國呼吸與危重監(jiān)護(hù)雜志, 2008, 08(1): 3-5. doi: 復(fù)制

1. Paterson DL.The epidemiological profile of infections with muhidrug--resistant Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Acineto-- bacter species.Clin Infect Dis,2006。43(Suppl 2):$43- S48.
2. 1 Sobieszczyk ME,F(xiàn)uruya EY,Hay CM ,et a1.Combination therapy with polymyxin B for the treatment of muhidrug·-re·- sistan t Gram -negative respiratory tract infections.J Antimi— crob Chemother,2004,54:566-569.
3. Falagas ME,Bliziotis IA.Pandrug-resistan t Gram—negative bacteria:the dawn of the post—antibiotic era?Int J Antimi— crob Agents,2007,29:630-636.
4. Rahal JJ.Novel antibiotic combinations against infections with almost completely resistant Pseudomonas aeFuginosa and Acinetobacter species.Clin Infect Dis,2006,43(Suppl 2):$95一$99.
5. Bratu S,Tolaney P,Karumudi U,et a1.Carbapenemase—pro— ducing Klebsiella pneumoniae in Brooklyn,NY:molecular epidemiology an d in vitro activity of polymyxin B and other agents.J Antimicrob Chemother,2005,56:128—132.
6. Dubois V,Arpin C,Melon M,et a1.Nosocomial outbreak due to a multiresistant strain of Pseudomonas aeruginosa P12:eficacy of cefepime—amikacin therapy an d analysis of beta—lactam resistance.J Clin Microbiol,2001,39:2072— 2078.
7. Levin AS,Barone AA,Pen~o J,et a1.Intravenous colistin as therapy for nosocomial infections caused by muhidrug·-re-- sistant Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Acinetobacter bauman— nii.Clin Infect Dis,1999,28:1008—1011.
8. Garnacho—Montero J.Ortiz—Leyba C,Jimrnez-Jimrnez FJ,et a1.Treatment of multidrug-resistant Acinetobacter baumannii ventilator—associated pneumonia(VAP)with intravenous colistin:a comparison with imipenem—susceptible VAP.Clin Infect Dis,2003,36:1111-l118.
9. Linden PK,Kusne S,Coley K。et a1.Use of parenteral colis— tin for the treatment of serious infection due to antimicrobi— al-resistan t Pseudomonas aeFuginosa.Clin Infect Dis,2003, 37:e154-el60. 9 Markou N,Apostolakos H ,Koumoudiou C,et a1.In~avenous colistin in the treatment of sepsis from multiresistant Gram. negative bacilli in critically ill patients.Crit Care,2003,7: R78一R83.
10. Kasiakou SK,Michalopoulos A,Soteriades ES,et a1.Combination therapy with intravenous colistin for management of infections due to multidrug·-resistant Gram·-negative bacteria in patients wi thout cystic fibrosis.Antimicrob Agents Chemo 山er,2005,49:3136-3146.
11. Michalopoulos A,Kasiakou SK,Mastora Z,et a1.Aerosolized colistin for the treatment of nosocomial pneumonia due to muhidrug--resistant Gram--negative bacteria in patients without cystic fibrosis.Crit Care,2005,9:R53一R59.
12. Landman D,Bratu S,Alam M ,et a1.Citywide emergence of Pseudomonas aeruginosa strains with reduced susceptibility to polymyxin B.J Antimicrob Chemother,2005.55:954— 957.
13. Souli M ,Kontopidou FV,Koratzanis E,et a1.In vitro activity of tigecycline against multiple-drug-resistant,including pan— resistant,gram -negative and gram—positive clinical isolates from Greek hospitals.Antimicrob Agents Chemother,2006, 50:3166-3169.
14. Taccone FS,Rodriguez—Villalobos H ,De Backer D,et a1. Successful treatment of septic shock due to pan—resistan t Acinetobacter baumannii using combined antimicrobial therapy including tigecycline.Eur J Clin Microbiol Infect Dis, 2006,25:257-260.
15. Jones RN,Huynh HK,Biedenbach DJ.Activities of doripen— em(S-466 1)against drug—resistant clinical pathogens.Antimicrob Agents Chemother,2O04,48:3136—3140..
