• 四川大學(xué)華西醫(yī)院普外科(成都610041);

腸內(nèi)或稱(chēng)經(jīng)腸營(yíng)養(yǎng)(enteral nutrition)是經(jīng)胃腸道用口服或管飼來(lái)提供可滿(mǎn)足、超過(guò)或補(bǔ)充代謝需要的營(yíng)養(yǎng)基質(zhì)及其他各種營(yíng)養(yǎng)素的營(yíng)養(yǎng)方式[1]。經(jīng)過(guò)漫長(zhǎng)的臨床實(shí)踐與技術(shù)發(fā)展,腸內(nèi)營(yíng)養(yǎng)的優(yōu)越性越來(lái)越為人們所重視?!叭绻c道有功能,就應(yīng)使用腸道”的原則已為大多數(shù)臨床醫(yī)師所接受。近年來(lái)外科術(shù)后早期腸內(nèi)營(yíng)養(yǎng)(early enteral nutrition)的研究亦有較多的進(jìn)展。

引用本文: 胡建昆. 外科手術(shù)后早期腸內(nèi)營(yíng)養(yǎng). 中國(guó)普外基礎(chǔ)與臨床雜志, 2003, 10(4): 407-409. doi: 復(fù)制

1. 17 Pupelis G, Austrums E, Jansone A, et al. Randomised trial of safety and efficacy of postoperative enteral feeding in patients with severe pancreatitis: preliminary report [J]. Eur J Surg, 2000; 166(5)∶383 18Sustic A, Krznaric Z, Uravic M, et al.Influence on gallbladder volume of early postoperative gastric supply of nutrients [J]. Clin Nutr, 2000; 19(6)∶413.
2. 蔣朱明,朱預(yù)主編. 人工胃腸支持腸外與腸內(nèi)營(yíng)養(yǎng) [M]. 第1版. 北京: 人民衛(wèi)生出版社,1993∶179~210.
3. Berger MM, BergerGryllaki M, Wiesel PH, et al. Intestinal absorption in patients after cardiac surgery [J]. Crit Care Med, 2000; 28(7)∶2217.
4. 秦新裕,劉寒. 腸內(nèi)營(yíng)養(yǎng)與胃腸動(dòng)力 [J]. 中國(guó)實(shí)用外科雜志, 2003; 23(2)∶81.
5. de Luis DA, Aller R, Izaola O, et al. Postsurgery enteral nutrition in head and neck cancer patients [J]. Eur J Clin Nutr, 2002; 56(11)∶1126.
6. Rayes N, Seehofer D, Hansen S, et al. Early enteral supply of lactobacillus and fiber versus selective bowel decontamination: a controlled trial in liver transplant recipients [J]. Transplantation, 2002; 74(1)∶123.
7. Rayes N, Hansen S, Seehofer D, et al. Early enteral supply of fiber and Lactobacilli versus conventional nutrition: a controlled trial in patients with major abdominal surgery [J]. Nutrition, 2002; 18(7-8)∶609.
8. Braga M, Gianotti L, Nespoli L, et al. Nutritional approach in malnourished surgical patients: a prospective randomized study [J]. Arch Surg, 2002; 137(2)∶174.
9. Di Carlo V, Gianotti L, Balzano G, et al. Complications of pancreatic surgery and the role of perioperative nutrition [J]. Dig Surg, 1999; 16(4)∶320.
10. Brooks AD, Hochwald SN, Heslin MJ, et al. Intestinal permeability after early postoperative enteral nutrition in patients with upper gastrointestinal malignancy [J]. JPEN J Parenter Enteral Nutr, 1999; 23(2)∶75.
11. Riso S, Aluffi P, Brugnani M, et al. Postoperative enteral immunonutrition in head and neck cancer patients [J]. Clin Nutr, 2000; 19(6)∶407.
12. Page RD, Oo AY, Russell GN, et al. Intravenous hydration versus nasojejunal enteral feeding after esophagectomy: a randomised study [J]. Eur J Cardiothorac Surg, 2002; 22(5)∶666.
13. Aiko S, Yoshizumi Y, Sugiura Y, et al. Beneficial effects of immediate enteral nutrition after esophageal cancer surgery [J]. Surg Today, 2001; 31(11)∶971.
14. Bozzetti F, Braga M, Gianotti L, et al. Postoperative enteral versus parenteral nutrition in malnourished patients with gastrointestinal cancer: a randomised multicentre trial [J]. Lancet, 2001; 358(9292)∶1487.
15. Wu GH, Zhang YW, Wu ZH. Modulation of postoperative immune and inflammatory response by immuneenhancing enteral diet in gastrointestinal cancer patients [J]. World J Gastroenterol, 2001; 7(3)∶357.
16. Braga M, Gianotti L, Gentilini O, et al. Early postoperative enteral nutrition improves gut oxygenation and reduces costs compared with total parenteral nutrition [J]. Crit Care Med, 2001; 29(2)∶242.
17. Gianotti L, Braga M, Gentilini O, et al. Artificial nutrition after pancreaticoduodenectomy [J]. Pancreas, 2000; 21(4)∶344.
