• 廣西醫(yī)科大學第一附屬醫(yī)院胃腸腺體外科(南寧530021);

目的  評價B超引導下核心針活檢術(shù)(CNB)對不可觸及的乳腺病變(NPBL)的診斷價值。方法  采用18G Tru-cut針結(jié)合活檢槍對88例患者的96個NPBL行B超引導下CNB,并與切除活檢病理結(jié)果比較。結(jié)果  NPBL大小4~23mm(平均13.1mm)。在CNB中,86個為良性,2個為可疑惡性,6個為惡性,2個取材不良。在切除活檢中9個為惡性,87個為良性。CNB可疑惡變的2個NPBL均為惡性,1個惡性NPBL誤診為乳腺腺病,取材不良的2個NPBL均為良性。本組NPBL中惡性病變占9.38%(9/96),B超引導下CNB對NPBL的良惡性診斷正確率為98.94%(93/94),診斷乳腺癌的敏感性為88.89%(8/9),特異性為100%(8/8),良性病變的病理診斷符合率為97.70%(85/87),取材不良為2.08%(2/96)。結(jié)論  B超引導下CNB對NPBL的診斷具有較高的敏感性和特異性,結(jié)果準確可靠。

引用本文: 曾健,陸云飛,林進令,陳玲. B超引導下核心針活檢術(shù)診斷不可觸及的乳腺病變. 中國普外基礎(chǔ)與臨床雜志, 2001, 8(5): 340-341. doi: 復制

1. Pijnappel RM, Van Dalen A, Rinkes IH, et al. The diagnostic accuracy of core biopsy in palpable and nonpalpable breast lesions 〔J〕. Eur J Radiol, 1997; 24(2)∶120.
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4. Sneige N, Tulbah A. Accuracy of cytologic diagnosis made from touch imprints of imageguided needle biopsy specimens of nonpalpable breast abnormalities 〔J〕. Diagn Cytopathol, 2000; 23(1)∶29.
  1. 1. Pijnappel RM, Van Dalen A, Rinkes IH, et al. The diagnostic accuracy of core biopsy in palpable and nonpalpable breast lesions 〔J〕. Eur J Radiol, 1997; 24(2)∶120.
  2. 2. Fornage BD. Sonographically guided needle biopsy of nonpalpable breast lesions 〔J〕. J Clin Ultrasound, 1999; 27(7)∶385.
  3. 3. Sneige N, Fornage BD, Saleh G. Ultrasoundguided fineneedle aspiration of nonpalpable breast lesions: cytologic and histologic findings 〔J〕. Am J Clin Pathol, 1994; 102(1)∶98.
  4. 4. Sneige N, Tulbah A. Accuracy of cytologic diagnosis made from touch imprints of imageguided needle biopsy specimens of nonpalpable breast abnormalities 〔J〕. Diagn Cytopathol, 2000; 23(1)∶29.