• 衛(wèi)生部中日友好醫(yī)院呼吸內科(北京 100029);

目的 了解我院呼吸內科門診就診的哮喘患者疾病控制的情況。方法 選擇2006年2月~2006年5月在中日友好醫(yī)院呼吸內科門診就診的哮喘患者,通過問卷采用醫(yī)生與患者面對面的調查方法。結果 101例哮喘患者平均年齡(47.5±14.8)歲,平均病程(9.1±12.8)年。有各種社會保障的患者占80.2%。哮喘控制情況:19.8%的患者在過去的一年內曾因哮喘加重住院,40.6%的患者在過去的一年內曾因病情加重看過急診,在47例在職人員中有29例(61.7%)有過請假誤工,4名學生中有3名曾因哮喘加重而請假誤學。完全控制率為37.6%(38/101),良好控制以上的患者達到75.2%。哮喘控制測試(ACT)評分顯示38.6%的患者總分達到25分,被認為是完全控制。病情監(jiān)測情況:95.1%的患者在診斷哮喘后曾進行過肺功能的檢查,72.3%的患者在過去一年內曾進行過肺功能的檢查,約有1/3(36.6%)的患者擁有峰流速儀,但僅有13例(12.9%)每日使用峰流速儀進行病情監(jiān)測。治療情況:77.2%的患者有呼吸專科醫(yī)生制定的長期治療計劃,87.1%的患者長期每日規(guī)律使用吸入型糖皮質激素。結論 由于哮喘教育管理工作的開展和哮喘規(guī)范化治療的推廣,哮喘總體控制水平較前有明顯改善。

引用本文: 蘇楠,楊萌,徐靜,陳欣,林江濤. 門診支氣管哮喘患者控制現狀的調查分析. 中國呼吸與危重監(jiān)護雜志, 2007, 6(2): 97-100. doi: 復制