18. Pacelli F, Bossola M, Papa V, et al. Enteral vs parenteral nutrition after major abdominal surgery: an even match [J]. Arch Surg, 2001; 136(8)∶933.
19. 張思源, 劉燕萍. 胃腸內(nèi)營(yíng)養(yǎng)支持的并發(fā)癥 [J]. 中國(guó)實(shí)用外科雜志, 2003; 23(2)∶83.
  1. 1. 17 Pupelis G, Austrums E, Jansone A, et al. Randomised trial of safety and efficacy of postoperative enteral feeding in patients with severe pancreatitis: preliminary report [J]. Eur J Surg, 2000; 166(5)∶383 18Sustic A, Krznaric Z, Uravic M, et al.Influence on gallbladder volume of early postoperative gastric supply of nutrients [J]. Clin Nutr, 2000; 19(6)∶413.
  2. 2. 蔣朱明,朱預(yù)主編. 人工胃腸支持腸外與腸內(nèi)營(yíng)養(yǎng) [M]. 第1版. 北京: 人民衛(wèi)生出版社,1993∶179~210.
  3. 3. Berger MM, BergerGryllaki M, Wiesel PH, et al. Intestinal absorption in patients after cardiac surgery [J]. Crit Care Med, 2000; 28(7)∶2217.
  4. 4. 秦新裕,劉寒. 腸內(nèi)營(yíng)養(yǎng)與胃腸動(dòng)力 [J]. 中國(guó)實(shí)用外科雜志, 2003; 23(2)∶81.
  5. 5. de Luis DA, Aller R, Izaola O, et al. Postsurgery enteral nutrition in head and neck cancer patients [J]. Eur J Clin Nutr, 2002; 56(11)∶1126.
  6. 6. Rayes N, Seehofer D, Hansen S, et al. Early enteral supply of lactobacillus and fiber versus selective bowel decontamination: a controlled trial in liver transplant recipients [J]. Transplantation, 2002; 74(1)∶123.
  7. 7. Rayes N, Hansen S, Seehofer D, et al. Early enteral supply of fiber and Lactobacilli versus conventional nutrition: a controlled trial in patients with major abdominal surgery [J]. Nutrition, 2002; 18(7-8)∶609.
  8. 8. Braga M, Gianotti L, Nespoli L, et al. Nutritional approach in malnourished surgical patients: a prospective randomized study [J]. Arch Surg, 2002; 137(2)∶174.
  9. 9. Di Carlo V, Gianotti L, Balzano G, et al. Complications of pancreatic surgery and the role of perioperative nutrition [J]. Dig Surg, 1999; 16(4)∶320.
  10. 10. Brooks AD, Hochwald SN, Heslin MJ, et al. Intestinal permeability after early postoperative enteral nutrition in patients with upper gastrointestinal malignancy [J]. JPEN J Parenter Enteral Nutr, 1999; 23(2)∶75.
  11. 11. Riso S, Aluffi P, Brugnani M, et al. Postoperative enteral immunonutrition in head and neck cancer patients [J]. Clin Nutr, 2000; 19(6)∶407.
  12. 12. Page RD, Oo AY, Russell GN, et al. Intravenous hydration versus nasojejunal enteral feeding after esophagectomy: a randomised study [J]. Eur J Cardiothorac Surg, 2002; 22(5)∶666.
  13. 13. Aiko S, Yoshizumi Y, Sugiura Y, et al. Beneficial effects of immediate enteral nutrition after esophageal cancer surgery [J]. Surg Today, 2001; 31(11)∶971.
  14. 14. Bozzetti F, Braga M, Gianotti L, et al. Postoperative enteral versus parenteral nutrition in malnourished patients with gastrointestinal cancer: a randomised multicentre trial [J]. Lancet, 2001; 358(9292)∶1487.
  15. 15. Wu GH, Zhang YW, Wu ZH. Modulation of postoperative immune and inflammatory response by immuneenhancing enteral diet in gastrointestinal cancer patients [J]. World J Gastroenterol, 2001; 7(3)∶357.
  16. 16. Braga M, Gianotti L, Gentilini O, et al. Early postoperative enteral nutrition improves gut oxygenation and reduces costs compared with total parenteral nutrition [J]. Crit Care Med, 2001; 29(2)∶242.
  17. 17. Gianotti L, Braga M, Gentilini O, et al. Artificial nutrition after pancreaticoduodenectomy [J]. Pancreas, 2000; 21(4)∶344.
  18. 18. Pacelli F, Bossola M, Papa V, et al. Enteral vs parenteral nutrition after major abdominal surgery: an even match [J]. Arch Surg, 2001; 136(8)∶933.
  19. 19. 張思源, 劉燕萍. 胃腸內(nèi)營(yíng)養(yǎng)支持的并發(fā)癥 [J]. 中國(guó)實(shí)用外科雜志, 2003; 23(2)∶83.