• 1. 海軍總醫(yī)院肝膽外科(北京100037)2. 解放軍總醫(yī)院普外教研室;


引用本文: 張志成,黃志強,孟憲鈞. 一氧化氮、血栓素/前列環(huán)素及ATP與肝硬變大鼠肝臟缺血再灌注損傷. 中國普外基礎(chǔ)與臨床雜志, 1998, 5(4): 205-207. doi: 復(fù)制

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2. 王成彬,田亞平,沈文梅等.魯米諾化學發(fā)光測定一氧化氮,自由基生命科學進展.北京:原子能出版社,1995∶159.
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4. 嚴濤,張平,孟憲鈞等.熒光素酶系測定組織ATP、ADP、AMP水平的生物發(fā)光法.第三軍醫(yī)大學學報,1987; 9(6)∶294.
5. Paul CK, Rebecca AS. The emerging multifaceted role of nitric oxide. Ann Surg, 1995; 221∶220.
6. Askin DL, Valle MR, Heck DE, et al.Hepatic nitric oxide production following acute endotoxemia in rats is mediated by increased inducible nitric oxide synthase gene expression. Hepatology, 1995; 22(3)∶223.
7. Beckman JS, Beckman TW, Chen J, et al. Apparent hydroxyl radical production by reroxynitrite:implications for endothelial injury from nitric oxide and superoxide. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA, 1990; 87(8)∶1620.
8. Billiar TR. The delicate balance of nitric oxide and superoxide in liver pathology. Gastroenterology, 1995; 108(6)∶603.
9. Bush LR, Campbell WB, Buja LM, et al. Effects of the selective thromboxane synthetase inhinitor dazoxiben on variatious in cyclic blood flow in stenosed canine coronary arteriess. Circulation, 1984; 69(9)∶1161.
10. Sikujara O, Moden M, Toyoshima K,et al. Cytoprotective effect of prostaglandin I2 on ischemiareperfusion hepatic cell injury. Transpiantantion, 1983; 36(3)∶238.
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  1. 1. 韓德五.肝硬化動物模型研究.山西醫(yī)藥雜志, 1979; 4(1)∶1.
  2. 2. 王成彬,田亞平,沈文梅等.魯米諾化學發(fā)光測定一氧化氮,自由基生命科學進展.北京:原子能出版社,1995∶159.
  3. 3. 李振甲,王仁芳主編.激素的放射免疫分析.第1版.北京:科學技術(shù)文獻出版社,1985∶138.
  4. 4. 嚴濤,張平,孟憲鈞等.熒光素酶系測定組織ATP、ADP、AMP水平的生物發(fā)光法.第三軍醫(yī)大學學報,1987; 9(6)∶294.
  5. 5. Paul CK, Rebecca AS. The emerging multifaceted role of nitric oxide. Ann Surg, 1995; 221∶220.
  6. 6. Askin DL, Valle MR, Heck DE, et al.Hepatic nitric oxide production following acute endotoxemia in rats is mediated by increased inducible nitric oxide synthase gene expression. Hepatology, 1995; 22(3)∶223.
  7. 7. Beckman JS, Beckman TW, Chen J, et al. Apparent hydroxyl radical production by reroxynitrite:implications for endothelial injury from nitric oxide and superoxide. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA, 1990; 87(8)∶1620.
  8. 8. Billiar TR. The delicate balance of nitric oxide and superoxide in liver pathology. Gastroenterology, 1995; 108(6)∶603.
  9. 9. Bush LR, Campbell WB, Buja LM, et al. Effects of the selective thromboxane synthetase inhinitor dazoxiben on variatious in cyclic blood flow in stenosed canine coronary arteriess. Circulation, 1984; 69(9)∶1161.
  10. 10. Sikujara O, Moden M, Toyoshima K,et al. Cytoprotective effect of prostaglandin I2 on ischemiareperfusion hepatic cell injury. Transpiantantion, 1983; 36(3)∶238.
  11. 11. Marubayashi S, Takenaka M, Dohi K, et al. Adenine nucleotide metabolism during hepatic ischemia and subequent blood reflow periods and its relation to organ viablity. Transplantaion, 1980; 30(3)∶294.