• 1 南昌大學(xué)第一附屬醫(yī)院燒傷中心(江西南昌 330006);;
  • 2 兒科;

目的 探討高頻震蕩通氣(HFOV)和常規(guī)機械通氣(CMV)及其聯(lián)合肺表面活性物質(zhì)(PS)對重度蒸汽吸入性肺損傷并呼吸衰竭的治療效果。方法 新西蘭大白兔37只制成重度蒸汽吸入性肺損傷并呼吸衰竭模型,隨機分為五組,采用四種方法進(jìn)行通氣治療(CMV,HFOV,CMV+PS及HFOV+PS),分別在治療后1,2,3及4 h取動脈血行血氣分析。治療4 h后處死動物,取右肺下葉稱重后,計算濕質(zhì)量/干質(zhì)量比值(W/D);右肺中葉4個不同部位(依賴區(qū)和非依賴區(qū))取標(biāo)本,行病理學(xué)檢查。對照組不行機械通氣。結(jié)果 傷后PaO2均降至60 mm Hg 以下,各組傷前、傷后組內(nèi)比較均有顯著性差異(P lt;0.01),各組PaCO2傷前、傷后組間比較均無顯著性差異(P gt;0.05)。4個治療組的PaO2均在通氣治療1 h后明顯上升,通氣治療4 h內(nèi)PaO2維持在良好水平。HFOV組和HFOV+PS組的PaO2分別高于CMV組和CMV+PS組(P lt;0.01,P lt;0.05);CMV+PS組在傷后2 h,HFOV+PS組在傷后2和3 h,PaO2明顯優(yōu)于相應(yīng)未加PS組(P lt;0.05)。肺泡氣-動脈血氧分壓差[P(A-a)O2]在HFOV組和HFOV+PS組分別低于CMV組和CMV+PS組(P lt;0.01,P lt;0.05);CMV+PS組和HFOV+PS組在治療2,3及4 h,P(A-a)O2均分別顯著低于CMV組和HFOV組(P lt;0.05)。4個治療組傷后各時點的PaCO2均無明顯變化(P均 gt;0.05);傷前、傷后各時點的動脈壓和中心靜脈壓也無明顯變化(P均 gt;0.05)。肺組織W/D在HFOV和CMV組,HFOV+PS組和CMV+PS組間比較均無顯著性差異(P均 gt;0.05);加用PS組與相應(yīng)未加PS組比較有顯著性差異(P lt;0.05)。肺組織病理學(xué)檢查發(fā)現(xiàn)HFOV組的損傷程度較CMV組明顯減輕,HFOV+PS組損傷最輕,CMV組損傷最重。結(jié)論 HFOV聯(lián)合PS能提高蒸汽吸入性損傷兔的PaO2,減輕肺損傷,且對循環(huán)功能無不良影響,是治療吸入性損傷并呼吸衰竭較好的方法。

引用本文: 王少根,郭光華,付忠華,周四芳. 高頻震蕩通氣聯(lián)合肺表面活性物質(zhì)治療吸入性肺損傷并急性呼吸衰竭的實驗研究. 中國呼吸與危重監(jiān)護雜志, 2007, 6(1): 39-44. doi: 復(fù)制

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2. Rotta AT,Gunnarsson B,F(xiàn)uhrman BP,et al.Comparison of lung protective ventilation strategies in a rabbit model of acute lung injury.Crit Care Med,2001,29:2176-2184.
3. 劉志遠(yuǎn),黎鰲,楊宗城.兔呼吸道蒸汽燒傷后肺表面活性物質(zhì)的變化.第三軍醫(yī)大學(xué)學(xué)報,1984,6:1-7.
4. 謝爾凡,楊宗城,黎鰲.肺灌洗及外源性表面活性物質(zhì)治療煙霧吸入性損傷的實驗研究.中華外科雜志,1997,35:745-748.
5. 楊波,羅奇志,閆喬生.應(yīng)用肺表面活性物質(zhì)治療重度吸入性損傷六例.中華燒傷雜志,2003,19:368.