1. Bateman ED,Boushey HA,Bousquet J,et al.Can guideline-defined asthma control be achieved? The Gaining Optimal Asthma Control Study.Am J Respir Crit Care Med,2004,170:836-844.
2. Rabe KF,Vermeire PA,Soriano JB,et al.Clinical management of asthma in 1999:the Asthma Insights and Reality in Europe (AIRE) study.Eur Respir J,2000,16:802-807.
3. Rabe KF,Adachi M,Lai CK,et al.Worldwide severity and control of asthma in children and asdults:the global asthma insights and reality surveys.J Allergy Clin Immunol,2004,114:40-47.
4. Lai CK,De Guia TS,Kim YY,et al.Asthma control in the Asia-Pacific region:the Asthma Insights and Reality in Asia-Pacific Study.J Allergy Clin Immunol,2003,111:263-268.
5. Global Initiative for Asthma (GINA).Global strategy for asthma management and prevention:NHLBI/WHO Workshop report.Bethesda:National Heart,Lung and Blood Institue.National Institute of Health,2006.
6. Nathan RA,Sorkness CA,Kosinski M,et al.Development of the asthma control test:a survey for assessing asthma control.J Allergy Clin Immunol,2004,113:59-65.
7. Cote J,Cartier A,Robichaud P,et al.Influence on asthma morbidity of asthma education programs based on self management plans following treatment optimization.Am J Respir Crit Care Med,1997,155:1509-1514.
8. 中華醫(yī)學會呼吸病學會哮喘學組.支氣管哮喘防治指南(支氣管哮喘的定義、診斷、治療及教育和管理方案).中華內科雜志,2003,42:817-822.
9. Boushey HA,Sorkness CA,King TS,et al.Daily versus as-needed corticosteroids for mild persistent asthma.N Engl J Med,2005,352:1519-1528.
10. O’Byrne PM,Barnes PJ,Rodriguez-Roisin R,et al.Low dose inhaled budesonide and formoterol in mild persistent asthma:the OPTIMA randomized trial.Am J Respir Crit Care Med,2001,164:1392-1397.
11. 何權瀛.我國十余年支氣管哮喘教育和管理工作的回顧與展望.中華結核和呼吸雜志,2003,26:141-142.
12. 母雙,何權瀛.支氣管哮喘患者系統(tǒng)教育和管理效果評估.中國呼吸與危重監(jiān)護雜志,2005,4:86-91.
13. 林江濤,何冰,朱元玨,等.北京市各級醫(yī)院呼吸系病專業(yè)醫(yī)師哮喘基礎知識問卷調查結果分析.中華結核和呼吸雜志,1997,20:271-275.
14. 林江濤,王志虹,農英,等.對北京市遠郊區(qū)縣呼吸專業(yè)醫(yī)師哮喘教育情況的調查.中華全科醫(yī)師雜志,2003,2:14-17.
15. Nathan RA,Sorkness CA,Kosinski M,et al.Development of the asthma control test:a survey for assessing asthma control.J Allergy Clin Immunol,2004,113:59-65.
  1. 1. Bateman ED,Boushey HA,Bousquet J,et al.Can guideline-defined asthma control be achieved? The Gaining Optimal Asthma Control Study.Am J Respir Crit Care Med,2004,170:836-844.
  2. 2. Rabe KF,Vermeire PA,Soriano JB,et al.Clinical management of asthma in 1999:the Asthma Insights and Reality in Europe (AIRE) study.Eur Respir J,2000,16:802-807.
  3. 3. Rabe KF,Adachi M,Lai CK,et al.Worldwide severity and control of asthma in children and asdults:the global asthma insights and reality surveys.J Allergy Clin Immunol,2004,114:40-47.
  4. 4. Lai CK,De Guia TS,Kim YY,et al.Asthma control in the Asia-Pacific region:the Asthma Insights and Reality in Asia-Pacific Study.J Allergy Clin Immunol,2003,111:263-268.
  5. 5. Global Initiative for Asthma (GINA).Global strategy for asthma management and prevention:NHLBI/WHO Workshop report.Bethesda:National Heart,Lung and Blood Institue.National Institute of Health,2006.
  6. 6. Nathan RA,Sorkness CA,Kosinski M,et al.Development of the asthma control test:a survey for assessing asthma control.J Allergy Clin Immunol,2004,113:59-65.
  7. 7. Cote J,Cartier A,Robichaud P,et al.Influence on asthma morbidity of asthma education programs based on self management plans following treatment optimization.Am J Respir Crit Care Med,1997,155:1509-1514.
  8. 8. 中華醫(yī)學會呼吸病學會哮喘學組.支氣管哮喘防治指南(支氣管哮喘的定義、診斷、治療及教育和管理方案).中華內科雜志,2003,42:817-822.
  9. 9. Boushey HA,Sorkness CA,King TS,et al.Daily versus as-needed corticosteroids for mild persistent asthma.N Engl J Med,2005,352:1519-1528.
  10. 10. O’Byrne PM,Barnes PJ,Rodriguez-Roisin R,et al.Low dose inhaled budesonide and formoterol in mild persistent asthma:the OPTIMA randomized trial.Am J Respir Crit Care Med,2001,164:1392-1397.
  11. 11. 何權瀛.我國十余年支氣管哮喘教育和管理工作的回顧與展望.中華結核和呼吸雜志,2003,26:141-142.
  12. 12. 母雙,何權瀛.支氣管哮喘患者系統(tǒng)教育和管理效果評估.中國呼吸與危重監(jiān)護雜志,2005,4:86-91.
  13. 13. 林江濤,何冰,朱元玨,等.北京市各級醫(yī)院呼吸系病專業(yè)醫(yī)師哮喘基礎知識問卷調查結果分析.中華結核和呼吸雜志,1997,20:271-275.
  14. 14. 林江濤,王志虹,農英,等.對北京市遠郊區(qū)縣呼吸專業(yè)醫(yī)師哮喘教育情況的調查.中華全科醫(yī)師雜志,2003,2:14-17.
  15. 15. Nathan RA,Sorkness CA,Kosinski M,et al.Development of the asthma control test:a survey for assessing asthma control.J Allergy Clin Immunol,2004,113:59-65.