• 1. 川北醫(yī)學(xué)院附屬醫(yī)院外科(南充 637000)2. 華西醫(yī)科大學(xué)附屬第一醫(yī)院普外科;

引用本文: 幸天勇,楊金巧. 乳腺癌的基因研究進展. 中國普外基礎(chǔ)與臨床雜志, 1998, 5(5): 310-312. doi: 復(fù)制

1. Noguchi M, Koyasaki N, Ohta N, et al. Cerb B2 oncoprotein expression versus internal mammary lymph node metastases as additional prognostic factors in patients with axillary lymph nodepositive breast cancer. Cancer, 1992; 69(13)∶2953.
2. Berchuck A, Kamel A, Whitaker R, et al. Overexpression of Her2/new is associated with poor survival in advanced epithelial ovarian cancer. Cancer Research, 1990; 50(13)∶4087.
3. Allred DC, Clark GM, Molina R, et al. Overexpression of Her2/new and its relationship with other prognostic factors change during the progression of in situ to invasive breast cancer. Human Pathology, 1992; 23(9)∶974.
4. Porter PL, Garcia R, Moe R, et al. Cerb B2 oncogene protein in situ and invasive lobular breast neoplasia. Cancer, 1991; 68(2)∶331.
5. Wright C, Nicholson S, Angus B, et al. Relationship Cerb B2 protein product expression and response to endocrine therapy in advanced breast cancer. British Journal of Cancer, 1992; 65(1)∶118.
6. Vaughb JP, Stekler J, Demirdji S, et al. Inhibition of the Cerb B2 tyrisne kinase receptor in breast cancer cells by phosphoromonothioate and phosphorodithioate antisence oligonucleotides. Nucleic Acids Res, 1996; 24(3)∶4558.
7. Visscher DW, Wallis T, Awussah S, et al. Evaluation of myc and chromosome δ copy number in breast carcinoma by interphase cytogenetics. Egenes Cgromosomes Cancer, 1997; 18(1)∶1.
8. Lindlom A, Skoog L, Rotstein S, et al. Loss of Heterozygosity in familial breast carcinomas carcinogenesis. Cancer Research, 1993; 53(18)∶4356.
9. Alan H. Signal transduction through small GTPasesa tale of two GAPs. Cell, 1992; 69(3)∶389.
10. Weinbery RA. Oncogenes, antioncogenes, and the moleeular bases of multistep. Cancer Research, 1989; 49(11)∶3713.
11. Cropps CS, Lidereau R, Leone A, et al. NME1 protein expression and loss of heterozygosity mutations in primary haman breast tumors. Journal of the National Cancer Institute, 1994; 86(15)∶1167.
12. 顧學(xué)文,陶曉鈺,陳月香. nm23基因在人乳腺癌中的表達及與淋巴結(jié)轉(zhuǎn)移的關(guān)系.實用癌癥雜志, 1997; 12(1)∶9.
13. 王川,張祥福,楊發(fā)端等. nm23在乳腺癌中的表達及其預(yù)后意義.福建醫(yī)學(xué)院學(xué)報, 1995; 29(3)∶236.
14. Mudenda B, Green JA, Breen B, et al. The relationship between serus p53 autoantibodies and characteristics of human breast cancer. Br J Cancer, 1994; 69(6)∶1115.
15. 蔡永東,武正英,王樂.乳腺癌中抗癌基因p53突變及其臨床預(yù)后.實用癌癥雜志,1997; 12(2)∶117.
16. Vander KK, Rookus MA, Peterse HL, et al. p53 protein overexpression in relation to risk factors for breast cancer. Eridemiol, 1996; 144(10)∶924.
17. Silviastrini R, Veneronis, Diadone MG, et al. The bcl2 protein: a prognostic indicator strongly related to p53 protein in lymph nodenegative breast cancer patients. J Natl Cancer Inst, 1994; 84(13)∶499.
18. Barbareschi M, Caffo O, Veronese S, et al. bcl2 and p53 expression in nodenegative breast carinoma: a study with longterm followup. Hum Pathol, 1996; 27(11)∶1149.
19. Sierra A, Castellague X, Tortola S, et al. Apoptosis loss and bcl2 expression: key determinants of lymph nodemetastases in T1 breast cancer. Clin Canc Res, 1996; 2(11)∶1887.