6. Lewis J,McCaig L,Hafner D,et al.Dosing and delivery of a recombinant surfactant in lung injury adult sheep.Am J Respir Crit Care Med,1999,159:741-747.
7. Ikegami M,Wada K,Emerson GA,et al.Effects of ventilation style on surfactant metabolism and treatment response in preterm lambs.Am J Respir Crit Care Med,1998,157:638-644.
8. Plavka R,Keszler M.Interaction between surfactant and ventilatory support in newborns with primary surfactant deficiency.Biol Neonate,2003,84:89-95.
9. Plavka R,Kopecky P,Sebron V,et al.Early versus delayed surfactant adminstration in extremely premature neonates with repiratory distress syndrome ventilated by high-frequency oscillatory ventilation.Intensive Care Med,2002,28:1483-1490.
10. Van Kaam AH,Haitsma JJ,Dik WA,et al.Response to exogenous surfactant is different during open lung and conventional ventilation.Crit Care Med,2004,32:774-780.
11. Slutsky AS.Ventilator-induced lung injury:From barotraumas to biotrauma.Respir Care,2005,50:646-659.
12. 宋鵬,李琦,王長征,等.17例重癥急性呼吸窘迫綜合征臨床資料回顧性分析.中國呼吸與危重監(jiān)護雜志,2006,5:35-38.
13. 俞森洋.重視對急性呼吸窘迫綜合征肺保護性通氣策略的研究和應(yīng)用.中國呼吸與危重監(jiān)護雜志,2002,1:193-196.
14. von der Hardt K,Kandler MA,F(xiàn)ink L,et al.High frequency oscillatory ventilation suppresses inflammatory response in lung tissue and microdissected alveolar macrophages in surfactant depleted piglets.Pediatr Res,2004,55:339-346.
15. Ito Y,Manwell SE,Kerr CL,et al.Effects of ventilation strategies on the efficacy of exogenous surfactant therapy in a rabbit model of acute lung injury.Am J Respir Crit Care Med,1998,157:149-155.
16. van Kaam AH,Dik WA,Haitsma JJ,et al.Application of the open-lung concept during positive-pressure ventilation reduces pulmonary inflammation in newborn piglets.Bio Neonate,2003,83:273-280.
17. Joseph CA, Robert CM, Christopher AD, et al.Effect of ventilation rate on intilled surfactant distribution in the pulmonary airways of rat.J Appl Physiol, 2004,97:45-46.
18. Naill DF, Thomas ES.New therapies for adults with acute lung injury-high frequency oscillatory ventilation.Crit Care Clin,2002,18:91-106.
19. Veldhuizen RA,Inchley K,Hearn SA,et al.Degradation of surfactant-associated protein B(SP-B) during in vitro conversion of large to small surfactant aggregates.Biochem J,1993,295:141-147.
20. 鄭華飛,劉遠(yuǎn)志,楊宗城.家兔煙霧吸入性損傷早期肺表面活性物質(zhì)存在形式的改變及意義.中華燒傷雜志,2004,20:362-364.
21. Imai Y,Nakagawa S,Ito Y,et al.Comparison of lung protective strategies using conventional and high-frequency oscillatory ventilation.J Appl Physiol,2001,91:1836-1844.
22. Frerking I,Gunther A,Seeger W,et al.Pulmonary surfactant:function,abnormalities and therapeutic options.Intensive Care Med,2001,27:1699-1717.
  1. 1. 楊宗城.吸入性損傷研究進(jìn)展.中華燒傷雜志,2000,16:137-140.
  2. 2. Rotta AT,Gunnarsson B,F(xiàn)uhrman BP,et al.Comparison of lung protective ventilation strategies in a rabbit model of acute lung injury.Crit Care Med,2001,29:2176-2184.
  3. 3. 劉志遠(yuǎn),黎鰲,楊宗城.兔呼吸道蒸汽燒傷后肺表面活性物質(zhì)的變化.第三軍醫(yī)大學(xué)學(xué)報,1984,6:1-7.