  1. 1. Paterson DL.The epidemiological profile of infections with muhidrug--resistant Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Acineto-- bacter species.Clin Infect Dis,2006。43(Suppl 2):$43- S48.
  2. 2. 1 Sobieszczyk ME,F(xiàn)uruya EY,Hay CM ,et a1.Combination therapy with polymyxin B for the treatment of muhidrug·-re·- sistan t Gram -negative respiratory tract infections.J Antimi— crob Chemother,2004,54:566-569.
  3. 3. Falagas ME,Bliziotis IA.Pandrug-resistan t Gram—negative bacteria:the dawn of the post—antibiotic era?Int J Antimi— crob Agents,2007,29:630-636.
  4. 4. Rahal JJ.Novel antibiotic combinations against infections with almost completely resistant Pseudomonas aeFuginosa and Acinetobacter species.Clin Infect Dis,2006,43(Suppl 2):$95一$99.
  5. 5. Bratu S,Tolaney P,Karumudi U,et a1.Carbapenemase—pro— ducing Klebsiella pneumoniae in Brooklyn,NY:molecular epidemiology an d in vitro activity of polymyxin B and other agents.J Antimicrob Chemother,2005,56:128—132.
  6. 6. Dubois V,Arpin C,Melon M,et a1.Nosocomial outbreak due to a multiresistant strain of Pseudomonas aeruginosa P12:eficacy of cefepime—amikacin therapy an d analysis of beta—lactam resistance.J Clin Microbiol,2001,39:2072— 2078.
  7. 7. Levin AS,Barone AA,Pen~o J,et a1.Intravenous colistin as therapy for nosocomial infections caused by muhidrug·-re-- sistant Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Acinetobacter bauman— nii.Clin Infect Dis,1999,28:1008—1011.
  8. 8. Garnacho—Montero J.Ortiz—Leyba C,Jimrnez-Jimrnez FJ,et a1.Treatment of multidrug-resistant Acinetobacter baumannii ventilator—associated pneumonia(VAP)with intravenous colistin:a comparison with imipenem—susceptible VAP.Clin Infect Dis,2003,36:1111-l118.
  9. 9. Linden PK,Kusne S,Coley K。et a1.Use of parenteral colis— tin for the treatment of serious infection due to antimicrobi— al-resistan t Pseudomonas aeFuginosa.Clin Infect Dis,2003, 37:e154-el60. 9 Markou N,Apostolakos H ,Koumoudiou C,et a1.In~avenous colistin in the treatment of sepsis from multiresistant Gram. negative bacilli in critically ill patients.Crit Care,2003,7: R78一R83.
  10. 10. Kasiakou SK,Michalopoulos A,Soteriades ES,et a1.Combination therapy with intravenous colistin for management of infections due to multidrug·-resistant Gram·-negative bacteria in patients wi thout cystic fibrosis.Antimicrob Agents Chemo 山er,2005,49:3136-3146.
  11. 11. Michalopoulos A,Kasiakou SK,Mastora Z,et a1.Aerosolized colistin for the treatment of nosocomial pneumonia due to muhidrug--resistant Gram--negative bacteria in patients without cystic fibrosis.Crit Care,2005,9:R53一R59.
  12. 12. Landman D,Bratu S,Alam M ,et a1.Citywide emergence of Pseudomonas aeruginosa strains with reduced susceptibility to polymyxin B.J Antimicrob Chemother,2005.55:954— 957.
  13. 13. Souli M ,Kontopidou FV,Koratzanis E,et a1.In vitro activity of tigecycline against multiple-drug-resistant,including pan— resistant,gram -negative and gram—positive clinical isolates from Greek hospitals.Antimicrob Agents Chemother,2006, 50:3166-3169.
  14. 14. Taccone FS,Rodriguez—Villalobos H ,De Backer D,et a1. Successful treatment of septic shock due to pan—resistan t Acinetobacter baumannii using combined antimicrobial therapy including tigecycline.Eur J Clin Microbiol Infect Dis, 2006,25:257-260.
  15. 15. Jones RN,Huynh HK,Biedenbach DJ.Activities of doripen— em(S-466 1)against drug—resistant clinical pathogens.Antimicrob Agents Chemother,2O04,48:3136—3140..
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