20. Lee WY, Jin YT, Tzeng CC. Reciprocal expression of bcl2 and p53 in breast ductal carcinoma. Anticancer Res, 1996; 16(50)∶A3007.
  1. 1. Noguchi M, Koyasaki N, Ohta N, et al. Cerb B2 oncoprotein expression versus internal mammary lymph node metastases as additional prognostic factors in patients with axillary lymph nodepositive breast cancer. Cancer, 1992; 69(13)∶2953.
  2. 2. Berchuck A, Kamel A, Whitaker R, et al. Overexpression of Her2/new is associated with poor survival in advanced epithelial ovarian cancer. Cancer Research, 1990; 50(13)∶4087.
  3. 3. Allred DC, Clark GM, Molina R, et al. Overexpression of Her2/new and its relationship with other prognostic factors change during the progression of in situ to invasive breast cancer. Human Pathology, 1992; 23(9)∶974.
  4. 4. Porter PL, Garcia R, Moe R, et al. Cerb B2 oncogene protein in situ and invasive lobular breast neoplasia. Cancer, 1991; 68(2)∶331.
  5. 5. Wright C, Nicholson S, Angus B, et al. Relationship Cerb B2 protein product expression and response to endocrine therapy in advanced breast cancer. British Journal of Cancer, 1992; 65(1)∶118.
  6. 6. Vaughb JP, Stekler J, Demirdji S, et al. Inhibition of the Cerb B2 tyrisne kinase receptor in breast cancer cells by phosphoromonothioate and phosphorodithioate antisence oligonucleotides. Nucleic Acids Res, 1996; 24(3)∶4558.
  7. 7. Visscher DW, Wallis T, Awussah S, et al. Evaluation of myc and chromosome δ copy number in breast carcinoma by interphase cytogenetics. Egenes Cgromosomes Cancer, 1997; 18(1)∶1.
  8. 8. Lindlom A, Skoog L, Rotstein S, et al. Loss of Heterozygosity in familial breast carcinomas carcinogenesis. Cancer Research, 1993; 53(18)∶4356.
  9. 9. Alan H. Signal transduction through small GTPasesa tale of two GAPs. Cell, 1992; 69(3)∶389.
  10. 10. Weinbery RA. Oncogenes, antioncogenes, and the moleeular bases of multistep. Cancer Research, 1989; 49(11)∶3713.
  11. 11. Cropps CS, Lidereau R, Leone A, et al. NME1 protein expression and loss of heterozygosity mutations in primary haman breast tumors. Journal of the National Cancer Institute, 1994; 86(15)∶1167.
  12. 12. 顧學(xué)文,陶曉鈺,陳月香. nm23基因在人乳腺癌中的表達及與淋巴結(jié)轉(zhuǎn)移的關(guān)系.實用癌癥雜志, 1997; 12(1)∶9.
  13. 13. 王川,張祥福,楊發(fā)端等. nm23在乳腺癌中的表達及其預(yù)后意義.福建醫(yī)學(xué)院學(xué)報, 1995; 29(3)∶236.
  14. 14. Mudenda B, Green JA, Breen B, et al. The relationship between serus p53 autoantibodies and characteristics of human breast cancer. Br J Cancer, 1994; 69(6)∶1115.
  15. 15. 蔡永東,武正英,王樂.乳腺癌中抗癌基因p53突變及其臨床預(yù)后.實用癌癥雜志,1997; 12(2)∶117.
  16. 16. Vander KK, Rookus MA, Peterse HL, et al. p53 protein overexpression in relation to risk factors for breast cancer. Eridemiol, 1996; 144(10)∶924.
  17. 17. Silviastrini R, Veneronis, Diadone MG, et al. The bcl2 protein: a prognostic indicator strongly related to p53 protein in lymph nodenegative breast cancer patients. J Natl Cancer Inst, 1994; 84(13)∶499.
  18. 18. Barbareschi M, Caffo O, Veronese S, et al. bcl2 and p53 expression in nodenegative breast carinoma: a study with longterm followup. Hum Pathol, 1996; 27(11)∶1149.
  19. 19. Sierra A, Castellague X, Tortola S, et al. Apoptosis loss and bcl2 expression: key determinants of lymph nodemetastases in T1 breast cancer. Clin Canc Res, 1996; 2(11)∶1887.
  20. 20. Lee WY, Jin YT, Tzeng CC. Reciprocal expression of bcl2 and p53 in breast ductal carcinoma. Anticancer Res, 1996; 16(50)∶A3007.