  4. 4. 謝爾凡,楊宗城,黎鰲.肺灌洗及外源性表面活性物質(zhì)治療煙霧吸入性損傷的實驗研究.中華外科雜志,1997,35:745-748.
  5. 5. 楊波,羅奇志,閆喬生.應(yīng)用肺表面活性物質(zhì)治療重度吸入性損傷六例.中華燒傷雜志,2003,19:368.
  6. 6. Lewis J,McCaig L,Hafner D,et al.Dosing and delivery of a recombinant surfactant in lung injury adult sheep.Am J Respir Crit Care Med,1999,159:741-747.
  7. 7. Ikegami M,Wada K,Emerson GA,et al.Effects of ventilation style on surfactant metabolism and treatment response in preterm lambs.Am J Respir Crit Care Med,1998,157:638-644.
  8. 8. Plavka R,Keszler M.Interaction between surfactant and ventilatory support in newborns with primary surfactant deficiency.Biol Neonate,2003,84:89-95.
  9. 9. Plavka R,Kopecky P,Sebron V,et al.Early versus delayed surfactant adminstration in extremely premature neonates with repiratory distress syndrome ventilated by high-frequency oscillatory ventilation.Intensive Care Med,2002,28:1483-1490.
  10. 10. Van Kaam AH,Haitsma JJ,Dik WA,et al.Response to exogenous surfactant is different during open lung and conventional ventilation.Crit Care Med,2004,32:774-780.
  11. 11. Slutsky AS.Ventilator-induced lung injury:From barotraumas to biotrauma.Respir Care,2005,50:646-659.
  12. 12. 宋鵬,李琦,王長征,等.17例重癥急性呼吸窘迫綜合征臨床資料回顧性分析.中國呼吸與危重監(jiān)護雜志,2006,5:35-38.
  13. 13. 俞森洋.重視對急性呼吸窘迫綜合征肺保護性通氣策略的研究和應(yīng)用.中國呼吸與危重監(jiān)護雜志,2002,1:193-196.
  14. 14. von der Hardt K,Kandler MA,F(xiàn)ink L,et al.High frequency oscillatory ventilation suppresses inflammatory response in lung tissue and microdissected alveolar macrophages in surfactant depleted piglets.Pediatr Res,2004,55:339-346.
  15. 15. Ito Y,Manwell SE,Kerr CL,et al.Effects of ventilation strategies on the efficacy of exogenous surfactant therapy in a rabbit model of acute lung injury.Am J Respir Crit Care Med,1998,157:149-155.
  16. 16. van Kaam AH,Dik WA,Haitsma JJ,et al.Application of the open-lung concept during positive-pressure ventilation reduces pulmonary inflammation in newborn piglets.Bio Neonate,2003,83:273-280.
  17. 17. Joseph CA, Robert CM, Christopher AD, et al.Effect of ventilation rate on intilled surfactant distribution in the pulmonary airways of rat.J Appl Physiol, 2004,97:45-46.
  18. 18. Naill DF, Thomas ES.New therapies for adults with acute lung injury-high frequency oscillatory ventilation.Crit Care Clin,2002,18:91-106.
  19. 19. Veldhuizen RA,Inchley K,Hearn SA,et al.Degradation of surfactant-associated protein B(SP-B) during in vitro conversion of large to small surfactant aggregates.Biochem J,1993,295:141-147.
  20. 20. 鄭華飛,劉遠(yuǎn)志,楊宗城.家兔煙霧吸入性損傷早期肺表面活性物質(zhì)存在形式的改變及意義.中華燒傷雜志,2004,20:362-364.
  21. 21. Imai Y,Nakagawa S,Ito Y,et al.Comparison of lung protective strategies using conventional and high-frequency oscillatory ventilation.J Appl Physiol,2001,91:1836-1844.
  22. 22. Frerking I,Gunther A,Seeger W,et al.Pulmonary surfactant:function,abnormalities and therapeutic options.Intensive Care Med,2001,27:1699-1717.